Gift of Discernment of Spirits: What It Is and How It Manifests

The gift of discerning of spirits, or “distinguishing” spirits, is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit described in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Like all of these gifts, the gift of discerning of spirits is given by the Holy Spirit, who distributes these gifts to believers for service in the body of Christ. Each believer has a spiritual activation for a specific service, but there is no room for oneself to choose the gift. The Spirit bestows spiritual gifts according to God’s sovereignty and according to his plan to build up the body of Christ. he gives his gifts “just the way he wants” (1 Corinthians 12:11).

What is the gift of discerning of spirits?

When it comes to the gift of discerning of spirits, each believer has a certain measure of discernment, that increases as the believer matures in the Spirit. In Hebrews 5:13-14 we read that a believer who has matured beyond a child in Christ who only partakes of milk, is capable of discern both good and evil.

The mature believer is empowered by the God’s spirit through the scriptures, to distinguish between good and evil, and beyond that, he can also distinguish between what is good and what is much better. In other words, any believer who chooses to focus on the God’s worddiscern spiritually.

Who is operating?

talk about the spiritual gifts It is a whole subject of analysis and often of confusion, in addition to people with prejudices and without real knowledge on the subject, declare that the gifts not anymore exist in the church. However, the Church could not meet with the great commission if we do not have this tool for the manifestation of the kingdom

The gifts they are not a toy spiritual, nor a platform to shine in the Body of Christ because I have something that others do not have. Usually the operation of the gifts is for the benefit of others, more than for oneself.

God you want your children long for spiritual gifts and grow in them, when the Holy Spirit fills our lives, the gifts are more real and we can to flow on them continuously. “To another discerning of spirits” This is a gift of spiritual revelation that allows us “see” the heavenly, human and unclean spirits. In general, discernment is the action of discerning, from the Greek “diakrino”, and it is translated as: “Separate, separate; distinguish; to break down into its elements, to analyze”. It’s about having the revelation about matters of a spiritual order.

This is a perception God-given supernatural that allows us to distinguish the “spirit of man”, that is, what motivates the words or actions of people. All true believers have the ability to discern. However, the so-called discernment of spirits goes further. the holy spirit anoints in a special way to the children of God to be able to see beyond what we normally see.

The word discern means:

“look beyond from the outside to the inside, see through.” Discernment means a “judgment by which means we perceive and declare the difference that exists among various things.

We could talk about three spiritual sources that we can discern:

a. God, by the Holy Spirit.
b. The human spirit.
c. unclean spirits or demons

In this way we can find out from which area any spiritual manifestation comes from. Since we are talking about three areas of discernmentwe can also discern the unclean spirits, their plans, the destructive work in a person, family, church, in such a way that we know the purposes of the enemy and how to counter them.

I invite you to read: Reasons to Believe in God and Why We Can and Should Believe in Jesus

This gift should be very active in the church in order to do quality counseling work, as well as spiritual warfare and intercession for souls. This supernatural perception given by the Holy Spirit distinguishes the spirit or spirits that manifest through people. Very useful for all who have pastoral leadership responsibility.

Through the gift of discerning of spirits God allows us to discern or find out the spiritual character of the person and the source of his actions and messages. Peter’s example about Simon the magician is clear: (Acts 8.21-23) “You have no part or lot in this matter, because your heart is not right before God. Repent, therefore, of this your wickedness, and pray to God, if perhaps the thought of your heart; because I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in a prison of wickedness”.

Where did Simon’s actions come from? Of a bitter spirit! Peter discerned the magician’s spirit and harshly rebuked him. When we operate in the gift of discerning spirits, we can test the spirits in prophecies, tongues, or interpretation of tongues. We can use the gift of discernment for healing, deliverance, or to know which spirits are involved. Although the purpose is not to be looking for demons everywhere and at all times, we will be able to discern the activity of demons that oppose divine purposes.

There are diseases and spirits of disease, there are demonic manifestations but there are also rebellious people. We can also discern when there is something that is from the enemy or comes from God, or when someone wants to pass himself off as a believer and is not, or a believer who is under a sin that has not repented and wants to make others believe that is in holiness (1 John 4.1)“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.”

