How to Learn to Pray to God Correctly – Faithful to God

If you want to know how to learn to pray to god correctly, you should pay close attention to the advice that we are going to give you in this article in order to help you. We all want communicate with God in a moment of desperation, but many of us do not know how to do it because we have not been taught.

The first thing we must do is look for the right place, to go to must do it with a lot of respect and focused on what we are doing. It is necessary to keep respect and make our prayers properly in a place away from all noise and distractions.

On the other hand, we must know that praying is not the same as praying, praying is repeating a prayer by heart, but this is not what Our Lord expects of us. God expects us to pray and this is a real conversation, where we talk to him as if we were literally face to face. That is why learning to pray to God correctly is so important.

Saying a daily prayer is the duty of every Christian

Just as we communicate with our partner, with our parents or with our siblings every day, how much more should we do it with our celestial father?

We must always stay in communication with our Heavenly Father, to tell him of our anxieties, to thank you for everything we have thanks to his divine Providence, to ask his forgiveness for our faults and of course to .

So learn to pray to God correctly It is not something so difficult, as long as we do it with good intentions, with sincerity and with great faith. For example:

“God the Father Almighty

one of your children speaks to you, here on earth

I know you always take care of me and protect me from all evil

and that you have never stopped being by my side

For that, I want to thank you, dear Father.

because your kindness knows no limits

and your infinite mercy has bathed me since I knew your name

Lord help all your needy, fallen and sick children

fill them with courage and strength, and guide them along the path of good.”

Another way to start a prayer to speak with God the Father, can be the following:

“Loving and merciful Father Jehovah of Hosts,

Today I address you like every day.

First of all to thank you for all things

good that you give me every day.

Thank you for my health

thank you because i’m alive,

I thank you because I live in a country free of cults,

Thank you because I am free

thank you because I have a roof to shelter me…”

Praying is communicating with God

People who pray daily are always more protected from falling into temptations, their communication with the Celestial fatherkeeps them ready to do what is good and therefore away from sin.

All Christians have the obligation to know how to learn to pray to God correctly, to keep us strengthened in the Lord through prayer. We must know that when praying, we express ourselves naturally and do not use elaborate words that many times we even do not know their meaning.

The sentence must be spontaneous and simplebut very sincere and heartfelt, that each word comes from our hearts and reaches the ears of God with much love and much fervor, so that our Father looks at us with eyes of mercy when he sees our sincerity in trying to tell him something, and bless.

Praying is something natural in us when we know God, it is a divine pact with our Father and it is one of the most efficient ways to find peace and comfort. Thus we must never stop prayingin our lives as children of God.

When we are with God, we will not feel fear, we will not live in anguish, and we will never be helpless. Look for it also in the scriptures and live for your brothers, as our Father would. Since it is the best way to find happiness and salvation, for an eternal and happy life with the Creator.

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