Miraculous Prayer to the Holy Trinity for Protection from Coronavirus – Faithful to God

One of the solutions to coronavirus is to entrust ourselves to God. Everything can and we must remember that the only way to get out of dark places is to humble ourselves, to be able to decrease in us and grow in it. God has something good prepared for us, but the only way out of all this is by praying, begging for grace to accompany our lives. You can feel his presence, and then celebrate in it that you have overcome everything. Therefore, we are going to use a miraculous prayer to the Holy Trinity for protection from Coronavirus.

If we prostrate ourselves before the feet of the Lord we will be protected not only by his mercy but also by the blood of Christ. Let us remember that faith can move great mountains. But before making this prayer known to you, I will explain to you the importance of the Holy Trinity and the great power of being able to entrust healing favors to it and why is the Coronavirus capable of disappearing from this world?

Prayer to the Holy Trinity to achieve disappearance and protect the world from Coronavirus

When we speak of asking Jesus or God, when we believe we entrust ourselves to the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity means or is the belief that these three are one. With the same power and purpose. The Catholic Church affirms it this way, because it is believed that there is only one God with unparalleled power and capable of giving us the salvation we need. A great reason to do the miraculous prayer to the Holy Trinity for protection from Coronavirus.

The truth is that we must beat the Coronavirus with the help of Godof Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Because only they have the power to fight against plagues, diseases, pandemics and everything bad that may be stalking the world. Put this into practice miraculous prayer to the Holy Trinity for protection from Coronavirus with great faith so that your pleas are delivered and heard in heaven.

Holy Trinity, for me it is necessary to implore your intersection

We need your support and company worldwide.

For the healing of everyone who is going through a difficult pandemic.

I hope you listen to me and be part of the miracle of healing,

what is about to happen on earth.

I am looking for a miracle that gives relief and healing to the sick who suffer from this Coronavirus.

Please I ask you to listen to my pleas, take care of all my loved ones.

Take care of the little Angels who are the children,

Helpless and innocent of the evil of this world.

We have challenged the spiritual forces a thousand times,

But right now we pray with repentance.

You can see our hearts and our sins.

You can understand them and above all you can realize how powerful it is to pray.

The supplications will rise to heaven from all the people who perform this prayer.

We seek salvation, despite being sinful and imperfect humans.

But the love of our Creator has no limits towards us.

He sent his own son to healing.

I plunder all the evils on this earth, because the power of Evil is not great, much less powerful.

Declare with us that the world is cured of this pandemic.

Enlighten and use doctors as heroes, give them the strength and serenity they need.

The calm of being in isolation, they need it a lot. May the Holy Spirit intercede before us.

We beg you to hear these sincere wishes!

Right now we need you, the Holy Trinity.

God, Son, God the Father and Holy Spirit who represent a single person.

This is the only power we need accompanying us in these difficult times.

I am not afraid, because I trusted the word is written.

You come to our aid and help, because you are the most special thing that exists in this world.

All this has a reason to be just give me the patience to wait for your perfect time.

We will see the most important miracle happen by the Holy Trinity.

It will act and work in our lives, helping us to be better people.

May solidarity accompany our brothers. The sick will get the medicine and the cure.

The vaccine for healthy people.

We will help with a plate of food to those most in need.

Because we are all brothers in Christ and we must treat each other equally.

We will unite like we never did in prayer, believing and giving you the position you deserve.

You are the King of Kings, you are a single person who understands, loves unconditionally and also does not forsake us night or day.

I am happy that you are in my heart. I enjoy when you bless and touch my life and that of my loved ones.

I entrust to you my family, which is far away.

As well as strength for the families that this pandemic left apart.

May worry not win this battle. Don’t let anguish enter our hearts.

I will wait for the beautiful miracle that is about to happen.

Let these words reach the most needy people.

I will never get tired of taking your word and believing in you. Give the encouragement that many have lost.

I will lend my shoulder of support to whoever needs to lean on.

Jesus carried the heavy cross from time to time for us, without asking for anything in return.

Pouring out his eternal love on all people.

Today I am not afraid Holy Trinity,

I feel encouraged and listened to.

Rest in you my anxieties and worries. Today you tell me that everything will be fine.

Wait and hope that everything will work out. That faith is moving mountains.

Debts will no longer be worries, because with health we can do everything.

Keep my hope alive with the fire of your love. Don’t let me get lost on dark road.

And if there is a way that is a tool for you, please let me see it.

I want to be useful and testify even more than I have done of your word.


Why believe in the power of the Holy Trinity and how to know that they are the same Persons?

The bible has certain parts that makes us understand by using the plural sense using or when in Genesis we find something like: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” (Gen 1:26) making us understand that they are all one person and from this part we get this miraculous prayer to the Holy Trinity for protection from Coronavirus.

We can also find this in the simple prayer of the father when we say “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” It is not something that they do not say very clearly, but God exists and many times he has tried to enter among us in any way. Luckily, we have his infinite love representing whatever the person or the message, we must always keep in mind that he accompanies us wherever he wants us to be. His show of love is the most unconditional that can exist in this world.

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