Let all that breathe praise the Lord, Psalm 150:6

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord, praise God, Psalm 150:6

And let everything that breathes praise the Lord, what the Bible says

Without breath, we cannot live. When we are born, the first thing the doctor does is make sure that air is coming out of us. The breath and the heartbeat represent life, and the word of God tells us that “everything that breathes praise Jehovah”, praise God, who is the giver of life.

That being said, when we breathe we participate in two worlds. The world we live in that can be seen, our natural environment, and the invisible world that we cannot see, and we call it supernatural. As believers, we believe in the forces of the unseen realm.

Let everything that breathes praise Jehovah, praise God; but satan wants to suffocate us

Praise God, for everything that breathes praises the Lord, Psalm 150:6

A python does not bite its prey, instead it engulfs it and begins to contract until its prey is gasping for breath. Each time the prey tries to breathe, the python contracts more and eventually the prey can no longer breathe and dies. The bones may not break, but the snake wrapped so tightly prevents the prey from breathing; and without breath, there is no life.

Let everything that breathes praise Jehovah, praise God according to the Bible

Some compare Satan’s tactics to those of the python. Satan entered the Garden of Eden in the form of a serpent to lure Adam and Eve into sin. Satan has numerous strategies that he uses to lure Christian believers into sin and to prevent and harm them from living God’s best life. Satan is actively trying to take the breath of the Holy Spirit out of us; but the Bible tells us that everything that breathes praise Jehovah, praise God.

Satan will try to entice God’s people to look at pornography, indulge in sexual immorality, drugs and alcohol, and certain lifestyles until we are in such bondage that we can barely breathe. One of our responses to these tactics of Satan is to open our mouths and start praising God. He begins to shout, “Worthy is the Lamb of God!”, For let everything that breathes praise Jehovah, praise God.

Music and singing an important part in the worship of God, because everything that breathes praises Jehovah, praise God

We praise you, Jesus! Psalm 150 is a psalm of praise that we can use to worship God, who can deliver us from Satan’s attacks and bonds. Music and singing were an integral part of Old and New Testament worship. David introduced music in the services of the Tabernacle and the Temple (1 Chronicles 16:4-7), so that everything that breathes praises Jehovah, praises God (Psalm 150:6)

When we choose God’s path to life, we still face life’s blessings and problems, but we know that God will guide us and we who have breath will praise our God who will lead us to victory. Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!” praise God, praise him!

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord, praise God, Psalm 150

A call to worship and praise, because the Bible says everything that breathes praise Jehovah, praise God.

Each Day we begin with a “Call to Worship” from a Psalm or Scripture passage intended to elicit a response. We come together to participate as a community in an activity that should have continued to occupy each one of us individually throughout the week: Devotion, praise and proclamation of the Gospel, in word and deed, so that everything that breathes praises Jehovah, praises God.

Although this call begins our time in general, it specifically begins our songs of praise and worship to the God who is worthy of such worship. Songs like “Praise the Lord Almighty,” “Oh Let A Thousand Tongues Sing” and “All Creatures of Our God and King” are just a few examples of songs we sing regularly to call the church to worship, because all we breathe praise Jehovah, praise God.

Everything that breathes praise Jehovah, all creation is to give him glory, honor and praise, praise God

One of the common themes within each is the broad appeal to all of creation, every creature, and more specifically “everything that has life and breath”; Let all that breathes praise the Lord, Psalm 150:6.. Drawn directly from the oldest songs of the Scriptures, these songs of worship make it known that all of God’s work was created to give him glory, honor and praise.

In Psalm 150 we can see this text written in a precise summary: “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!” God should be praised everywhere and for each of his great works. Therefore, we have a call to take all kinds of instruments and come together to sing as loudly and proudly as possible! What an amazing thought, that God has given every corner of his creation a breath and a “voice” with which to bring him praise, and He gets due glory in the employment of each one when used to that end.

Let everything that breathes praise Jehovah, called to adore and praise him, praise God.

Psalm 150, “let everything that breathes praise the Lord, (Praise the Lord) offers us yet another opportunity to draw near to the Lord and call one another to worship Him, with great joy and thanks. May our fellowship be enriched through this next.

Psalm 150:6 encourages us to praise the Lord, for let everything that breathes praise the Lord, praise God

Praising God we feel a connection with God, his presence in us, let everything that breathes praise Jehovah

You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Psalms that do not encourage us to praise the Lord. One of the main ways to do this is to sing. Several of the Psalms encourage us to sing out loud sometimes, so that everything that breathes praises Jehovah.

I have heard it said that we do not need to sing to praise God. I’m sure there is some truth to that, but singing songs that are familiar to others as well and singing them with them is part of the life of any community; also, let us remember that everything that breathes praises Jehovah.

Young people gather at concerts to listen to their favorite bands and sing songs known to them. They feel the connection that singing together brings and it is part of a need for community that brings a sense of belonging.

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord, because it brings us closer to God

For Christians, singing together also has another dimension. As we sing and worship together, we feel a greater connection to God and can feel his presence growing stronger from him. We feel closer to God.

Praising God, that everything that breathes praises the Lord, Psalm 150:6

Let’s look for a time of praise and worship, because everything that breathes praises Jehovah

Here are some suggestions that might help us connect more during our worship times. We can hum as we think of the words. We can stand up and clap our hands and move around a bit and even dance.

Praise his name with dance, so that everything that breathes praises the Lord

Psalm 150:4 encourages us to praise his name with dances, for let everything that breathes praise Jehovah. We are encouraged to raise our hands to him in worship (1 Timothy 2.8). If it is praise, we can catch the words and reflect on them in our minds while singing. Our time together reflects our own individual devotion.

We can read a Psalm or a scripture that praises God for his greatness and love; let everything that breathes praise the Lord. We can do this when we are together or when we meet. Some have learned to keep a journal and write their own expressions of gratitude and devotion to him.

Praise God in good times and bad, because everything that breathes praises Jehovah

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord

It is interesting that the Bible encourages us to praise him in good times and in difficult times. These are difficult times. I don’t find it so easy in difficult times, but I am learning to praise it in the midst of these restrictions as well.

Let’s look for new ways to praise God, because everything that breathes praises Jehovah

Another way to praise God is to simply rest in his presence. We put on some worship music, find a convenient place to lie down and just kick back and take in the words being sung.

Let’s not let face masks take away from us this wonderful privilege to praise and worship the living God, both together and alone. It’s easy to kick the habit, so let’s find new and inspiring ways to praise him for all he is to us and all he has done for us. And let everything that breathes praise the Lord.

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