I Want Mercy And Not Sacrifice… Request Of A Loving God Before The Religious

I want mercy and not sacrifice… An unusual expression in the Bible coming from Almighty God. In the sacred scriptures this phrase appears in literal form only three times, expressing not only one deep compassionalso to a certain extent a level of disappointment, before the indolent actions of a people ignorant of the nature, essence and will of God.

Before entering the subject, it is necessary to remember that in ancient times, after the institution of the Pact between God and the house of Jacob; and later based on the Mosaic Law. Israel, who was then the people chosen by Almighty God to manifest his glory in it; had to continually do a large and very diverse amount of sacrifices and rituals; so that God would forgive his sins and be pleased in his holiness (Hebrews 9:22)

However, although all these sacrifices were duly instituted and indicated in the Law; we can see with some bewilderment that they were really far from being the fullness of what God really demanded and wanted from his people, proof of this are these three verses where the continuous argument from God is “I want mercy and not sacrifice”.

I want mercy and not sacrifice…

God says to a people who do not understand him… Who wants to honor him with rituals, but who is not able to see what essentially interests and worries him. A town that seeks to comply with a norm solely for reasons of conscience; but that he has forgotten the most important law, the Law of clemency.

The first time we see this expression is from the mouth of the prophet Hosea. The holy scriptures say:

“Because I want mercy and not sacrifices, knowledge of God more than holocausts.” Hosea 6:6

The people to whom God speaks through his prophet Hosea, were not a pagan people who did not know the Law of God. It was to Israel! but although they already knew the sacred scriptures; apparently not they knew the most important thing, “the God of whom those scriptures speak…”

They had knowledge of the religion but had forgotten”intimacy with God…“They could know all that the Law required; but they had lost sight of the feeling and will of the God who gave them the Law.

As for their spiritual life, they were really in serious trouble, although they had not realized it.

How many times have we been able to fall into such a situation, perfectly aware of what religion demands; but forgetting the main thing clemency what teach and show our God through his presence, how many times our concentration and focus becomes captive of religion and we forget to know intimately that God of true justice, mercy and love in whom we say we believe.

In the times of Jesus hundreds of years later the circumstances were not too different; there were learned and scholarly men in the sacred scriptures but they were not concerned about that essence… justice, mercy and faith, are things that it was necessary to practice without leaving the religious life of which they boasted so much Matthew 23:23-24.

Is it Bad to Know the Word of God?

Certainly not… The Bible is clear that it is good and necessary to search the scriptures (John 5:39). However when we see the knowledge of God as something separate from God himself; who actually is a person, who reveals himself through his word the Bible, then we are on a not good path.

What is really bad is that because we have learned so much, we become proud and religiousness blinds us… Scripture says it well Knowledge without love puffs up (1Corinthians 8:1).

The true balance is in knowing God intimately, what is your intention with each event. Who wants to teach us how he wants to bless us and bless others through us; What is the purpose Of the many adversities that we sometimes face, God said it well through the prophet Jeremiah; “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom nor in his bravery (…) Let him who praises himself praise himself in this to understand and know me… Jeremiah 9:23-24

The word of God must be studied and scrutinized by every Christian, but we must not lose sight of it; that the purpose of all this is not to transform us into the new breed of scholars; but to know God as a person and live according to his designs… God wants us to know him in such a way that we can proceed according to your desire constantly; He really wants us to know how he thinks and what he values ​​more… And that our actions naturally follow his will more and more each day.

But it is not that easy, often our minds choose the path of religion, to the detriment of their will. If we are not careful, we will end up unconsciously choosing the path of the “rite”; The religious action that brings us “according to” acceptance and peace with God… Forgetting that fellowship with Him and salvation are a gift and that proper belief in Jesus is a priority above all else.

Know your heart.

A Jesus seeking mercy…

The next two times the expression is mentioned I want mercy and not sacrifice It is directly from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. And it is precisely related at first to the author of the book, Mateo.

The Bible narrates in Matthew 9:9 that Jesus saw this man sitting on the public tax bench; and he called him to follow him, immediately Mateo followed him, however not long after, already in Mateo’s house. The Pharisees despised Jesus because he ate with publicans and sinners; And they asked the disciples why Jesus did this? Since according to them this contaminated him, and harmed him.

Prejudice ruled the hearts of those men who, due to their status in the society of that time, had to be the example to follow. Jesus’ response to this attitude of the Pharisees was forceful:

“… Jesus said to them:

The healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick.

Go, then, and learn what it means: “I want mercy and not sacrifices”, because I have not come to call the just, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:12-13

Jesus was showing those men what the real need was at that moment. “Call sinners to repentance” How many times have we lost that goal in our actions? How many times do we prefer to share our time only with those who share our ideals, thoughts and perspective on life? ignoring those who may need just a little of our time to feel valued and loved and dignified… would Jesus do the same?

“Learn what it means”: I want mercy and not sacrifice…

God hopes that let’s be sensitive to the life situations of the people around us. That we are not only prejudiced, born to label and displace them; It is necessary to always remember that no matter who it is God loves youand is interested in them. It is not good to walk around with a conceited and prejudiced mentality as if there was no possibility of going through life situations similar to those experienced by those people who are socially often the object of our contempt.

Last mention of Jesus

If you knew what it means: “I want mercy and not sacrifices”, you would not condemn the innocent Matthew 12:7

With this, it is already the second time that Jesus quotes the words spoken by God in antiquity through Hosea… The disciples were gathering ears on the day of rest to alleviate hunger when the Pharisees, seeing them, condemned them for such act (it was forbidden to work on the day of rest).

Do not judge so that you will not be judged… say the sacred scriptures in Matthew 7:1-2, how harsh was the judgment on that dozen hungry men? Would those who censored them imagine that for more than 2000 years their reprehensible actions would be talked about?

We can make many plans but for sure we have no way of knowing what destiny will bring us; Surely Matthew did not imagine that his writings would be read for more than 20 centuries! but God who knows the future and dwells in the eternal present does.

So let’s move away from apathy and misunderstanding of other people’s situations as quickly as we can, and let’s walk as children of God in pursuit of mercy. Remembering that we are neither more nor less than anyone, and that God sees the motives beyond our routines and rites… Living in love should be the goal above religion…

If you liked this article, be sure to read also: The Genuine Believer: An Agent of Heaven on Earth.

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