The power of faith that moves mountains. How to experience it

The Bible says a lot about faith, about The power of faith that is capable of moving mountains. You can discover how powerful it is to experience it and be changed by exercising it. Abraham is considered by many to be the father of faith. This is what it says about him in Romans 4:20-22: No unbelief made him waver regarding God’s promise, but he was strengthened in his faith by giving glory to God.

What is the faith?

There are many definitions but, when we consider the life of Abraham, it can be defined as believing in the words of God. This is a simple belief that what God says is true. Faith is unconditional. It does not depend on our circumstances or how we feel. True faith is:

  • Keep going: For it to be real, we must believe long term and, as we see in the example of Abraham, through all the chapters of life.
  • Relentless: faith has power to go through the good times, through the desert and through the waiting times.
  • Our way of observing the world: When we practice faith, we begin to see things from God’s perspective. We perceive spiritual truth as the ultimate truth. We discern the works of the devil for what they are and understand the manifestations of evil and good in the world.

What does faith do?

The power of faith does wonderful things in our lives, things that are important not only for our physical lives, but also for our spiritual lives:

  1. It is the means of salvation: when we exercise faith, we experience the grace of God. That means it allows us to see sin as sin and accept the consequences of that sin. It also allows us to acknowledge that Jesus died for our sins and to see that he rose from the dead so that we can be justified and receive eternal life.
  2. It helps us understand that when we repent, things change, God forgives: with a change of mind and heart.
  3. Through faith, God transforms us: it is the means of sanctification. When we consecrate our lives to God, he purifies us and empowers us.
  4. Faith provides daily life in the power of the Spirit: when we believe, we experience the presence of God and hear his voice.

Why is faith important?

The Bible tells us that we are to live by faith, not by sight. That means we look at the world differently. Romans 14:23 it tells us that everything that does not come by faith is sin. In other words, when we abandon it to live as our appetite, common sense, and reason dictate, we fall into sin.

How do we nurture our faith?

We must feed and exercise our faith so that it is healthy. Here’s a simple way to do that:

  • decide to believe: this decision is our initial birth into a life of faith. We decided that God is trustworthy and that we will not doubt at all anymore. This decision must be firm at the moment and for life.
  • Experience the grace of God: our faith always means that we will experience the grace of God. Faith and grace are inseparably linked with God.
  • Allowing God’s grace to change us: salvation, sanctification, sustained grace for daily living.
  • Keep us in a life of faith: We mainly do this through:
    • : we must have a focused time, a time with God every day. We must also engage in continued prayer, and remember that he is still there.
    • The word: the time we spend reading our Bibles helps us hear the voice of Jesus. We need to read widely gaining as much knowledge of God as we can to quicken the power of faith. That means reading the Bible over and over again. We must also read deeply, meditating on the Scriptures to go deeper into the mind of God.
  • We must continually choose to believe: every time we read and remember the .
  • Hear your voice: faith helps us to hear his voice. As we spend time in the word and the prayer, we hear. We ask questions and wait for the answer.
  • Trust in God’s leadership: Since his leadership is perfect, we follow him wholeheartedly. This carries some risk but also a great reward.

The power of faith

“By faith…he quenched the fury of the flames and escaped the edge of the sword; Hebrews 11:34. There are two sides to everything: black and white, cold or hot, day and night, big or small, rich or poor, among others. The Scriptures present the benefits of faith for those who have made it their own. It’s as if you could make fire out of ice, or light out of darkness, or a bountiful harvest in the desert.

The Apostle Paul said: “…when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Before his conversion, he had worked hard to earn a position of influence with a high reputation in society. He counted one of his privileges; having been advised by one of the most renowned teachers of the time, Gamaliel. Paul also obtained his Roman citizenship, which was somewhat difficult to obtain, especially since he was a Jew by birth.

Furthermore, he was a true Pharisee who surpassed most of his contemporaries. He was well aware of his genealogical lineage; he came from the tribe of Benjamin. He was highly respected as a religious leader. Due to the zeal and dedication that characterized him, Paul was considered a man without reproach. However, when he met Jesus as his Savior. It was as if his previous life had collapsed and everything he had created for himself suddenly counted for nothing. He now had only Jesus to lean on.

