Beautiful Prayer to the Blessed Souls who are in Purgatory – Faithful to God

let’s do one beautiful prayer to the Blessed Souls who are in purgatory, and with it we will ease your pain a little. Of still paying some pending earthly debts and the pain of not being able to enjoy the presence of the Lord.

According to the belief of the Catholic Church, the people who are still living on this Earth where we were granted to spend one of the stages of life of God’s creatures. We have the moral obligation to ask God take out our brothers.

We have to take into account that one day it will be our turn to be in that plane and we will need it. May they pray to God for usthe people who are here on this earthly plane.

What is the use of the prayers that are made for the Souls of Purgatory?

When we perform the beautiful prayer to the blessed souls that are in purgatory asking for the souls in purgatory. we do it for pray to almighty god who is the one who has the power to forgive them. May he reduce their punishment and take them to rest and enjoy the divine presence of the Most High.

We must also know that it is not only an initiative of love towards our deceased brothers, but it is also our obligation. Since we must fulfill the divine mandate to pray to God for his rest, is like a proof of love for our brothers.

Holy souls of purgatory,

you who have preceded us

on the way to eternity,

please receive our

words of encouragement and our

prayers for his eternal rest.

Blessed souls of purgatory,

to you who are

in a difficult situation

purging the sins

they committed here

when they were living among us,

and now they must pay their debts.

Count on us blessed souls,

that we will pray for you

and we will also send

to officiate the sacrifice of the mass

to pray to god for

his eternal rest.

Blessed souls of purgatory,

do not fear that God is slow to

anger and swift in forgiveness,

We will light candles for your rest

and to light the way to eternity.

This is why blessed souls of the

purgatory than today,

at this moment we raise

our supplications to the Creator

to have mercy on you and the

take you to eternal rest by your side.

Also to allow them

be happy and blissful

to enjoy the kingdom of

heavens with his divine glory.

Also where they can enjoy

infinite peace and power

contemplate his Divine Face,

to serve as a guide and path

so their souls are not lost,

always have mercy on everything

that they have offended you.

In this way God will forgive

deceased brothers

and will lead them to eternal rest

to enjoy once and forever

of his divine presence.


Is it necessary to pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory?

According to the Catholic Church, all people who die. They must go through it to purify their souls before coming into the presence of God. With the exception of little children who are really innocent and pure. We all must go to purgatory to be in the perfect conditions of absolute purity and to present ourselves before the Divine Face.

When the people die in grace of God, that is, having received extreme unction and having received sacramental aid from the hands of a priest. And they have confessed their sins before dying and have received the Holy Eucharist. These people must still go to purgatory to purify their souls.

This is the reason why we must pray for the souls in purgatory. We must think that one day we too will be in their place and we will need our brothers to pray for us.

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