Effective Prayer to God to Find True Love and Happiness – Faithful to God

When we give love to our fellow human beings, we receive the same blessings in our lives. However, sometimes we need divine help, from our Almighty Lord. For him to give us the necessary tools when we want to find love. The effective prayer to God to find true love and happiness.

We should never despair because it does not come to us, we have to understand that love comes at different stages of our lives. We cannot compare ourselves with others, because everything has a beginning and an end, everything must flow in its own way. We must eliminate from ourselves everything that hurts us to let love and peace enter.

Effective prayer to God to find true love

There are those who pray to the divine to find true love and happiness. For this, this effective prayer to God to find true love and happiness. It is the one indicated if you are willing to abide by the designs of our Lord.

Oh my Lord!

you who are king of mother nature,

you who reign in the mystery of the night

and you give that spectacular light during the days.

I venerate you beloved Father

so that you fill me with your infinite grace.

I feel great honor and pleasure

to pronounce your name, beloved father,

fill me with that blessed flow of blessings

and turn them into waterfalls of love

so that they flow throughout my being.

You are my balance, my harmony,

That’s why I beg you

that you manifest in my life

in love and kindness.

make my beloved father,

may my spirit always find encouragement

and always be brave to troubles.

Grant me strength to endure

waiting for this love

and fill my acts with happiness.

Beloved Lord, you who are powerful,

infinite source of love

and compassion towards your fellow men.

Sanctify our lives with full happiness

that love gives us.

Oh my God! Give me the necessary strength

to be a better person every day

and have the courage to be a being

more compassionate and preserve

the source of my love as you do.

O beloved father! I beg you

that you attract before me the love of the person

that I long to be able to walk

hand in hand together

for the rest of our lives.

Establishing the guidelines of your word

with the love that you reflect in them.

My God, I put my present and future in your hands,

with the infinite faith that soon that person

I reciprocate with the love that I have for him

and come into my life.

You my God, you are the source

of eternal love that I need,

you who know what it is to give love

and plunge into another for love,

make me strong and bless my soul

with your infinite mercy.

My beloved blessed father,

I also want to be your instrument of love,

to multiply it among your faithful

and make it a better world

For those of us who follow your words.

God, keep everyone away from me

don’t give me love

And don’t wish me well.

also clean my life

and the person I love

all bad company

Also help me to walk

along the path of honesty

and bliss,

to reflect the most genuine love.

Dear God, intercede for me

so that the person I love

you can find me along the way

and bless our love.

help me dear father

for that special person

understand the great love I feel for her

and discover that my love

It will make us happy for the rest of our days.

Finally for our relationship

build with the foundations

of pure love my Lord and that always

let’s take care of each other

for the rest of our lives.


How to address God so that he grants us true love and fills us with happiness?

Before you begin this sentence, you must understand that you need to have an unshakable faith, so that God our Lord, can grant you what you most desire. God will always have in his designs the right plans to forge us an excellent future full of love and happiness.

We must do this prayer at least once a day, believing that God with firmness and integrity will help us. When we think of a feeling full of love, we imagine the other person we long for full of happiness and full. So we must think about what will be the best for us.

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