10 Bible verses for self-esteem- Faithful to God

Sometimes we feel that we are not what we want. That we have not achieved what we promised ourselves or to the point of feeling that we are worth nothing It is a sign of low self-esteem.

And it is normal to feel this way for both a woman and a man, have we ever experienced this feeling. But, we must not allow Let this feeling affect our lives.

So let’s shelter this weakness in 10 powerful Bible verses about self-esteem Get it back!. Which, are used for when we feel that we should better self-esteem or raise self-esteem.

Apart from this, there are also psalms within the Bible, dedicated to women and men who are in the midst of this situation. In order for them to know that God is with them. And that through the psalms or biblical verses, they can improve self-esteem.

God knows and also our weaknesses, He knows how great, unique and also special we are. Thus Jesus Christ has left us comfort and guidance in the wise scriptures of the Bible. To make us recover our self-esteem. Well, wound keeps us down and dissatisfied.

10 beautiful Bible verses to raise self-esteem

We cannot allow bad life situations to make us doubt how valuable we are in this world and in the eyes of God. Because we are made in his image and likeness, perfect work of his creation.

It is for this reason that today we are going to offer you these 10 verses, for the woman who need to raise self-esteem and even, it also works for a man. So, you can improve self-esteem, with the biblical verses or psalms, that the bible offers you.

I am worth more than many sparrows

(Matthew 10:29-31)

My God, though helpless

I trust in your word

because I know that nothing happens without

your full permission.

And even if you’re afraid of not

to be able to face life I know that

I am worth more than many sparrows.


you love me god

(Isaiah 43:4)

Blessed is your love that you have to deliver

men in exchange for my life,

also you will deliver towns

in exchange for me because you love me.

And before your eyes you see me

precious and also worthy of honor.

Thank you, holy father.


Sheep of his meadow

(Psalm 100:3)

I acknowledge before you, that you are my creator,

that you have made me and that I am yours.

I am your people and also a sheep of your flock.

That’s why I’ll be glad

be part of your creation

and I will never doubt that

I am worthy of your honor.


you created me

(Psalm 139:13)

Merciful Father, you created

my guts too you shaped me

in my mother’s womb

and as part of your creation

admirable I praise you.

Also I glorify you and

I also praise your power.

Because your works are wonderful

Y I am part of them.


you will never forget me

(Isaiah 49:15-16)

My God, can one

mother forget her son

and stop loving him when

her womb has been born?

It’s so hard to believe but

even so, If that were to happen, I know

your love will never let it happen.

Because I am part of you And in the

palms of your hands you take me,

and because in the walls of your kingdom

my name is written.


deny oneself

(Matthew 16:24-25)

My God, please don’t let

Let denial invade my life.

that reaches the end of

deny myself, plus

from telling me no to affirming myself

like your son

also not to satisfy

my needs and a no

to perform as

creature of the Lord.


Trials before God

(1 Corinthians 4:3-5)

My God of Mercy,

please allow me to make judgments

objectives as part of my duty

on earth, always remind me that

value judgments and of esteem

They belong only to you Lord.

Because I’m not the one

to come to judge me harmfully

and less to do it with my neighbor.


Humility as a Commandment

(John 13:16-17)

Almighty God, make me

a humble being before the things of life,

also a son obedient to your commands.

Please allow me to recover

my self-esteem and that humility

be the size that I consider

your holy will


I am your servant

(Luke 22:24)

I am your servant sir,

put away your pride

always be your son.


Servant of God

(Matthew 20:26)

Great are the servants,

those who serve you.

Not those who are servants.


Regain self-esteem with God’s help

How great is the love of God, who reminds us in 10 Powerful Bible Verses on Self-Esteem Get It Back! How important and valuable we are to Him.

There is no reason that has more power than the word of Jesus embodied in the Bible. Therefore, there is no reason doubt how special we are.

It has been deposited in us and how complete we are with the gifts that the Holy Spirit pours out on us. Love God, love yourself and love your neighborthere is nothing that love cannot solve here on earth.

It is for this reason that when reading the biblical verses and psalms dedicated to women and men. They improve the self-esteem of whoever reads them, what’s more, they help raise self-esteem, because the word of God, is the best consolation.

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