Effective Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel to get paid Urgent! – Faithful to God

Effective prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel urgent! This prayer is often prayed by desperate people who credited money; but due to life situations the debtors have not returned what they owe. For this reason, this Saint is going to help you, you just have to make this effective prayer.

This prayer is very effective in all areas because we ask Saint Michael the Archangel to do justice and we can get the money we need. This Saint is always willing to mediate in each of our needs, just have faith.

Effective prayer to San Miguel Arcángel so that they pay me

He is protector of the churchwhich is willing to help you in every area of ​​your life, you just have to pray this prayer, which will help you get your money back.

First of all I cry

to you mighty God

creator of what exists,

creator of light and darkness.

everything on earth

it is done by your will,

since it’s good,

nice and perfect.

For this reason, I cry out to you,

so that you allow Saint Michael the Archangel

perform a miracle in me,

because we recognize

that you are the only one

can work miracles

sovereign God.

Deposit your miracle in Archangel Michael,

so that I can see your glory be

reflected in my life and home.

Next, I call out to

you heavenly prince,

because your will

stay with me,

I ask you mighty

Angel of light, whose

force is eternal and limitless.

Beloved Guardian Angel you are

the one in charge of safeguarding

our lives,

for that reason is that you

I am praying blessed Miguel.

O your good and eternal sun of justice!

I ask you to be you

reminding my debtor,

what I have lent you.

Oh you know I did it from the heart

and i just did was

to help him.

Oh merciful, let him in

in reason to get paid,

what I credit you,

because right now I find myself

in a very bad situation.

Good Archangel, you know

that I lent him with much love,

for that reason, make him understand my


to get paid,

I have called you for help

economically and in mercy.

Also, I ask you to influence

in the conscience of my debtor,

because I need you to do justice

in my situation.

I cry to you too

to reconsider and

I can pay back what I lend

since I don’t have another livelihood


O warrior of God,

you who fight our battles

fight mine,

because I just can’t.

I pray in your name

which is who is like God?

who exalts the grace of the Lord.

I cry out to you to be you

enter the mind

and his heart.

Oh you who are the

the light sword,

I do not ask you to pay me

with remuneration, if not

I repaid what I borrowed.

I ask that your justice

be about us

leading the right way

which I have to follow.

Help me, so that what I lent

if I am recognized,

and that of the same

how it came out of my hands

come back to my hands again.

only you know that

I was a good neighbor

because all I did was help him

since he had many problems.

You who won with your strength

to satan, I ask that

with your power put

conscience in that person,

Eternal winner I know that

you will fulfill my requests,

since the goodness of your heart

is big.

Wonderful Archangel,

fulfill my pleas and pray for

me before Almighty God.

so i can listen

my pleas which I make from the bottom

from my heart.

Finally, I thank you very much

because I know you will answer

my pray.

I believe in you mighty Archangel Michael


Saint Michael the Archangel the Protector

; which has the function of exalting the name of God through the victory achieved, it also exalts him with his name Mikael, which means: Who is like God?

This Saint is very important for the Christian community, since he is in charge of ensuring our physical, mental and spiritual integrity.

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