Matthew 17:20 – Faith Moves Mountains – Biblical Meaning

Faith moves mountains is a bible quote with a key meaning, it is one of those phrases with a truth that is often misunderstood. There are people who deduce that they are living in faith when in essence they are not. Unfortunately faith has been simplified to something natural, when it is totally supernatural. When we say that faith moves mountains, we are unleashing the supernatural, and we are sure that for God there are no impossible things.

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, “I assure you that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will be able to say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

What is the faith?

Faith is the Hebrew term “emunah”: which represents; stability, firmness, confidence, security, fidelity, kingdom, reality, veracity, honesty, loyalty. As we can see, each of these meanings specifies the nature of God. Consequently It is not about supposition or optimism. The component that will establish that the Lord operates is the simple fact that God does not know how to deceive or violate what He has promised. If He has said it, you must have full certainty and security that so shall.

Faith moves mountains meaning.

It is a concrete and sure affirmation, where we are believing in the supernatural power of God. When the believer has faith, it is the mind of the Holy Spirit that has been revealed to your life where you begin to operate and begin to have mastery over this dimension of opportunity, measurement, and knowledge.

Now, faith is the guarantee that ensures a certain event; That is to say, when we say faith moves the mountain, we are giving the firmness of having and possessing the security of God in our hearts, and knowing that nothing exists that is impossible, is recognizing that he is sovereign to make the mountain move; What you are asking to be fulfilled, all those things that (we) resist, is the proof of the substances that (we) do not notice and the total and sure conviction of their reality. Faith discerns as a real fact what is not manifest to the senses.

(Hebrews 11:1, translated from the Amplified Bible) The original Greek reads thus: “Now faith is the reality of the foundation where hope lies or is established, it is the reality of all that exists and exercises control and dominion over the things we don’t see.”

The dimension of faith moves mountains

Faith is the divine preparation provided to man to go beyond the natural realm. If God had needed, from the beginning, man to only live in the natural dimension, he would never have given him faith. God established the natural dimension, God fixed time on earth, but when he formed man he placed eternity in him so that he could live in both dimensions: the natural and the supernatural.
The invisible realm is greater than the natural

It is the reality by which the invisible world dominates the visible world in which we exist. Faith allows us to cross the line of the natural realm and acquire eternity. We must decide in which realm we seek to live: in the realm of time or in the realm of eternity. If we march in the spiritual magnitude.

In the spiritual breadth, everything is, everything is done, everything is consummated: health, prosperity, release, salvation, peace, strength, and all the material, emotional and spiritual supply that we need on this earth; everything before hand was already provided by Jesus for the pact on the cross.

How do you know if faith moves mountains now?

Exclusively through faith. Most believers know where they came from. Some know where they are going. However, very few are those who believe what they are now. Several believers are not clear on what God is doing and signaling now. When we escape from faith to live according to what we see, the enemy moves us to focus on problems, difficulties and diseases; but let us remember that all this is transitory; by faith we understand that everything is happening and dying at every moment. By faith we assume to believe that God is intervening now.

Faith feeds on the impossible

A believer filled with God’s supernatural faith possesses a passionate passion for the impossible, and his faith is nurtured when faced with impossible situations. When God gave each of us our measure of faith, a desire for the impossible comes over our spirit. We were created to have a hunger for the impossible.

Faith manifests as a fait accompli some event or action that has not yet been revealed to the senses. The nature of faith is not to be shown to the senses. So when God commands us to do something, we usually never make sense of it, because if it did make sense it wouldn’t turn out to be supernatural. The carnal mind cannot see the invisible, so it is as if it did not exist.

God has given a measure of faith to each of us. According to the measure of faith that God distributed to each one. (Romans 12:3)

Who has enough faith to move mountains?

All believers have faith, but in different measures. Scripture certifies that we all have faith, but not all of us have the same measure of faith. God will lead those who have believed for even greater things to a greater level of faith. In this way, it is notorious that it has grown. So if we induce our measure of faith even to the limit, at that moment He promotes us to a higher level.

When we prefer to remain comfortable in a place where our faith is not challenged, it is possible that the measure of faith we possess is lost, rather than increased. If we are good stewards of the measure of faith we have, God will provide us with more. Always keep in mind: faith moves mountains.

