How Homosexuality Is Treated In The Bible.

Homosexuality in the Bible alludes to this sinful condition as an abomination before God, and is not accepted, since it misaligns itself with the origin and perfect design of sexuality that God established. The origin of all sin comes from idolatry, this is the beginning of a long chain of sins that are directed by the spirit of fornication.

homosexuality in the bible

Homosexuality in the Bible mentions, which is a condition of perversion of sexual relations, according to what is established in the word of God. This perversion of sexuality occurs when sexual seduction is conducted towards a person of the same sex, the Bible prohibits homosexuality.

To correctly conceptualize everything related to homosexuality, it is necessary that we turn to the word of God that gives us the complete truth about it. In the old and new testaments, God condemns and prohibits the practice of homosexuality, as well as lesbianism.

You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18.22

What does the bible say about homosexuality in the new testament?

Homosexuality in the New Testament says the following:

That is why God gave them up to shameful passions, because even their women exchanged natural relationships for those that go against nature. Likewise also men. Leaving the natural relationship with the woman, they burned in their lasciviousness with each other, men committing shameful deeds with men, Y receiving in themselves the retribution due to their error”. Romans 1.26, 27

Causes of homosexuality according to the bible.

1.- A generational curse

The generational curse of homosexuality in the Bible expresses this condition as the payment decreed by God in the life of a person and his offspring as a consequence of iniquity.

It is the representation through which the deviations of the ancestors are externalized. People tend to express phrases like: “My father or grandfather was experiencing the same thing as me.”

I invite you to learn more about the subject here: Iniquity The Body Of Sin

A curse is the payment given by God on man and his offspring because of iniquity.

This curse is a spirit of homosexuality that is transferred from generation to generation through the father or mother. It can be transmitted by sexual sin in the bloodline of three or four generations back, caused by the sin of idolatry.

Generational sin can start from the practice of anal sex between a man and a woman even within marriage. In this way, the children will receive a spirit that promotes anal sex behavior, which can be with a man or with a woman.

Once the practice is addressed and becomes a repetitive direction, the door is open to receive a spirit of homosexuality.

2.- The rejection of sexuality

When the parents are expecting a baby wishing it to be a girl, and they receive a boy, the baby receives the message of the parents’ rejection in the bottom of his spirit. This message is that her sex is not correct. As a consequence of this parental rejection, the baby will subconsciously try to live up to and fulfill the parental expectations regarding the desired sex.

Parental rejection is fertile ground for a demonic spirit. Specifically, it is another door for this spirit to enter the baby’s life and develop a spirit of homosexuality.

3.- The rebellion against parents

There are families where the child is somehow excessively loved for his sex. That is, they place too much emphasis on him that he is loved just for being a man, and they do not value other areas of his life.. Due to this circumstance, many children rebel against their parents, who are the ones who have placed this imposition on them; and the way to do it is by feeling seduced towards their own sex, which would tear down and destroy that image of a man, macho that has been imposed by parents.

4.- Sexual abuse

This is perhaps the most common cause of homosexual indemnity. It occurs when a person is sexually abused by another. Also, this can happen when children abuse each other; Mainly, if one of them has the generational spirit of homosexuality. In all cases, one of the children encourages the other to continue with this twisted behavior.

5.- Excessive paternal or maternal domination

When a man who is dominated by his mother. At the moment this man tries to get married, he has problems with her because he feels that she is being rejected and sees the other woman as a competition in the heart of her son.

By such a precedent, the man in some opportunities, will look for another man to satisfy his sexual desires; and this is how he enters a life homosexual. This can also occur with women who are dominated or excessively controlled by their parents.

6.- Voluntary homosexual relationships

These relationships arise in people who have no personal or generational background of homosexuality, and who simply want to try everything. When

Undertake this practice voluntarily, acceptance is given to an unclean spirit of homosexuality, and afterwards, it is difficult to get out of this condition, this occurs with the power of God alone.

How can we be free from homosexuality and lesbianism?

We are free through:

  • Make the determination and repent, it is important to confess the sin before God.
  • you must make a disclaimer, written and verbal about this generational curse of homosexuality in the generational line.
  • Make a Break in the spirit world on all curses and cast out all the spirits that operate behind the curse.
  • Renounce idolatry which is one of the origin factors in generating this spirit of homosexuality
  • Renounce the spirit of homosexuality, rejection, abuse, lasciviousness, sexual perversion.
  • Once you receive liberation, you must ask to get out of captivity, and then ask the Lord to fill the areas that were left completely empty by means of these spirits. Ask the Lord to fill you with his presence.
  • You should try to take care of your releaseIn a time of restoration, you must stop hanging out with people with this deviation and the environment where this spirit moves, which could be a temptation and lead you to fall into this sin again. Until then to be fully restored.

God feels love and compassion for the person who practices homosexuality

God feels love and compassion for the person who practices homosexuality, but he terribly hates the sin of homosexuality, it is what he judges.

In the congregations of Christ, homosexual people have been criticized and many times judged. The duty is to help them and bring them to the understanding of the truth, we have isolated them from the church.

Even those people who have come out of this practice, we have judged, mistreated and separated from the church. However, the Word commands us to condemn and hate sin, not the one who practices it. We must stand tall and strongly disagree with the sin of homosexuality; however, we have to love and help the human being who practices it, so that this condition comes out.

One of the points that we must understand is that no person chooses to be homosexual. I believe that the main cause of homosexuality is sin. God did not create anyone homosexual. God made male and female.

“And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1.27

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