6 Biblical quotes about respect

Biblical quotes about respect show us the way in which we must act to please God and show through our example that we are true Children of God. Respect, then, is the basis of every biblical principle where we must first respect God, our Father and Creator, and we must also respect everything created by him, both our brothers and nature.

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According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the term respect comes from the Latin respectus which means: attention, consideration, veneration. It refers to the respect that is made to someone.

In this way, respect is a value of the utmost importance in our daily lives, since it plays an important role within the society where we live with others in different spheres, in the family, at school, at work, among others. Therefore, our testimony is the way in which we respect others, we respect their culture, way of life, beliefs, among other aspects.

When we approach others wanting to criticize their lifestyle and judging their beliefs, we can hardly make them seek God or listen to God’s word. Therefore wisdom is an essential part of our life as Christians, which we must ask God to be able to discern and know how to direct ourselves.

So if we want to have harmony and peace it is essential to learn to live with others in an atmosphere of respect and cordiality. Being respectful does not mean that you share their same beliefs, it means that God has made you a new creature that accepts others and does not exclude or discriminate.

Therefore, parents have a great responsibility in their hands because they must teach their children this important value, such as respect. Many times we do not correct our children in time and that is why things can get out of control.

This teaching must be instilled from the first years of life and the best way to do it is through our example so that they see how we act with respect to others. In this regard, the Bible tells us about the education of our children: “Instruct a child in his way, and even when he is old he will not turn from him” (Proverbs 22:6)

6 Biblical quotes about respect

The Bible from the beginning shows us through the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy, the theme of respect. If we review the Ten Commandments, the laws that govern our lives as Christian believers, it is a decalogue to show respect. The first four commandments show us respect for God, for his power, majesty, and supremacy.

The other six books teach us to show respect for our neighbor, parental authority, property, the marital relationship, and reputation. But in the Bible we can find different biblical quotes that show us the respect that we must show at all times:

1.- Leviticus 19:32

“Before the gray hair you will rise, and you will honor the face of the old man, and of your God you will have fear. I Jehovah”

This biblical quote shows us that God makes it clear that we must respect and honor the elderly, which is a very important principle that must be taught at home because they are vulnerable people who receive mistreatment in many cases. In addition, these people can contribute a lot with their teachings and wisdom, which is why we must value them and protect them from so much evil.

2.- 2Kings 2:23-24

“Then he went up from there to Bethel; And going up the road, some boys came out of the city, and they mocked him, saying: Bald man, go up! Baldy, get on! looking back, he saw them, and cursed them in the name of Jehovah. And two bears came out of the mountain, and tore forty-two boys to pieces.”

In the Bible we can find a story of disrespect that ended in tragedy. This story reveals to us how serious disrespect is for the Lord. These young people were making fun of Elisha and perhaps they thought it was very funny to insult and disrespect an older person, but for God it was not funny at all, so he acted against them.

This shows that all our actions have consequences, which could result in tragedy. So it is of utmost importance to stand firm and fulfill the word of God.

3.- Romans 13:1, 7

“Let every person submit to the superior authorities; because there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Pay everyone what you owe: to whom tribute, tribute; to which tax, tax; whom I respect, I respect; to whom honor, honor”

This quote is clear and forceful and for some it can cause a bit of discomfort, since everyone has a different ideology. However, we must respect the position of each person and if they have authority, we must submit and leave everything in God’s hands, since he expects us to fully fulfill his will.

But if this authority goes against God’s precepts and his will, we must first stand firm in our Lord, in our attitude as faithful believers in Jesus Christ. So we must protect ourselves under the cover of the Most High through fasting and prayer, since in these end times, Christians are very attacked.

4.- Acts 5:28-29

“Saying, Did we not strictly command you not to teach in that name? And now you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and you want to shed that man’s blood on us. Responding Peter and the apostles, they said: It is necessary to obey God before men.”

As previously mentioned, our primary devotion is to God, to his holy will, to his sound doctrine, to his commandments. Therefore he is the one we must obey before men.

The earthly authority deserves respect like any human being, but the Glory will always be for God because he is the one who has the Power to remove and set up kings. Let us not let any man’s doctrine divert us from the right path, from the admirable light that is Christ Jesus Our Lord.

5.- 1Timothy 5:1-2

“Do not rebuke the old man, but exhort him as a father; to the younger ones, as brothers; to the old women, as to mothers; to the young women, as to sisters, with all purity”

In this quote God shows us the way in which we should exhort our neighbor, always treating him with great respect, affection and affection, since one of God’s commandments is to love our neighbor as ourselves. In this way, we must not take advantage of our authority to offend and mistreat anyone, but rather, set an example at all times as Children of God that we are.

6.- Ephesians 6:1-4

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with a promise; so that it may go well with you, and that you may have a long life on earth. And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.”

Another of the basic principles of every good Christian is to respect our parents, since they have raised and educated us in their love. And parents should not create environments of contention, make a difference between their children, among other aspects, but should create environments of harmony at home, since they are the best example of what God does in the lives of their children. .

Treating others according to the bible

When we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, he totally changes our entire being and this can be seen reflected in the way I treat my neighbor. In the biblical quotes about respect you can observe the principles of a true Christian, where first we must respect God and do his will.

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The role of parents plays a very important role within the family, since they are the foundation of society. With their example they can make their children true Christians faithful to God and to his work here on earth.

Therefore, if parents have submitted to the will of God and always seek to act in justice and love, the commands they make to their children will be in accordance with God’s will and, therefore, will be just.

For their part, children who love the Lord from a young age understand that by submitting to their parents they are obeying God and this makes obedience even easier.

In this sense, to the extent that children grow, they must strengthen their personal relationship with God, since their fundamental obedience will be before him.

However, it is extremely important to take into account the wise advice of parents, because if they feel love and fear for the Lord, they will give advice according to his will.

Regarding the role that parents play, it must always be focused on respecting the feelings of their children and avoiding disputes and problems that place them in situations of stress or emotional instability. In the same way, we must respect the childhood of our children and not place burdens on them that they cannot carry yet.

It is also important to give them their space, to give them the freedom to express themselves with respect so that they can be sure of themselves. If we have several children, we must avoid comparisons and try to treat everyone fairly.

Parents must raise their children according to the discipline and instruction of God, they must discipline their children always taking into account their value and dignity as human beings. No discipline should humiliate or be applied when the father or mother is upset.

Discipline and teaching will be done as the Lord does with each one of us: with respect and love, highlighting the potential that is in us. Parents should instill in their children love and service to God. This must be done fundamentally by our example, living genuine lives that exalt and honor God.

Regarding our labor relations, the Bible tells us about the way in which we must respect our authorities, since the Lord wants us to treat our bosses and all those who have authority over us with cordiality, respect and obedience.

We must work with diligence, responsibility, love, dedication, without making reproaches. We must serve as if we were doing it for Christ because he is the one who puts us in that position to teach us lessons of humility, and he is the one who will reward us for the good we have done.

For their part, the bosses must act respectfully towards their subjects, since we all have the same Lord and he is the one who gives us everything we have. God loves us all equally, whether we are bosses or subjects. In addition, a good boss, a good leader follows the example of Jesus, also willing to serve.

They must not make threats or advances in order to harm their servants. Paul in the bible reminds the bosses that they are also under the authority of God and that he sees us all in the same way, since the justice and love of the Lord reaches everyone and he wants us to treat everyone accordingly. fairly and cordially.

In this sense, in the eyes of God, we are all valuable. Jesus Christ died on the cross out of love for all humanity, whether leaders or servants. Therefore, one should not underestimate…

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