ZURDEZ – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Predominance of the left area of ​​the body, hand, feet, reflex movements, gaze, etc, due to a mystery of nature that determines that a variable percentage in each place on the planet has a superior configuration and energy in the sinister lobes of the brain, since in such a place is probably the cause that motivates this feature.

In general, it seems that 4% of men are left-handed (sinistrographer) and perhaps another 4 to 6% are bidextrous, that is, they do not have a natural predominance, but acquire it by premature formation. The remaining 90% is dextro (dextrograph).

In the education of left-handed people, it is recommended not to oppose their natural traits, but to condition all learning to their peculiar characteristics, since persistent opposition generates imbalances and supplements in the efforts for daily learning.

The extraphysiological interpretation of this trait that was made in other times lacks any justification and must be overcome by better attention and adaptation, as is currently recommended.

Pedro Chico González, Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy, Editorial Bruño, Lima, Peru 2006

Source: Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy

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