Characteristics of the gift of discerning of spirits

This gift is delicate and can be dangerous when we do not act responsibly.
1. This gift is not for detecting other people’s faults.
2. It is not having “telepathy” or power, to read the minds of others.
3. It has nothing to do with spiritualism or occult activities, a blank mind, levitation or similar things.
4. It is not related at all to science like psychology, psychiatry, or some similar practices.
When this gift is active we can “see” what we cannot see in the natural, that can be dangerous because it can change our attitude towards people.

How does the gift of discerning of spirits work?

This gift is wonderful and its operation is simple. Everything depends on the sensibility that we have like Children of God. The operation is simple but difficult to get in tune with God to be able to flow in it.

Here are 5 aspects of how this gift operates:

1. It is an intimate feeling.

we perceive the spirit world through tuning in Holy Spirit. Have you felt that the meat gets like “chinita”? You feel that “something” is out there! You don’t know what it is, but you can “to feel” inside you. We are sensitive to what happens in the hearts of people when we “see” inside the hearts of people. (Luke 6.7-8) “And the scribes and Pharisees watched him, to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath, in order to find what to accuse him of. But he knew their thoughts.”

2. The voice of God

The voice of God is makes you feel inside with names, stories, memories, biblical quotes. This voice becomes so clear and precise according to what happens. The information we receive agrees with what is happening and we know that it is God himself helping us in the task we are developing. But Jesus, perceiving the reasonings of their hearts (Luke 9.47). This “perception” is the inner voice of God bringing the information we need.”

3. Through this gift, we can “see” the spiritual world

“Spiritual photographs” of what is happening in the environment where we are pass through our minds. The gift is also manifested through dreams. Are visions and dreams happen in moments specific where do you find one connection with the Holy Spirit. The people who move in this gift are those who are directly involved in inner healing, liberation, prophetic intercession, spiritual warfare.

4. Physical perceptions

We can feel the spirits through what we feel physically. A pain somewhere in the body indicates a spirit of illness. A headache indicates a spirit of oppression. Through smell we perceive unclean spirits of drugs, vices, witchcraft.

5. Word of knowledge, wisdom and prophetic

God can give us a prophetic word in order to make known the spiritual world at the levels we have defined.

How to develop the gift of discerning of spirits

We understand that the gift of discerning of spirits is very Useful for carry out the work of GodTherefore, it is necessary to understand its purposes and stand on this foundation in a clear way.
1. It warns us of the spiritual situation. This information is useful according to the work we are developing in the Kingdom.
2. It helps us to take authority in the land we are taking. When we know the spirits that are around us, we can more easily get them out.
3. It is a powerful tool to minister in personal counseling, inner healing and deliverance.
4. It is manifested much more continuously in people who minister in prophetic intercession and spiritual warfare.

What is the purpose of the gift of discerning of spirits?

The primary purpose of the gift of discerning of spirits is the protection of Body of Christ. This gift protects the body from evil spirits that try to hinder the gospel. It also protects the body against the spirits of error that often hurt and divide it. Furthermore, the gift protects him against false teachings. Thanks to this protection it is possible building up the body of Christ.

Through this gift we can define what spiritual forces we are facing. The spiritual world is real like the physical world. God allows us to identify the forces of the enemy through this gift. The enemy cannot take advantage of us when we are aware of how he acts.

The apostle emphatically recommends: (2 Corinthians 2.10-11) “And to whom you forgive, I also; for what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, for you I have done it in the presence of Christ, so that Satan does not gain any advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of their machinations.”

By discerning what is happening, we can exercise authority over the demons and act against them to rebuke and open the heavens, under the will of the Lord.
Let’s look at the example of Paul in (Acts 17:15-16) “And those who had taken charge of leading Paul took him to Athens; and having received orders for Silas and Timothy to come to him as soon as possible, they set out. While Paul waited for them in Athens, his spirit was inflamed seeing the city given over to idolatry”.

Paul dedicated himself to preaching in Athens, but if we study the entire passage, we will realize that in reality, Paul did not achieve the success that he had in other cities. Why? We see two important things:

1. Paul faced a city besieged by demons. Although Pablo worked hard in the…

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