Jesus Christ is Almighty God – Bible Study

Biblical studies

(Christian sermons). Introduction: Although the scribes and Pharisees frequently besieged the Master to attack his work and his message, the Lord always triumphed over them. Jesus Christ is Almighty God, and there is no obstacle or difficulty that can stop the Lord’s purposes…

Bible study: Jesus Christ is Almighty God.
Luke 5:24-26 “So that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins (he said to the paralyzed man): I say to you, get up, pick up your bed and go home… and getting up, he took his bed and went home, glorifying God. And all glorified God… saying: today we have seen wonders”.
Jesus is attending to a paralytic who has been brought before him to be healed, and the scribes and Pharisees present there resist the work of Jesus. In the first place we see that the Lord Jesus is presented here as the “Son of Man”, highlighting his divine and human nature, Jesus is one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man.

Precisely from that humanity he understands us and can help us, he was tempted in everything but without sin, he identified with us.
The Lord Jesus Christ has the power to forgive sins, because he is God and he also shed his blood on the cross of Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, Jesus died on the cross, gave his life for ours, and also on the third day he rose from among the dead, ascended to the heavenly Father and will return a second time, raise up his church and establish his kingdom on earth.
We do not know how long that paralyzed man was, but the Lord spoke to him, taking him out of that situation in which he was and he did it through his word, because he said: “I say to you: get up, take your bed, and go to your House”.
Jesus Christ is God, he is our creator and he knows his creation very well in detail, our being is a wonder of the universe, a part of our body can be affected by a blow, a tumor, an inflammation, an infection, or a disease and that situation in some part of our being affects our life and functioning.
Our emotional situations also affect our health, lack of forgiveness, resentment, bitterness, sins that we have not repented of, painful moments that marked our hearts, etc. That is why before ministering healing to the paralytic, Jesus told him : “Man, your sins are forgiven you”.
At the word of Jesus the power of God came over that man, he was forgiven, healed and released. The power of the Lord came over the part of that man that had been affected, and at that very moment he stood up and took his bed and went out to his house and gave glory to God. Imagine what happened in that house, because God is powerful to transform our crises into great victories.

Conclusion: Let us approach God asking forgiveness for our sins, believing that his blood cleanses us from sin, we present our life and our whole being before Jesus, he is the one who forgives us, heals, liberates. Let us allow God to do his work in our midst.

Written by pastor Gonzalo Sanabria.

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