What does a measure of faith mean?

When scripture refers to a measure, it means that it is the sphere of influence and the level of authority in which you plant your faith to bear fruit. Human beings are capable of influencing either for better or for worse. In the spiritual atmosphere, everything operates according to levels of authority.

For example, each person has been given a measure of authority in the congregation. The dimension of faith that God has given to each of us is to be used effectively according to his level of authority. Always keep in mind that if your measure of faith is capable of to move mountains or tear down fortresses, in the same proportion should be your level of authority. Because each one has been provided with a measure of faith, there will never be an excuse for not believing God that faith moves mountains.

How can we receive faith from God?

Jesus answering said to them: Have faith in God. (Mark 11:22)

In the above verse the correct version is, “Have faith in God.” In the Greek, the verb is in the passive voice, this indicates that the action comes from outside. That is, Jesus does not demand that we have faith in God, but God provides us with the faith that belongs to him. In a few words: our human nature is ineffective to be able to produce faith by itself, that is why it is necessary to reach the faith of God, a strong faith that is capable of moving the foundations, the faith that moves mountains is the measure of faith that God wants you to have

Jesus told Peter: “Peter receives faith from God so that you can bless others”; and in the book of Acts we see Peter doing it. But Peter said: I have neither silver nor gold, but what I have I give you; In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk. (Acts 3:6)

How can we receive faith from God? In order to receive the faith of God, you just have to ask the Lord to open your heart and be dilated with his faith, you ask him to destroy in you all doubt, reasoning, disbelief, and argument; so that you can receive the miracles that he has promised; and so that you can impart to others the faith that the Lord gives you.

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opponents of the faith

There are opponents of the faith who are in constant opposition below are the following:

Be careful, brothers, that there is not in any of you an evil heart of unbelief to turn away from the living God. (Hebrews 3:12)

Unbelief is a devilish spirit that applies reason to lead us to contradict, reject, resist, or oppose God. In this time we get to see how unbelief prevails; even from the pulpits sermons are heard that fortify incredulity, resignation and religiosity.

We find ourselves besieged by a world hostile towards God and the main objective of the enemy is to develop unbelief in believers. We can say, that we are dealing with “polite disbelief”. What do I mean by this? Simply the ability to reason pretends and tries to replace the spiritual man; to achieve this he has developed scientific, philosophical and psychological arguments, in order to destroy faith.

Disbelief has become the context by which we measure our reality; what is possible and what we think is impossible. We have to be completely free from unbelief! The only weighty biblical reason for failure is unbelief.

Truth is one of the highest levels of reality, and you can only understand this by revelation. Jesus is the truth. When God manifests something, what he manifests is the truth and that is fulfilled, despite the situations, or what theologians, doctors or the devil himself explain. God lives in the realm of truth, God will always show you that faith moves huge mountains, to further increase your faith.

“His name is the Great I Am.” (See Hebrews 13:8).

By faith we understand that the universe was constituted. (Hebrews 11:3)

We can see that faith is first and then understanding. Trying to believe God with reason makes absolutely no sense, since this will never allow us to increase our level of faith. The main goal of the enemy is to seclude us within the limits of reason, as he was able to do with Adam in the garden of Eden. For this reason, every time we try to understand God by applying reason, we return to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

When I speak of reason as enmity of faith or of the supernatural, I intend for us to understand an extremely important point: reason or intellect has its place and whether we should use it in this physical world to make decisions in the natural space.

God provided us with reason for a purpose and it is pertinent to use it within the natural world. But when you try to use reason in the spiritual realm, it doesn’t work. This is what I mean when I say that reason is the enemy of faith. I believe that reason is a God-given faculty to operate in the natural world.

Faith is the ability given to every believer to believe what is unreasonable.. Reason never works in favor of faith. When reason tries to function, it separates us from faith. For this reason, much of what God did, and that is written in the Bible, makes little sense to human reason.

How to move from reason to faith?

In order to operate in faith we need to disconnect our reason and “lose” our mind. If you follow your mind, you will live believing in the reasons of a man and you will question…

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