In the blink of an eye, all the things that Paul had fought for and conquered became meaningless. However, all his dreams, desires and desires to see his nation redeemed came true on the day of his conversion and why did this happen? By the power of faith. Finally, this man understood that Jesus was everything and that through Christ his life would be different.

Abraham’s Faith Lesson

Abraham is the father of faith. He is the father of the Jewish nation. God tested Abraham by telling him to offer a burnt sacrifice of his only son Isaac for him on Mount Moriah (Genesis 22:1-34). This is one of the greatest trials that has ever happened to anyone who has walked with God before. Imagine, God, asking you to offer your only son as a burnt sacrifice. Abraham was so afflicted, but with the power of faith in God, he listened to him to offer his son, just what God had demanded.

Finally, what happened? Just before he was about to sacrifice his son, God stopped him. He had passed the test of his faith. God blessed him for his unwavering faith. His seed increased like the stars in the sky. Can someone living today have the power of faith in God like Abraham? He is a good example for you and me, we must strengthen our faith in God, even if it costs us our lives.

A Bible lesson on the power of faith

A woman was ill with a problem of blood flow for 12 years, and when she saw Jesus, she said to herself “If I touch your garment I will be healed”. Here is a proclamation of faith that every Christian believer should have. Live the power of faith in God to command every disease, marriage or any type of problem to leave the name of Jesus. This woman touched Jesus’ cloak and actually got healing from him. Jesus turned and said;

“….Daughter; be consoled, your faith has saved you…” (Matthew 9:20-22).

This and other examples of statements of faith recorded in the Bible offer valuable lessons for Christians today. Why not make them our role models? He is the same God we worship today, a God who never changes and never lies.

The power of faith in God is very essential in the life of Christians, so we must keep faith forever. Many times Jesus rebuked his disciples for having little faith; and in the same way, if we live with little faith, God will always rebuke us. Because the life of a Christian without faith is worthless.

By faith we are saved by the grace of God, by faith we can cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ, by faith we can heal all our diseases and ailments, by faith we can solve all kinds of problems that arise in our lives. Jesus wants us to use the power of faith to do greater miracles, to show that the impossible can be possible. He said;

“… If you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, get out of there; and it will be removed; and nothing will be impossible” (Matthew 17:20).

The above verse should rekindle the power of faith you have in God, if you have lost your faith. Jesus Christ died on the cross to triumph over all our enemies, including diseases. He has given us the power to command the forces of evil to leave our lives and all diseases to be healed. But the fuel needed to do all these miracles is “faith in God.” With faith, you can command every mountain of destruction in your life to go away.

The power of faith in God was demonstrated by many. Consider the Centurion who came to Jesus asking him to heal his sick daughter. Jesus told him to go and follow him; but the centurion said “No”, Jesus gave the word and I know that my daughter will be saved. This man was not a follower of Jesus Christ, his work gave him the power to command the army of soldiers. Not being a follower of Jesus, he had great faith in Jesus Christ. After Jesus saw his faith, he marveled and said;

“…Truly I tell you that I have not found such great faith, not in Israel” (Matthew 8:10).

Her faith saved her sick daughter. Although we pray a lot, it seems that we do not receive an answer. It does not mean that we should lose faith in God. Keep believing in God and with unwavering faith like Abraham’s, you will move every mountain that is blocking your path to success. Never lose faith in God and never stop praying.

Christianity is all about faith, even though we can’t see it, we believe it will happen as we expect. Because our ancestors demonstrated the power of faith in God, something better happened to them. Even if our situation seems worse, we must never lose faith.

whatYou have forgotten what happened to Job? He was a faithful servant of God, although he was very rich, he humbled himself before God, and never spoke against Him when he lost all his wealth, including his children. God was happy to discover the power of faith that resided in him, so he abundantly blessed him by doubling every lost property.

Faith is the basis of success, salvation and happiness

Scientists may not believe in the power of faith in God, but as for us Christians, it is the greatest source of our healing, salvation, and happiness. When God tests our beliefs, we must show firmness in the Lord, show unwavering faith until the end and the result will yield something greater than our understanding. Jesus, our redeemer, showed us how faith works and taught us that with faith nothing is impossible.

I hope this article has rekindled the power of faith you have in God. Never let it fade. Keep it lit and you will surely enjoy all the fruits of your faith in the Lord. He will never leave you. He is Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth, there is nothing too difficult for him. What you have to show God is…

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