Miraculous Prayer for the Blessing of Wine Bless him Lord! – Faithful to God

When we speak of Christian prayer, we mean what to pray is . Furthermore, it is a very important means for the believer, who has believed in his heart and confessed with his mouth; that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the world. Who gave his life on the cross of Calvary and it is through him that today we do this miraculous prayer for the blessing of wine.

Also, it can be said that the blessing: It is known as the action of blessing, praise and favor. On the other hand, it is said of wine that It is the juice of fermented grapes. The sacred scriptures teach that wine represents the blood of Christ; shed on the cross for love of humanity, for the forgiveness of sins. We will see how this is part of the life of those who believe and love God.

Miraculous prayer for the blessing of wine

Jehovah God of Hosts,

My father, in the name of

your beloved Son Jesus, I give you

Thank you; also glory and honor.

Because only you are worthy

my King, to be adored

and also exalted by

all centuries.

Oh my God in heaven, you

I apologize to everyone

my sins, my rebellions

and my iniquities.

Lord listen and attend

to my prayer, for love

to your name; because I know

that you are a compassionate God.

Also, you are slow to

wrath and great in mercies;

That’s why I beg you to work


Bless the wine Lord, and

glorify yourself in our

lives, because the wine

represents your blood.

Because for our

sins the Father

sent to earth to die

on a cross, help us, Lord.

Also, I pray Jesus

of my soul, that just as

you shed your blood for

give me life, renew my being.

It also heals my wounds

Lord, because the blood that

you poured out on the cross

makes him acceptable to the Father.

Since the wine represents

your blood, which you spilled

to make me free from everything

sin. Excuse me sir.

Likewise, I am you

grateful my King, because

you denied yourself

I beg you bless the wine.

My God for you that no

there is nothing impossible for you

I pray, anoint the wine as well

restore me and sanctify me.

Let me see your glory

in me, since your blood

shed on the cross represents

fermented grape wine.

Jesus, educate your word that

grace poured into your

lips, because of it I want

thank you for what you did for me.

You are the being that obeyed

to the Father, until death for

I bless you for that reason, because

you were for him like a pleasant wine.

Lamb of God, Jesus

I give thanks because you gave yourself

like a delicious wine and

nice, please save me.

Since you were pleased to offer

before our Heavenly Father

like a lamb without blemish

I beg you, sanctify me.

Also, I pray Lord

that you fill me with your love

mercy, and be like

the wine pleasing to the Father.

Also help me Jesus to

to be an imitator of you like you

of our Father, and to be for him

like the pure wine of pleasant grapes.

Lord, since the fermented wine

resembles your spilled blood

for my sins I beg you wash me

and clean me more and more

of my wickedness

Jehovah Eternal King

before your presence I humble myself and

I recognize your lordship help me

to be pleasant to you like wine.

Mighty Savior of mine, likewise

My Lord, I recognize that there is no

God like you, I implore you to

exiles to be for you like wine.

God of great mercies

I adore you and also

exalted Receive all glory

Because you are the Most High God

and powerful. For this reason, you

please satiate me with your love

like pure wine.

Thank you I give you my dildo, for

this wonderful day.

Finally, I thank you my

God of heaven, for having

heard my prayer.

I trust you

and I wait for your answer.


I pray to God for the blessing of the wine

It has been obtained as a result, that prayer is talking with God; also, that it is a means through which one can seek the face of the Almighty, and raise petitions before him, with the faith and confidence that he listens to us and will respond according to his will, which is perfect and nice.

It has also been understood that wine is the juice of fermented grapes, where it biblically represents the precious blood that Christ the Savior of the world shed for humanity for. And that it is through Jesus that allows us to do this miraculous prayer for the blessing of wine.

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