ᐅ What does the Bible say about sickness? | 【Holy Bible】

Diseases are the most common in humans. We do not know of a single person who throughout his life has not suffered from some disease. Therefore, as Christians we must know what attitude to take towards them.Advertisement

Not knowing how to face a disease will cause a great void in our lives, not knowing the cause of your illness generates great worries, and in general, the internal desire is to get out of pain soon, even before understanding what God wants to teach us through it. .

The Bible presents illness with an intimate relationship with sin. The end of sin is death (Romans 6:23). The disease was generated by sin, if there were no sin in the world, there would be no disease. If Adam had not sinned, there would be no disease in the world, therefore disease came because of sin.Advertisement

Sickness and sin in the Bible

When man fell into sin, our soul was damaged, and the body was invaded by disease, revealing that man’s destiny is to die. However, when the Lord Jesus came to bring salvation, he not only forgave man’s sins, but also healed his diseases. Jesus saved the soul and the body of man!

The Lord healed many sick while he was on earth. His hands were always ready to touch and heal the sick. If we pay attention to what he did, we can see that the salvation he brought always included healing from diseases.

The Lord’s gospel included saving man from sin and sickness so that he would know the love of the Father and It can be observed that in the gospels, the facts, the epistles and in the Old Testament that the healing of diseases and the forgiveness of sins always go together.

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The Lord Jesus took our diseases, and also our sins to the cross of Calvary (Isaiah 53:4;12). Therefore, Jesus not only saves us from sin but also from sickness. And now the believers can rejoice saying: Praise, my soul, the Lord, and do not forget any of the benefits of him. He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3).

Jesus forgives sins and heals diseases

If the Lord Jesus will only forgive sins and not heal diseases, salvation would be incomplete. He has already saved our soul (Ephesians 2:8), but He still allows our
body gets sick Therefore, while he was on earth he solved both problems equally.

Sometimes he first forgave the sins and then healed the sickness, and other times he healed the sickness before forgiving the sin. If we look at the gospels, it seems that the Lord did more healing works than anything else.

It was more difficult for the Jews to believe that Jesus forgave sins than in
heal diseases (Matthew 9:5). In those days, men believed that Jesus had power to heal the sick, but they doubted his power to forgive sins.

Currently the case is completely opposite, today’s Christians believe in the Lord’s power to forgive sins, but they question the Lord’s grace to cure diseases.

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Important: Christ is and will always be the Savior of the soul and body of man. So, he forgives us and also heals us.

God’s discipline in sickness according to the Bible

Have you ever wondered what is the origin of your disease? Generally, we do not do it, but we run to the doctor to discover what our body has, so let’s see what the Bible says about this affair.

For the apostle Paul some diseases were a kind of discipline or punishment from the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:31-32). Because the believers had sinned before the Lord, he allowed them to get sick, in order for them to examine themselves and correct their mistakes.

God shows his grace and mercy with his children, disciplining them so that they are not condemned with the world (Hebrews 12:9-10). If Christians repent, God will deliver them. If the believer is willing to examine himself and be transformed, he will not suffer illness.

In the Bible a man is presented who was born blind (John 9), to which the Lord said they will not use sin to blame all the people who were sick. However, if Adam had not sinned, that man would not have been born blind. But, because he was “born” blind, his case is different from that of believers’ illnesses.

Diseases of “birth” in many cases have nothing to do with our sin. But the diseases that we have after being saved, according to the Bible, have a relationship with sin (James 5:16). Therefore, the believer must confess his sins to receive healing.

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Important: a sick believer should not run to seek healing or a medical appointment to know what his body has; let alone be filled with fear. The first thing he should do is examine himself in a sincere way to find out the reason why he has the disease.

Other causes of diseases according to the Bible

The disease is not only associated with the sin of the person, it can also come for other reasons according to the Bible, therefore, it does not mean that all illness is a punishment for some sin or a sign of lack of faith. Sickness in the Bible has two other causes:

1. Illness from an enemy attack

In the Bible you can see cases where the disease is not associated with sin, but is also part of the attacks of the Christian’s adversary, “Satan”; In chapter 1 of the book of Job, the Lord allows us to see a meeting of the spiritual world where the devil arrived.

In this meeting, God exalts the perfection of Job, a pious and God-fearing man who had not committed any sin to receive any disease, however, just as he did with Peter (Luke 22:31-32), satan asked God to allow him to attack him, because if he attacked him, he would realize that Job only wanted him for the riches he had given him.

The book narrates the terrible satanic attack of the enemy with “natural” events where Job loses all his wealth, his children and is attacked with a terrible disease that even made him wish for death (Job 7:15). Therefore, here we see that a disease can be caused by the Devil’s attack on the Christian.

2. Illness from God’s treatment or discipline

Another of the causes of disease in the Bible is the treatment or discipline of God, this can occur due to different factors including God’s desire for the believer to be sanctified (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

An example of this discipline from God is found in the apostle Paul, who suffered from a disease that afflicted his body and soul in such a way that it made him pray three times for healing (1 Corinthians 12:8)However, God’s response was that it was necessary for him to continue with her.

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It is no secret to anyone that illness purifiespain and suffering make a Christian keep his eyes on Jesus and his pride and success are controlled, because in the weakness of the believer, God is glorified (1 Corinthians 12:9).

Psalms to pray for a sick person in the Bible

Using the psalms to pray for a sick person is a great blessing, because through them we can express what we feel, so you can use the following psalms to pray for a sick person or to ask for your own healing.

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Conclusion on the sick according to the Bible

According to the Bible, a disease can be caused by 3 things, by sin, by an attack from the devil or by a discipline from God. Therefore, when you are in a state of illness or you know someone who is going through that moment, the first thing you should do is evaluate yourself.

The Christian is called to self-evaluate and examine the depths of his heart (1 Corinthians 11:28), and ask for the guidance of the Lord, to discern if he is under attack from the devil, or because he has not confessed a sin or if, on the contrary, he is a discipline from the Lord to form your character.

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