How to ask God for forgiveness for adultery

According to the book of Galatians, adultery is one of the four sexual sins which are the work of the flesh, fornication, uncleanness, and lasciviousness. The apostle Paul speaks of the works of the flesh. Beginning with the sins that are related to the body… Unfortunately, this is one of the least talked about topics in churches; being as such, one of the sins that most abound in it.

This type of sin is to blame for many families being broken in the Church of Christ, and even for many ministries today being destroyed. Next you will find what adultery and fornication are biblically….

What is adultery?

Adultery is the Greek word Umoíqueia”. which denotes the action of having sexual relations with another person outside of marriage.

In the word of God, this sin is called marital infidelity. This is a sin of the flesh, which transgresses or violates the biblical principles established by God.

What is adultery, in the past and in the present, has been an epidemic in the body of Jesus and in the world. We have found that both well-known ministers and ministries have been destroyed because of it. We as a church must speak out and effectively confront this issue.

What is fornication?

The meaning of fornication is the Greek word “porneia” (from which the word pornography is also derived). This is an unlawful sexual relationship between two people who they live together without getting married

Today’s churches are full of people who live together and have children, but are not married; and therefore, God’s blessing does not reach their homes in its entirety.

Why don’t people want to get married?

People don’t want to get married because they don’t want to commit. The thought of him is usually: “If this union does not work, I separate and look for another person”; They are looking for the ideal person, and in the meantime, they live together and are sinning against God.

For example, even if you have four children, if you have not married, you are living in fornication, and this is a sin of the flesh, which God greatly punishes.

types of adultery

1. Adultery of the eyes

The desire of the eyes is one of the main roots of sins. For this reason, Job made a pact with his eyes not to see covetously to a virgin woman.

The translation of the amplified bible reads like this: “I have dictated a pact (an agreement) in my eyes, how could I look lustfully or covetously at a girl? Let us remember that men are tempted, first, through their eyes.

For this, they must have conviction of sin, to make the decision to make a pact to look at the woman in a correct way.

I have made a pact with my eyes, how then should I look upon a virgin?” Job 31.1

2. Adultery of the heart

According to the Word, it is not a sin to see a woman, and admire her with a purity of heart; but, it is a sin to look at it to covet it. When this happens, she has already committed adultery in her heart.

“Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Matthew 5.27

3. Adultery of the mind

There are people who continually play with thoughts of illicit sex; and if a person has these kinds of sexual fantasies in his mind, it is as if he has committed the sin himself. The four types of adultery and fornication begin with a thought, which, if entertained, contaminates the heart, the eyes, and the body.

4. Adultery of the body

This type of sin is the consummation, the physical act of what entered through the eyes and was meditated on. Uniting sexually with a person brings physical, emotional, and spiritual ties, and also, a transference of spirits occurs.

This occurs because the moment they are intimately together, they become one flesh. In release words, that’s called “soul ties.” That is why it is difficult for people who are committing the sin of fornication and adultery to separate.

They want to leave sin, but they cannot. Someone has to help them because they have fallen into the trap of the enemy. This is a sin that comes out of the heart directly because of that, it is so polluting.

What is the attitude of the person who lives in adultery and fornication?

The person who commits what is adultery and fornication is blinded in his understanding by a spirit of deceit and lies; therefore, she does not understand the damage she causes to his family, to his children, and above all, to the kingdom of God.

The soul of the person is fragmenting into pieces, and the individual is losing his personality; because he links his soul with another person; then pieces of the other person’s soul come with him, and pieces of his soul go with the other person

Therefore, he becomes an unstable person, who does not own his own personality; his soul is corrupted. The adulterous person is one who is always emotionally unstable; she is double minded, she is never satisfied, she feels incomplete, unhappy with herself. All this, because of adultery, fornication and sexual promiscuity.

“No one will see me” is a phrase that is repeated in the mind of the one who is an adulterer… Let us remember that even if no one sees us here on earth, there is one who sees everything from heaven, and that is God.

The night is waiting for the eye of the adulterer, of the one who says: ‘No one will see me’, Y hides his face.” Job 24.1

What to do with people who are living in adultery and fornication?

… didGet away from them?

