Don’t stop fighting, God is with you

Introduction: Many timess problems or difficulties produce wear and tear on the believer, an issue that ends up affecting faith and communion with God. This allows the anguish to take greater force in the heart and bad decisions can be made.

What we must do is go to the presence of God, strengthen ourselves in him and continue advancing knowing that his power is greater. We must not give up or run away, God is with us and helps us…

Christian Sermons: Don’t stop fighting, God is with you.

God is Jehovah of hosts.
This title (Jehovah of hosts) is used in the Bible more than 230 times. The people of God in the Old Testament had a great revelation of this facet of the Lord. For example when David faced the giant Goliath he told him: “You come to me with sword, spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have provoked.” 1 Samuel 17:45.

Conclusion: Before all this we can see not only the reality of the battle, but we also see that we are soldiers, equipped with weapons and the authority of God to win. Let us always keep in mind: Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
It is important here to keep in mind that the word “armies” is translated from the Hebrew term “tsabá” which also means:
People organized for war.
Troop ready for battle.
Also used in the Bible for: Service in worship.
The title “Jehovah of armies” teaches us that he is the head and chief of the squads of soldiers that are part of his troops. According to 1 Samuel 17:45, God is the General of the Israelite soldiers who were trained for battle against the Philistines. In reality it is God who goes before his people.
He is also the General or Chief of the heavenly armies, when the apostle John was taken to heaven the Bible tells us that he saw “many angels around the throne; and their number was millions of millions” Revelation 5:11.
The largest army in the world is the Chinese made up of 1.6 million soldiers. In the Bible (Revelation 9:16) we are told that in the last times one of the judgments on earth will be carried out by a troop of two hundred million, imagine then how many millions in total will be part of the army of God, for all that he is Jehovah of armies.
Conclusion: Before all this we can see not only the reality of the battle, but we also see that we are soldiers, equipped with weapons and the authority of God to win. Let us always keep in mind: Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
God has equipped his church to fight and win.
The apostle Paul by the Holy Spirit makes us aware again and again of the reality of the military that we live as children of God, he is our Father, and also our Commander because we are soldiers of the Lord’s army.
Because of this truth he himself has equipped us with spiritual weapons, that is why the Bible says “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but powerful in God for the destruction of strongholds” 2 Corinthians 10:4. The word “militia” also means: military service; matter that reminds us that we are soldiers at the service of God’s army.
In Ephesians 6:11 we are exhorted to put on the whole armor of God to stand firm against the snares of the enemy, it is interesting that it is called “armor of God” because it is his, his material is divine, and he has given it to us equipping us to go forward in victory, this is why the Scripture says: “No weapon formed against you will prosper.”
Our General has given us the weapons and armor to resist and defeat the snares of the devil. What are the snares of the devil?
The word means: trickery, cunning, intrigue. They are all those thoughts, messages, words or advice (sent by demons or people) that reach our hearts sowing rancor, bitterness, anger, rejection, doubt and disobedience to the word of God. But with the word of God and his power we can not only resist, but move forward and conquer what God has planned for us.

Conclusion: Before all this we can see not only the reality of the battle, but we also see that we are soldiers, equipped with weapons and the authority of God to win. Let us always keep in mind: Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.

Conclusion: Given all this we can see not only the reality of the battle, but we also see that we are soldiers, equipped with the weapons and authority of God to win. Let us always keep in mind: Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.

(We invite you to purchase this week’s Christian book for free. In this book you will find themes of edification and spiritual strength. Based entirely on the word of God and with abundant notes and teachings for our lives. Get this book for free here at: FREE CHRISTIAN BOOK).

Written by pastor Gonzalo Sanabria.

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