God Is Who Gives… Can You Pact With God…? There is no sacrifice or pact with God greater than that made by Jesus Christ on the cross

This of Covenant With God It is a very controversial subject, many think that it is unbiblical and others that it is fine… And there are those who say they can stand before God like that one on one and agree with him freely, thinking that the right thing to do is to tell God, well God, if you give me this, I’ll give you the other, and that’s how they think they can negotiate with God.

This issue of agreeing with God brings many differences between believers, that is, among the church of God. Generally the word pact is associated with money and this results in someone misinterpreting the subject. Bringing out the abilities that some have to loot and question the churches and the faith of many.

It is necessary that as believers we keep in mind that with God we cannot negotiate a miracle, let alone buy it. We can never tell God how much his work is worth, how much his sovereignty is worth, how much his mercy is worth, and how much his power is worth.

God Gives Without Reproach

God is not selfish, God is not the son of man to lie, simply God is God. Our God has fulfilled and will always fulfill everything he has promised us.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

We are going to define the word pact, we are going to scrutinize its exact meaning. We know that a pact is an agreement between two parties that cannot be broken, it is an agreement for the benefit of both parties, if one of them breaks it, it is no longer a pact.

According to the dictionary (in Latin: pactum) it is a solemn, strict and conditional agreement or treaty between two or more parties, in which an obedience to comply with one or more points created in a formal contract is established, which both parties agree to comply with. with actions and collect gratuities from the other party.

Now, knowing the definition of what a pact is and understanding that a pact is the agreement between two parties and that both parties must have something to offer, you consider that it is possible for people to have something to offer to God. Taking into account that God is the absolute owner of absolutely everything, men have nothing to agree with God.

The earth is the Lord’s and its fullness; The world and those who dwell therein.

Psalms 24:1

Our Heavenly Father is sovereign, he is great, he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he is Powerful, he is Merciful, he is Perfect.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, that is, to those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Can Man Pact With God?

So really man can pact with God Or is it that really what we should do are vows with God or make promises to which we are sure we can meet. Because no one wants to sadden the heart of God for not fulfilling a commitment or a promise made with Him, since as humans we are weak and at some point that commitment may not be fulfilled. For this reason, before acquiring any commitment with God, we must be sure that we are going to fulfill it with his own help, since we will not be able to achieve it alone.

So at this moment the question comes to my mind if it is possible that someone can agree with money to get some blessing from God…? God does not have a bank account, nor does he need one because he is the owner of the gold and silver. Now, it’s not wrong for someone to decide to offer something to their church… But buy a benefit from God, receive a blessing in exchange for money…? We must only be obedient to the word of God, since He shows us in his word what and how we should do it.

“Bring all the tithes to the storehouse and there is food in my house; and try me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you, and pour out blessing on you until it overflows.”

Malachi 3:10

The Truth Confronts Us, Teaches Us, and Exhorts Us

Agreement is a guarantee of total loyalty and total commitment between two parties. Today God wants to show us and make us understand what a covenant is. When we really understand it, we will be able to relate directly with God and we will know his purpose, the only and true pact made between God and men was when our Lord Jesus Christ was on the cross of Calvary paying for all our sins and granting us salvation and eternal life. . That pact was and will be unbreakable, absolutely nobody can negotiate better than God as he did for us.

Tempt, Test or Covenant with God

God expects from us obedience more than sacrifices, and he expects that day after day we deny ourselves, to do his will, renouncing our flesh, our delights and our own will, brings us closer to God and his purpose, which brings us closer to God. leads to enjoy its benefits, only God can agree with man since God does fulfill each and every one of the things they promise. he is faithful and he fulfills his commitments, it is not that man should not commit himself to God, on the contrary, we must commit ourselves and comply, God remains faithful to his promises, so he does not need to be tested. Our God is faithful and his mercy is forever, so it is not about making pacts with God, but heartfelt vows and commitments that we can fulfill.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

There is no sacrifice or pact greater than the one our Lord Jesus Christ made on the cross when he paid for all our sins at the price of blood and He gave us salvation. So that there is no sense in any type of human or financial sacrifice. This type of pact or sacrifice would invalidate and the only true sacrifice, an unparalleled event on the cross of Calvary by our Lord Jesus Christ. Any pact or sacrifice would nullify the true meaning of prayer and communion with God. Since any other sacrifice or covenant would suffice to meet our needs, this type of philosophy is totally incongruous with God’s sovereign nature.

It is necessary to emphasize that there are believers who believe that pact with God and receive an answer as expected. But it is necessary to remember and emphasize that our God is sovereign, all powerful, owner of gold and silver, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He can bless who he wants and when he wants, without making agreements, but simply we must obey his word and live under his perfect will.

You can also visit: The Genuine Believer: An Agent of Heaven on Earth

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