8 Bible verses that speak about the Word of God

Many people have a Bible at home, but they don’t read it because they may not understand what it is or what it can bring to their lives. However, the Bible itself explains it to us. In it we find many verses that reveal its origin, its value and how it can help us live fuller and happier lives.

Let’s look at some of those verses and learn what the bible tells us about the word of god.

1. Inspired by God and of great use

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be fully equipped for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

The Bible was not invented by men but comes straight from god, was inspired by him. Contains his words and his will for us his servants. In it, God corrects us, tells us how to live in a way that is pleasing to him and how to act justly at all times. He also enables us to do everything that will be good and a blessing for us and for others.

2. Teach, encourage and give hope

In fact, everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that, encouraged by the Scriptures, we persevere in keeping our hope.
(Romans 15:4)

We can learn something from everything that is written in the Bible. The history of the people of Israel, that of the prophets and above all, the life of Jesus, his teachings and his sacrifice for each one of us… All the words and stories of the Bible help us to better understand fidelity, power and love of God and encourage us in our daily walk.

The Bible tells us about the greatest hope that can be had thanks to the work of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection. Our hearts fill with hope as we see that, with Jesus, our earthly life has a purpose and thanks to him we know where we will be for eternity.

Strengthen your hope by reading about the importance of the resurrection of Jesus.

3. It feeds the spirit and helps us grow

Crave the pure milk of the word, like newborn children. Thus, through it, they will grow in their salvation, now that they have tasted how good the Lord is.
(1 Peter 2:2-3)

Must long receive the nourishment of the Word of God. Our desire should resemble that of a newborn baby who longs to receive breast milk because only the words of our Father will satisfy our spiritual hunger.

If we want to be strong Christians who grow and glorify God in everything, we must feed ourselves every day with his Word and ask him to help us reflect more of him. In this way we will show the world the joy of salvation and of serving the Lord!

4. It is alive and powerful

Indeed, the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates to the depths of the soul and spirit, to the marrow of the bones, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
(Hebrews 4:12)

Read the Bible transforms us from the depths of our being. There is no corner of our minds or hearts that can escape the powerful scrutiny that is unleashed when we spend time reading and savoring the words of our heavenly Father. Such is the living and transforming power of his Word!

Three biblical examples of transformed lives.

How is this possible? Because it’s not just words. They bring life because they come from the Almighty God. If we read the Bible with hearts open to the moving of the Holy Spirit that reading switch to. It will show us what we need to improve or leave behind, the real condition of our inner being and how much we need to allow God to do his work in us.

5. Light our way

Your word is a lamp to my feet; It is a light on my path.
(Psalm 119:105)

through the bible we receive direction to know the way to go. There are so many decisions we have to make every day! The light of the Lord shines and shines in the midst of the darkness of the world around us and shows us the path (the decision) that pleases our heavenly Father.

The Bible helps us discern what comes from God and what not, what brings us closer to him and what does not. That is why it is so important to spend time in prayer reading his Word. And, of course, once we recognize what he wants us to do, we must take the steps of obedience following the light that illuminates our path.

Lamp is at my feet your word, reflection

6. It is eternal

The grass withers and the flower withers, but the word of our God stands forever.
(Isaiah 40:8)

Everything physical that surrounds us will perish: the mountains, the flowers, the rivers… We ourselves are physically finite, our bodies age and die. But the Word of God has remained and will remain for eternity!

Throughout history, leaders and rulers have arisen with the intention of destroying and destroying the Bible. They have tried to burn it, ban it from being published, bought or read. Such governments still exist today, but the Bible will remain because it contains the truths of our eternal heavenly Father. He is eternal, omnipotent, and his Word will also prevail!

7. Has authority

Every word of God is worthy of credit; God protects those who seek refuge in him.
(Proverbs 30:5)

The entire Bible is reliable and authoritative, not just the parts that we like or that fit with what we want to hear from God. By trusting in the truthfulness and power of the entire Word of God, we begin to take steps of faith and act in obedience to what we read.

It is there, when we move and act like obedient children, that we see the protecting hand of God at work. We decide to walk in him and in his truth, knowing that we can take refuge in him because he will never fail us.

9 important reasons to read the Word of God

8. It is the best foundation for life

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
(Matthew 7:24)

In order to have a firm and resistant base in our life, the prudent or sensible thing to do is obey the words of the Father. This way we will be like that house built on the rock: we will have a solid, strong foundation and we will be prepared to face any unexpected calamity. Matthew 7:25 says:

The rains fell, the rivers swelled, and the winds blew and lashed that house; however, the house did not collapse because it was founded on the rock.

The Word of God is that necessary firm foundation to be able to face the difficulties and challenges that come our way in life. Life brings unexpected storms: illness, unemployment, pain, betrayal, broken promises… But in the bible we find advice for all those situations, cheer up for moments of pain and a lot of wisdom to make decisions that please God.

Let’s read the Bible and strengthen our spirit every day!

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