The Power of Praise in the Christian Life

Do you want to know what is the power of praise in the Christian life? Praise is essential in the believer’s life because it is the easiest way to access God. Although there are other channels to address the Creator, praise is at the same time a prayer, a supplication and the expression of gratitude to God. In this article, we will focus on what praise is.

Praise is to bless what salt is to food. Avoid corruption”. The comparison with salt shows the full dimension of praise in the life of the Christian.

“The peoples praise you, oh God! All peoples praise you” (Psalm 67:3). First, it is interesting to know that men were created to praise and adore God. “Enter her gates with praise, her courts with hymns! Celebrate him, bless his name!” (Psalm 100:4). The Holy Scriptures teach us that “God dwells in the midst of the praises of his people.”

What is praise?

To praise is to appreciate God for who he is. We praise and adore God only for the Being of him Praise is not asking God. They are special moments in which the Christian’s soul rises and comes into contact with heaven, through songs that magnify God for who he is.

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The Bible advises Christians to praise God. “Praise the Lord! Because it is beautiful to celebrate our God, because it is decent to praise him.” Praise to God should not be optional for the believer; it is a biblical recommendation. Because through praise, God “rebuilds Jerusalem, He gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and heals their wounds” (Psalm 147: 2 – 3).

Praising God means praising him, proclaiming his greatnessthat is, to voluntarily express our gratitude and our most sincere gratitude to God in order to honor him (glorify him, celebrate him, praise him, testify to him, magnify him) for his works: for all that what he has done for usfor all what has he done for us in Christ, and for what it is or represents for us.

Praise can be in word or deed, the word can be said (proclamation) or sung (song) with or without music or with dance steps. The Bible reveals to us in Hebrews 13 v15 that the praise is a sacrifice and an offering of lips to God.

The power of praise – A powerful weapon for the Christian

The power of praise is a weapon that God places in the Christian’s hands, with which he humiliates Satan. Praise is the antidote to the enemy. Through praise, we silence the enemy and the vengeful.

The perfect example of a believer who has made praise his preferred weapon to silence the devil and enter into a deep esteem for God, is King David. In praise, David defeated all the enemy armies. It was through praise that he was able to rid Saul of his demons..

He who lives in praise carries authority, because he has the support of the heavenly host. That is why when faced with difficult situations in life, when darkness seems to invade our lives, when everything seems nothing, when the world seems to crumble under our feet and we feel that we have no saint to dedicate ourselves to, we must necessarily praise God. Because, “praise is much more effective than the longest fast” what can we do.

What is worship?

Worship is an attitude of the heart, a fear of God, it is also the highest form of praise! To adore God is to attribute a supreme value to him, because he alone is absolutely worthy (Ps 96,7-8 / Mark 12 v29).

It is approaching God with a feeling of deep wonder full of admiration. It is also having a feeling of respect for God, expressing our deep respect for him (venerate him, exalt him), prostrate ourselves before him, estimate him at his fair and high value, give way to him, to contemplate His majesty, His greatness, etc.

In worship, we express our love, wonder, admiration, and
we praise God for the quality of His person, for His character, His attributes and His
perfection. When worshipping, one can sing, speak, raise hands, kneel, lie face down, remain silent, cry according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, etc.

True worship can only come from a heart that loves God. “Come, let us prostrate ourselves and humble ourselves, let us bow our knees before the Lord our Creator! ” Psalms 95:6.

What are the differences between praise and worship?

The power of praise connects us with the greatness of God, while worship brings us face to face with the Holiness of God. Praise is our voluntary action, our choice with our intelligence to express our gratitude and our honor to God whatever our situation, whether we want it or not!

Worship is not a decision, it is a consequence of the praise through which one enters into the presence of God. Then our whole being (body, soul, spirit) is filled with his Spirit. We enter into deep communion with Him, transported by the Holy Spirit, this transforms our being, upsets our relationship with Him.

Why should we praise or worship God?

Adoration is the first goal of every man’s life, that is why God created us to serve and adore him. Hence the greatest commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”. God created man regardless of our differences with the desire to worship.

And there is not a single people on the face of the earth that does not worship something. It is a universal need deeply inscribed in the smallest fiber of the human being, it is a latent need in us to connect with God.

Worship is as natural as eating or breathing, it is a need for balance in human life. Now, if we do not return to worship the true God, it is obvious that given this emptiness in us, we always find a substitute other than the true God.

