7 Bible Verses of Strength Against the Enemy Take him away from you! – Faithful to God

On certain occasions some children of God are stalked by human beings who practice evil and intend to harm. In this sense, it is essential to read the bible verses for strength against the enemyin order to ward off any evil act.

Likewise, the word that comes from the gospel gives the necessary strength to , because its content is based on faith. Without a doubt, the support of God is essential to travel the path of life away from all evil.

7 Bible verses that give strength to fight the enemy

Among some of the verses pointed out in the Holy Bible that provide strength to fight the enemythe following can be mentioned:

  • Romans 8:31: This verse refers to the fact that if a person has the protective power of the supreme chief of humanity, nothing and no one can harm him. Therefore, the spiritual connection with the Holy Father It must be genuine and inexhaustible.

In this sense, from the church, which is the home of the Lord, the Christian word must be proclaimed constantly, in order to contribute to those brothers who may find themselves threatened by an enemy that intends to harm them.

  • Jeremiah 20:11: It is pointed out that, if the person stalked by the enemy is strengthened and supported by God, the evil will absolutely fail, since a protégé of the Lord is a invincible warrior.

The enemy will be completely ashamed, becoming a being disapproved by the Lord, because his actions are contrary to the word from the gospel.

  • Isaiah 12:2: This verse refers that the Holy Father is the only one who has the spiritual power to save from the attack of the enemy. In this sense, every child of God must have absolute trust in the Lord, which will naturally and spontaneously drive away all fears.

Indeed, the lord is the refuge and strength of all his protégés, since he never abandons them. Almighty God is the savior and if he is carried deep and sincerely in the heart no enemy will be able to attack the spirit.

God is the one who gives all the strength

  • Psalms 27:3: This verse addressed to all faithful believers invites them not to be afraid under any circumstances. If you have an authentic spirituality, no enemy agent will be able to lie in wait, since you have the blessing of the Holy Father.
  • Deuteronomy 28:7: It is pointed out that the lord will place in the hands of his protégés the enemies who intend to harm them. They will flee in a short time, since the strength of the Heavenly Father is sheltered under the spiritual divinity.
  • Luke 10:19: This verse refers that all the children of God have received his heavenly power, a faculty that allows them to defeat any enemy. Likewise, every servant of the Lord will never suffer any harm, since he is protected under the mantle of the Supreme Being.
  • 2 Samuel 10:12: Courage should be felt and shown at all times, which will make it possible to defeat all evil actions coming from the enemy. A servant of God you should always focus on proceeding with authenticity and respect.

Finally, it should be borne in mind that if you have a deep spiritual connection with the power of the lordno enemy will be able to attack, since good always triumphs over evil.

bible verses for strength against the enemy

The Holy Bible contains several verses that help fight the enemy in the most spiritual way possible. Despite the evil of some human beings, the children of God were commissioned by the Lord in order not to fall into conflicts of any kind.

The enemy must be defeated through actions that are based on what is good and what should be. The purpose is to give a life lesson to those human beings who for one reason or another have lost their spiritual compass.

In this regard, it is important to keep in mind that the Holy Father never abandons his children. From the power coming from the beautiful kingdom he grants the necessary forces that allow fight evil and cruelty.

The sacred word from the gospel strengthens the soul and spirit of all the faithful and believers who are victims of an enemy attack. The message of the Holy Father is based on conciliation, love, justice, respect, .

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