God Honors Those Who Honor Him. 7 Ways to Honor God

God honors those who honor him to him, what a beautiful promise these words have that are addressed to us through God! He promises to honor us and all his people, but first we must honor him. We owe him respect at all times and do his will according to what he commands us in his Word.

The meaning of the word honor It comes from the Hebrew “kabod” which implies glory. Honoring God and our parents means praising and esteeming them through obedience, respect, love, and retribution.

This does not mean that we should not be obedient out of obligation, but as children who love him, every act of obedience to his word must be done with love.

Today, society has lost sight of what it means to be honest. Most of the time we lose blessings because we do not know how to honor God, we like to ask him, but what do we do for our Father? In today’s topic, we will tell you how we can honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

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In what way can we honor God?

In the verse of 1 Samuel 2:30 He says:

“That is why, says the Lord, the God of Israel, although I promised that your family and the family of your ancestors would serve me forever, I now withdraw what I said. Because I respect those who respect me, but those who despise me will be dishonored.”

Here we can observe how God promises us honor, if we faithfully honor Him, but if we do not honor Him, He will simply pretend not to know us. Some of the ways to honor him are as follows:

1. The obedience

Every time we obey God we are honoring him.. You always have to say yes to God. It is not something selfish on his part, but when he orders an attitude or an action, it is for some reason that we do not know or for some purpose that we do not expect. It is necessary that when he asks for obedience, we really please him and follow the path that he wants to show us.

A clear example of obedience is that if I like to do something, but I am aware that it is bad in the eyes of God, I should stop doing it. Otherwise I will be committing sin, more dishonor, and I must always remember that “God honors those who honor him.”

2. Praise and worship

We give honor and glory to the Lord through worship and praise. We apply this when we sing to him, we please him with our actions, when we recognize what he does for us and who he is for our lives. Arriving at church with a willingness to praise and thank you, feeling the joy of being in his presence is also a way of honoring him.

3. With our words

We can honor our Lord also through words. When we make promises and agree with Him with a sincere and responsible attitude, fulfilling what we promise, this is undoubtedly an act of respect and honor. A person who makes promises and does not keep them loses value in front of others. We dishonor God when we don’t comply, we also do it when we criticize, judge others, curse and hurt. That’s why,be careful with the words you say!

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4. Excellence

Our Lord Jesus Christ is never given the worst, he is always given the scoop so that the honor and glory is only for Him. Excellence is three fundamental things: time, money and work. A clear example of giving God what is left over is: if I have time, I may pray! If I have time, I go to church! First I will go for a walk or to the movies, I’ll see if I have time to God! Put the Lord first in everything you do always and He will honor you just the same.

5. With our thoughts

Be careful what you say and what you think. We can say many things, but if we have bad thoughts that are not pleasing to God, we are dishonoring and disappointing him. Jesus knew that they dishonored him with his thoughts, so what comes out of our mouth in holiness, let us not harm it with our mind.

6. Service

Christ left each of us gifts and abilities, and we honor him when we use them for him, without expecting anything in return and always thankful for everything he has provided in our lives.

7. Material goods

Offering and giving the first fruits to God of everything we do is an act of respect and honesty. Proverbs 3:9-10 He says:

“Honor the Lord with your riches, with the first fruits of all your harvests: your barns will be filled with wheat and your cellars will overflow with wine.”

Here we can see that God honors those who honor him, that is, as long as we are right with our Father at all times, with our actions and thoughts, he will bless us greatly. Maybe you will ask yourself, how can I know what God wants? To answer this question you must learn to listen to it.

We live in a world where we are always rushing, where we have commitments, a full schedule and no time to stop and listen to God. Not even attending to your own home, which is the first ministry that the Lord commanded you to watch over. Philippian 4:6 He says:

“Do not worry about anything, rather pray about everything. Present his needs to God and then do not stop thanking him for his answers ”.

We must honor our heavenly father by always putting him first, and that means stopping so insistently doing many things that sometimes get out of hand, and simply leaving them in God’s hands. He likes it when you leave your burdens on his shoulders and trust that everything will work out. Many times it doesn’t happen the way we want it to, but it does happen the way we need it, even though sometimes we don’t understand it.

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Its processes can be painful, but we must be certain and confident that at the end of the road we will see the light and understand why we went through all this process. We don’t always have to understand what God wants, but trust that he is the only one who will not fail or disappoint us. His love is and will always be the same, even when we often fail him or turn away. I hope you liked the content and it is of great help to improve your relationship with God.

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