Come to me, all who are weary and oppressed (Biblical Reflection)

Do you feel tired, sad or discouraged by life’s difficulties? Sometimes it’s hard to bear the afflictions that knock on our door… But, know that Jesus has a word of faith and hope for you! Don’t give up believing or fighting! By faith, cling with hope to the grace offered by God, via Jesus Christ. See, below, in these 8 verses what He says to you today:

1. “Come to me tired, burdened and I will give you rest!”

Life with Jesus will be worth it, even if you can’t see a way out. Jesus Christ is at your side right now, bearing your heavy burden. But He wants to share something important with you. Go to Him, with faith and receive what He has for you…

2. “Do not trouble your heart, believe in me!”

Jesus was saying goodbye to his disciples when he said these words. Imagine how hard it would be for them to follow the path without being able to see the Lord. So we too face difficulties, in which it seems that we no longer see God on our side. But don’t be distressed, He comforts your heart! He trusts him with his entire being and gives him his anxiety…

3. “Don’t cry…”

Nain’s widow had already gone through similar pain when she lost her husband. Now the death of her son, still so young, was too heavy a burden for her to bear… But Jesus entered the city, saw her tears, consoled her and changed her story. Even if we go through sad moments, we believe in the God who consoles everyone who cries. Jesus has good news for those who are brokenhearted. He reigns over everything and has control over all things! Believe me, one day all his tears will be wiped away…

4. Repent and believe! Jesus has good news…

Sin is the heaviest burden of human beings, and it is caused by their independence from God. The resulting spiritual death is one of the worst burdens (in addition to all its effects) to be taken in life. Those who live absent from God carry the weight of the emptiness of a meaningless life, far from the love and grace of Jesus. When we believe in the Gospel and understand the good news that Christ gave us, we can let go of the burden that oppresses us. We can leave at the foot of the cross, all the worst that exists in us and receive the best: Jesus Christ, the Savior! But to be part of the Kingdom of God, we need to repent and believe, trusting in the Lord’s forgiveness and salvation. Feel the lightness of new life with Jesus!

5. Go back and tell the great things Jesus did for you!

A certain Gadarene man had long been oppressed and tormented by evil spirits. Jesus found him and ordered those demons to come out of him. The imprisoned, feared and marginalized man, who lived alone in the desert and tombs, was freed by Jesus! What a relief! His desire now was to follow his Savior wherever he went. But Jesus told you to return to your family and announce what God has done… You are also a living witness to what God has done in your life. Reconcile with those who have strayed and give a good testimony of what Jesus has done for you!

6. Don’t be afraid, just believe!

Jairo was distressed by the condition of his 12-year-old daughter on the verge of death. He went to meet Jesus in a hurry, but along the way there was a delay, another miracle done by the Lord. The father, unable to avoid such an impediment, heard what his heart feared would happen: “- your daughter is dead, Jairo, don’t bother the Master anymore”. But Jesus acts in time and in setbacks! He cheered the desolate father and resurrected the little girl.

This is also the case with us, even if there is bad news, people laughing at your faith and hope… No matter how much you think there is no way out or solution to your problem, just believe! Do not fear, Christ remains in control of everything

7. Get up and grab your treadmill and walk!

The paralytic from Bethesda had lived in this condition for many years. At that time, many sick people gathered near that tank. It was said that from time to time an angel stirred the waters of the pool of Bethesda and the first person to enter was cured of any illness.

This man had been there for 38 years, tired of waiting for an opportunity… The Lord went to meet that limited and sick man. He seemed obvious, but Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man didn’t say yes, but he complained that there was no one to help him get into the tank and every time he tried, someone passed in front of him.

Sad condition, but that man did not know that whoever was in front of him had all the power to cure physical, emotional and spiritual illnesses. Jesus is the Alpha, Omega the all powerful! He is sovereign and has authority over everything. He ordered the man to stand up and act according to his Word… In the same way, Jesus has already come to meet him. Leave all oppression and feelings of self-pity aside and take action! Hear the Word of God and live by faith in Jesus Christ.

8. You are very worried and anxious, but only 1 thing is necessary…

The two sisters, Martha and Mary, had different attitudes towards Jesus Christ. Marta very active, she wanted to show service. So she ran from place to place, doing many things. Guests served, food, drinks, right seats and organized kitchen. But, Maria knew that there was an honored guest, with precious teachings, which satisfied the soul, bringing peace to the heart.

Outraged, Martha complained to Jesus about her sister who didn’t help her… However, the Lord drew her attention, demonstrating that there is something much more important than any occupation in life: knowing the Word of Life. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, wanting more to make use of his presence and his words than anything else. Above all, Jesus must be first in our lives!

Perhaps you are also tired and overwhelmed with all the activity and “hustle and bustle” that life imposes. But, above all, we need to dedicate ourselves more to the Lord. Start by giving more priority to the presence of God and his Word…

Place yourself at the feet of Christ. Only He has the words of eternal life, which will bring you peace, relief and help in daily difficulties! Let Jesus guide his life, through the Holy Bible and always walk in the direction of the Lord!

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