Other reasons:

  1. For who is He (Psalms 149:1). (Ps.48:2; 96:4).
  2. Because praise glorifies God (Psalm 50:23).
  3. Because God tells us to. “Praise the Lord” is not a suggestion or a request. It is a commandment. (Psalm 105:1)
  4. For all its benefits (Psalms 103:2).
  5. By his deeds (Psalms 150:2)
  6. Because it is beautiful to praise the Lord (Psalms 91:2; 147:1)
  7. Because it is worthy of praise (2 Samuel 22:4; Psalm 18:4).
  8. Because praise exalts the Lord (Psalm 69:31)
  9. Because it is good to praise the Lord (Psalms 33:1)
  10. etc

What is the source of the power of praise and worship?

Isaiah 14:11-15 He tells us about the fall of satan and tells us about the position he held. Lucifer, light bearer, shining star was created to praise. He was the head of worship and praise in heaven, he was responsible for leading them to God. He not only rebelled against God, but also dragged the third of the angels with him and diverted praise and worship to himself.

By being thrown from heaven to earth, he corrupted the power of praise and worship that was originally created to glorify God alone. He not only has he regained the praise of this world, but he is also trying to win back the praise and adoration of the children of God.

Being a former head of the praise and worship ministry in heaven, he is well schooled in praise and worship standards that sit with God; Luke 4:5-8I give you everything if you bow down and adore me”. (Luke 10:18 and Revelation 12:7-9)

It is important to know that not all worldly songs are meant for God, simply because these songs do not glorify the Name of Jesus Christ, but are meant for Satan even when his name is not spoken directly.

Because nightclubs and other places of prostitution where people go around singing are simply temples to the glory of satan. So, let’s pay attention to certain clips, movies, music, that do not give all the glory to God at the risk of giving the enemy the advantage over us.

It is also good to know that, according to the word of God, even when a song is about Jesus Christ, it cannot necessarily be accepted by God, since the one who sings must also have a life of obedience to God; Otherwise, his song might be picked up by satan, while he thinks he ascends to God.

ohPraise and worship belong exclusively to God! They were made by Him and for Him! Let’s use it for his glory.

What is the praise or worship in which God delights?

The praise or adoration that pleases God is not the beauty of the voice or the harmony of the instruments, although these go a long way to beautify the praise by making it pleasant to listen to.

Nor is it the beautiful words from one’s lips or the bodily position one maintains in the presence of God. According to the Bible, God accepts or rejects an offering according to the life of the one who offers it.

The power of praise and adoration are lip offerings to God, they please God only when a life of obedience and sanctification is led (good conversion; adequate clothing; good Christian testimony, etc…); this is what makes her her strength.

Let’s read together some examples of the power of praise:

  • Genesis 4 v3-5 “… The Lord looked favorably on Abel and his offering, but He did not look favorably on Cain and his offering.”. Louis Second Version

God first looks at the life of the one who offers him the offering before looking favorably or unfavorably on this offering of lips that is presented to him. Any offering that does not meet this rule cannot be pleasant, so it would be unrewarded labor (matthew 6v1) The example of Cain in this text should teach us a lot.

  • mat 23v23What pity for you teachers of the law and Pharisees, when you are false men! You give God a tenth of certain plants, mint, greens, and spices. Y you let go of what’s most important in the Fa, which is to be upright, good, faithful. Nevertheless, this is what had to be done, without forgetting the rest. Word of life version.

Here God reproaches the fact of bringing him offerings when what constitutes the strength of the offering is not practiced, that is, the life of sanctification and sincere obedience to his word; this is what he agrees to before looking favorably on the gift itself.

This reality is comparable to that of the current Christian music scene where many sing for the glory of God while not being interested in a personal life of consecration and sanctification to God, which they should do well before singing praises to God.

This is what 2 Timothy 3 confirms in this verse 5: “They will pretend to be faithful to God, but in reality they will reject the power of faith. Turn your back on these people. “; In the last days, people will serve the Lord, they will sing to his glory, but rejecting what is the basis of true service to God, the observance of God’s word and a life according to divine prescriptions.

  • 2 color 8v5 “And they not only contributed as we expected, but who first gave themselves to the Lordthen to us, by the will of God”.

In this text we clearly see that the first Christians gave themselves entirely to God, then their offering arrived, which made them subjects…

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