History of Saint Lazarus – The Patron Saint of the Poor and Sick – Faithful to God

Dear reader, in the bible two Lazarus are named; Marta’s brother and the one from the Lord’s parables, and although he is someone related to Jesus Christ; and he has also become popular thanks to the devotion of thousands of his followers, becoming the second patron saint of Cuba; but he is also used in other rituals. But which one is the real history of Saint Lazarus, and why is this character so popular; I invite you to continue reading, and know the origin of it.

History of Saint Lazarus Patron of the poor

First this, the Lazarus of the parable told by Lord Jesus Christ; where the teacher talks about a beggar named Lazarus; this name was perpetuated in the middle ages, by words such as lazaretto; which means hospital, lazaron which refers to a beggar on the street; and the order of Lazarus, an order that had a purpose; the care of lepers. With the passage of time, another character was added to the popular traditions; It is Lazarus of Bethany.

Lazarus, was a follower of Christ; that she lived with her two sisters, Marta and María, in the town of Betania; near Jerusalem, whose history; it is found in the book of John, chapter 11. This character dies at the age of 30, when he contracts leprosy; His sisters informed the teacher of Lázaro’s condition, but he had already been dead for four days when he arrived.

His sisters thinking that there was no longer hope; but they were surprised by Jesus; when he entered his tomb and praying, to the Father; he resurrects Lazarus, who walked out of his grave; demonstrating another act of power from the Lord. From there it is used as a synonym for resurrection.

The popular tradition, express that Lázaro; Driven by the friendship he had fostered with Jesus, he becomes a prophet and a Christian; impacting people, with the incredible testimony that he had. Thus deriving the tradition where he is recognized as the patron of the poor and sick.

Tradition of Saint Lazarus in Cuba

It is known that the devotion to Saint Lazarus, occupies the second place after the virgin of charity; the followers of Saint Lazarus offer him different sacrifices; among which the corporal whipping of her stands out, every December 17 many of her devotees; They dress in sackcloth.

The festival takes place in the national sanctuary of San Lázaro; located in the town of the corner, current boyero municipality in the province of havana. The image is placed in the vicinity of the church, because the institution does not recognize the saint worshiped by devotees, in front; there is a bank sheet that works as a piggy bank, where the money is thrown. Nearby is a fountain from which a constant stream of water gushes, which they assume is blessed by the deity.

At midnight on December 16, the devotees are silent before the coming of the day of saint lazarus; As the hour passes, the most significant ceremony of the journey takes place, and with the remaining time, the parish priests try to alleviate the bodily and spiritual pain of the scourged.

the flagellates, you normally keep your miracles hidden; as a fragment of the spirituality that surrounds his tasks. There are numerous devotees, who reserve money throughout the year to be able to make an offering to Saint Lazarus, while others only go to implore.

Dates in which Saint Lazarus is commemorated

The feast of Saint Lazarus, it is recognized by different religious traditions; therefore the dates, which are designated to this, are diverse. The Catholics, to begin with; they start their celebration on July 29, the Byzantine Catholic Church; Together with the Orthodox Church, they initiate their commemoration one day before Palm Sunday. In past times, its date was honored to the saint, December 17 by Roman Catholicism. In Cuba it is also performed on December days.

The Saint of the poor and sick

History of Saint Lazarus. Its history is born in religious traditions; for being synonymous with resurrection, thanks to the fact that he was resurrected by the Lord, that is why he is the patron saint of the poor and sick. He became a very popular flatterer thanks to his followers who have made him very well known, in different parts of the world.

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