Rather, I wrote to you so that you do not associate with anyone who, calling himself a brother, is a fornicator, a miser, an idolater, a curser, a drunkard. either thief; with such and such do not even eat,Remove, then, that perverse from between us”, 1 Corinthians 5.10-13.

It means that you are going to discard the person who is in adultery, what this passage speaks of, is not to consent to the sin, and first to denounce it to God in prayer to help this brother who has fallen. Hate the sin, not the sinner…”God loves the sinner but hates the sin.”

Our duty is to intercede for our brother, and give him word to turn away from the sin of adultery and fornication.

When sin is committed continually

When sin is committed continuously, the door is opened for a demon to come in and oppress the person. For every work of the flesh, there is a demon that torments every person who continually practices one of them.

When an individual has reached lasciviousness, he has already lost the fear of God in his conscience. They are people who become rapists, child abusers and other aberrations.

They engage in the dirtiest and most violent sexual practices in order to satisfy their compulsive desire. Everything around them is destroyed, such as marriage and family members. Only Jesus can free them from that slavery.

Why are there problems of sexual sins?

There are three main causes, which are the following:

  • Generational Curses: The generational curses They are one of the most common causes, today, they are repetitive, because their parents, grandparents and relatives also had them.
  • Past sexual oppressions, such as: trauma, incest, abuse committed by individuals close to the family.
  • Pornography to tv-radio and magazines. In today’s world, most of the media have a pornographic ingredient in smaller or larger amounts, which affects our mind. But, it is on our part that we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

What are the consequences of sexual promiscuity, such as fornication and adultery?

“But I tell you that whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”, Matthew 5.28

The amplified translation says: “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman a lot to covet her (with bad desires, having sexual fantasies in his mind with her) has already committed adultery with her in his heart”…

It is, for this reason, that pornography, in any of its forms, must be avoided, because it can lead to practices of sexual promiscuity and all acts of uncleanness, which is adultery, fornication are the product of thought of the heart, for giving in to pornography…

Fornication. this is a sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other, adultery is having an illicit sexual relationship with a married person.

Technical fornication and adultery; This is the stimulation of the sexual organs as a lustful act, some people practice these impure acts as an alternative to not having children, or commitments before God.

If the practice of adultery and fornication is not stopped, we will fall into the depths of sexual sins, which will lead us to the following stages:

1. The filth

Dirt is a moral stain on people who are given to lasciviousness and sexual debauchery. Uncleanness is a combination of adultery, fornication, masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, among others.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside, indeed, appear beautiful, but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and all filth. “. Matthew 23.27

2. Lasciviousness

Lasciviousness comes from the Greek word “aselgeia” which denotes excess, lack of restraint, indecency, dissolution. It is one of the evils that come from the heart.

These, after they lost all sensitivity, gave themselves over to debauchery to greedily commit all kinds of impurity.. Ephesians 4.19

“Aselgeia” it is lust, all shameless indecency, unbridled lust, boundless depravity. “To commit sin in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt.”

As you can see, the severity of these sins is progressive. It is called the sin of lasciviousness when the person has reached such a debauchery that he cannot stop committing these acts. It is in a total lack of restraint, lack of decency, it becomes dirty in every aspect.

Lasciviousness is not only committed in the sexual area, but also with the mouth when eating too much, when using drugs and in any sin in general. No person begins to sin unbridled, but rather it is a process whereby he gradually loses control and dominance over his thoughts, his body, his mouth and his life.

I invite you to read also... Iniquity The Body Of Sin In The Life Of The Believer And The Unbeliever

consequences of adultery

  • 1. Adultery and fornication bring spiritual, physical, and emotional death.
  • “If a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and adulteress will inevitably be killed.” Leviticus 20.10
  • two. Adultery will bring temporary and eternal consequences.
  • 3. It will bring consequences in the natural plane such as diseases, poverty and misery; and also, it will bring spiritual consequences such as wounds, pain, brokenness and depression in the family.
  • Four. He who commits adultery is foolish
  • “He who commits adultery also lacks good sense; he who does so corrupts his soul.” Proverbs 6.32
  • 5. The person who commits adultery or any sexual promiscuity is blinded in his understanding by a spirit of deceit and lies; therefore, she does not understand the damage that causes her family, his children, and above all, the kingdom of God.
  • 6. The person who commits adultery corrupts her soul; The word corrupt, in the…

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