17 verses of encouragement for difficult times

Throughout our lives we encounter challenges that may seem very difficult to overcome. Financial problems, the death of someone we love, illnesses…there are many difficulties that we face through the years. How good to know that God accompanies us and helps us always!

In the Bible we find words of encouragement and encouragement that comfort us in these situations. Through them we receive the consolation we need for the precise moment. They are words that help us to move forward trusting in the one who sent the Son of his beloved to die on the cross for love of us. Let’s look at some of these verses.

1. God is with us

So do not fear, because I am with you; do not worry, because I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
(Isaiah 41:10)

We should not fear or be distressed because we have the presence of our God. He does not leave us alone, and he is bigger and more powerful than any problem. We must guard our minds, focus on the greatness and power of God and that his victorious hand sustains us at all times.

Remember that our security is in God.

2. God is good

Good is the Lord; He is a refuge in the day of trouble, and a protector of those who trust in him.
(Nahum 1:7)

We must not doubt the goodness of our God, but continue to trust in his love and care. Even when God allows situations that we do not like, we can take refuge in him and in his protection. He has promised to be with us every day until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20). Let us rest in his promises and in his abundant goodness for all who trust in him.

3. God gives us his peace

Peace I leave you; I give you my peace. I do not give it to you as the world does. Do not be distressed or cowered.
(John 14:27)

The peace that God gives us encompasses much more than peace as we understand it. Normally, if we talk about peace we refer to the absence of war or conflict. But the concept of “shalom“, the peace that the Bible mentions, is much more than that. It means totality, well-being, security and reaches all areas of our lives.

When we are in the midst of problems and difficulties, we may become distressed and overwhelmed by feelings so that we forget God’s promises. Let us learn to rest in his promises, let us rest in the arms of peace and love of our Savior Jesus Christ.

4. God equips us to overcome

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-control.
(2 Timothy 1:7)

God fills us with his Holy Spirit and enables us to face the situations of life. We must not be timid, but courageous, take hold of the tools that he gives us and use them. We can be assertive and firm, take steps that glorify God and show that we are filled with his power and his love.

In the midst of difficulties we must use the self-control that God gives us. Emotions should not reign and guide our actions. We can remain calm and serene because we trust our Father and he will never fail us.

Look at 12 verses that will give you courage to face the challenges of life.

5. God listens to us and acts

But I will cry out to God, and the Lord will save me. Morning, noon and night I cry out in anguish, and he hears me. Although there are many who fight me, he rescues me, saves my life in the battle that is waged against me.
(Psalm 55:16-18)

Sometimes we forget to cry out to God in the midst of our difficulties. We allow ourselves to be blinded by the threats and problems that surround us. However, whenever we cry out to God, he hears us and takes action. He may not instantly deliver us from the illness or the battle that lies in wait for us, but he does give us the peace we need and gives us a new perspective. He reminds us that our life is in his hands and in him we have salvation.

68 verses with promises from God

6. God is great and powerful

Raise your eyes and look to the skies: Who has created all this? The one who orders the multitude of stars one by one, and calls each one by his name. Their power is so great, and their strength so powerful, that not one of them is lacking!
(Isaiah 40:26)

No matter how big and difficult our circumstances are, we can be sure that God is much bigger and more powerful. He is the creator of the universe and he created us. God knows everything that happens. By focusing on his greatness we do not allow circumstances to overwhelm us and we strengthen our trust in him, in his love and care for him.

Renew hope in your life!

7. His word gives us life

I am prostrate in the dust; give me life according to your word. You answered me when I told you about my ways. Teach me your decrees!
(Psalm 119:25-26)

The word of God is alive and renews us. We must feed our spirit even in the midst of painful situations. In the Bible we see many men and women of God who went through difficult times, but stood firm, trusting in the promises of the Lord. We see how God faithfully answered them in every circumstance and our faith grows.

10 Bible verses to strengthen the spirit

8. There is power in the name of God

Impregnable tower is the name of the Lord; the righteous run to it and are saved.
(Proverbs 18:10)

If the only prayer you can pray in the midst of your circumstances is to repeat the name of God or the name of Jesus, that prayer is enough. In his name we find refuge and salvation. He listens to the requests that come from the depths of our being and sends his Holy Spirit to comfort and encourage us.

71 Bible verses about trust in God

9. Jesus has already overcome

I have told you these things so that in me you may find peace. In this world you will face afflictions, but take heart! I have overcome the world.
(John 16:33)

Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection guarantee us that victory has already been achieved. There is no affliction so great that Jesus cannot overcome. In fact, he already beat her. In the midst of our problems and pains we can remember that Jesus has already won eternal life for us and no one can take it away from us.

Learn more about faith and how it helps us overcome.

10. God speaks to us

I will bless the Lord, who advises me; Even at night my conscience rebukes me. I always keep the Lord in mind; with him at my right, nothing will bring me down.
(Psalm 16:7-8)

God advises us day or night. If we are attentive and silence the voices of doubt or despair, we will be able to hear the soft and loving voice of him showing us what we must do. We must take time to express what we feel before him and ask him for direction. He will guide us and nothing will make us fall.

11. Nothing will separate us from the love of God

For which I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor the present nor the future nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, Our Lord.
(Romans 8:38-39)

If you have opened your heart to Jesus and he is your Lord, there is nothing, nor ever will be, that can separate you from the great love that God has for you. Even if the fight is hard and it seems to you that you do not have enough strength, God is always by your side sustaining you as the loving Father that he is. Lean on his love and receive his comfort in the midst of difficulties.

12. The hand of the Lord sustains us

If I take the wings of dawn
and I live at the end of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me
and your right hand will seize me.
(Psalm 139:9-10)

Wherever you are, the Lord is with you and sustains you. If you think that problems are too heavy and that they will bring you down, remember who is holding your hand: the Creator of the universe, the almighty God! Cry out to him and receive new strength!

13. Trust in God casts out fear

When I feel afraid
I put my trust in you.
I trust in God and praise his word;
I trust in God and I am not afraid.
What can a mere mortal do to me?
(Psalm 56:3-4)

Do not let fear overcome you, remember that you have God’s help. Put your trust in him, feed your spirit every day by talking to him and reading his Word. Remember all the wonderful things that God has done throughout history and in your own life. As your trust in God increases, fear will decrease.

14. God is our strength

The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord;
he is your strength in times of trouble.
(Psalm 37:39)

Do not trust your own strength or your own justice. Go to God, in him there is salvation. He will work in your favor and will give you the necessary strength to face the problems or difficulties that come your way. Draw near to him today and receive strength from him!

15. We will sing again!

He who with tears sows,
with rejoicing harvest.
He who weeping spreads the seed,
singing he gathers up his sheaves.
(Psalm 126:5-6)

In life there are many occasions when we must cry and work hard before we can smile and reap the desired fruit. With God, we know that our suffering is not eternal, it is temporary. The pain will end and we will sing and smile again. The Lord will accompany us throughout the process and with him, we will jump for joy celebrating each victory achieved.

16. We can take our anxiety to the Lord

Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.
(1 Peter 5:7)

Don’t let anxiety paralyze you or drive you to despair. Come closer to God and give him your fears and anxieties. He loves you and cares for you, he has good things for your life. Make a decision to continue to trust in his goodness and hold on to him. You will feel his presence and his special care over your life.

31 verses to overcome anxiety and fear

17. In God there is salvation

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,
and save those who are downcast in spirit.
(Psalm 34:18)

The Lord is by your side and in him you have salvation. Don’t doubt God’s care over your life in these difficult times. Trust that he has the solution and he will guide you at all times. He receives today your restorative embrace and salvation from him.

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