Working for God – 7 Reasons to Serve Him

Working for God is giving back to him for everything he has done for us, it is obeying the word of God and enforcing his will here on earth. One of the mandates we have as Christians is to preach the message of salvation.

This can be seen in the word: “Because I have given you an example, so that as I have done to you, you also do” (John 13.15) In this way, when Jesus Christ came into this world, he gave us the example of what it means to serve the work of God, where we set our hearts to fulfill the will of our Father.

Working for God – What it means

It is very common to hear about the work we do in God’s work, the service that his children offer to carry out the Lord’s purpose on earth.

In this regard, the word “servant” is used in the Bible to speak of the people who are at the service of a very relevant person, who is named as “Lord”.

People who accept Christ Jesus as their only true savior and receive him in their hearts begin to experience spiritual transformation because now the Holy Spirit dwells in that person. That is, he leaves his past life and is now a new creature in Christ Jesus.

From that moment, the person is called to work for God, to serve him here on earth to preach his word to every creature: “And he said to them: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

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How can we serve God?

Working for God implies doing his will, but when we do it we must do it with love, giving our best to serve the one who gave his life for us for our salvation.

It is not about fulfilling a responsibility and that’s it, it is about establishing a close relationship in which our service is directed by the Lord, since when we work for him, we must do it with direction.

Service to our God is to glorify his name and exalt him at all times. And each ministry has an important purpose for the Lord’s work to be carried out.

The church is the body of Christ, which has many members and each one of these is extremely important and complements each other to fulfill the will of the Father, as can be seen in the word:

“For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot were to say: Because I am not a hand, I am not part of the body, that does not mean that it ceases to be part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say: Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body, that does not mean that it ceases to be a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, what would be of the ear? If everything were heard, what would smell be? Now, God has placed each of the members in the body as he pleased. And if they were all one member, what would be of the body? However, there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand: I don’t need you; nor head to toe: I don’t need you. On the contrary, the truth is that the members of the body that seem to be the weakest are the most necessary. (1 Corinthians 12:14-22)

In this way, no member of the body of Christ can be underestimated because they are all important, in fact the one who seems to be the weakest turns out to be the most necessary. So we must put aside the novels of superiority because we are only servants of God, who deserves all the Glory and honor.

7 Reasons to Serve the Lord

Working for God is being at the service of the one who has given us everything in life, it is understanding that with our actions we are repaying part of his goodness and mercy because certainly without him we would be nothing.

Serving the Lord is recognizing that while we do his will we are pleasing him and although we should not do it to receive a reward, we will surely obtain it because he is faithful and just with his children, with those who love him and fulfill his perfect will.

For this reason, working for God should not be taken lightly because blessings will come into our lives supernaturally because he sees our heart and the willingness we have to serve him with love and dedication. So it is important to highlight different reasons why we should serve our Lord, among which we find the following:

1.- Glorify the Lord

One of the reasons why we must serve our Father is the fact that through our actions we are glorifying him, because we are fulfilling his mandate to grow the Ministry in the churches.

In some cases we emphasize that salvation is not by action. However when we work for God we are being obedient.

In this sense, God has allowed you to be in your church so that you are edified, in such a way that you can work and serve him with love.

So if we allow ourselves to only be occupying a pew in the church, it means that we are wasting the opportunity that the Lord has for our life.

On the other hand, serving the Lord should be our joy because doing so shows our devotion to him and reveals what we have in our hearts, because faith without works is dead. And no one can please God if he does not have faith.

So if you are a child of God you must glorify your father through your service to him and his work here on earth, and you will receive your reward, as the word expresses: “The reward of humility and the fear of the Lord are wealth, honor and life” (Proverbs 22:4)

So through our service, we are glorifying the Lord and our humility to carry out God’s work here on earth will give us life and life in abundance, because the person who is in Christ now has a new life where the Holy Spirit reigns.

2.- God grants us spiritual gifts

In the Holy Scriptures we can appreciate different passages to understand spiritual gifts: “So, having different gifts, according to the grace that is given to us, if that of prophecy, use it according to the measure of faith; or if of service, in serving; or the one who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; the one who distributes, with liberality; the one who presides, with request; he who shows mercy, with joy. Let love be without dissimulation. Hate the bad, follow the good. Love one another with brotherly love; as regards honor, preferring one another. In what requires diligence, not lazy; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” (Romans 12:6-11)

In this sense, we can learn how the Lord in his grace and in a supernatural way moves in the lives of his children. But we must have an orderly life and try to do the will of God. For this it is important to maintain communion with him through the reading of the word and prayer.

3.- By serving you will demonstrate the reality of your faith

One of the books of the bible where it is revealed that faith is not primarily about what we know, have heard or say. Because certainly faith is manifested through our works.

In some cases, our faith is at a minimum and when this happened it is because it has not been nourished by the word of God because faith enters by hearing and hearing this divine word: “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17)

The faith that we know in the Bible is one that shows us the life and work of great characters in biblical history where the greatness of our Lord can be seen manifested, such is the case of Moses, who was able to free the people from Egypt with the power of God.

In the same way we find David who was able to defeat Goliath, we also observe Daniel who was victorious after being thrown to the lions. That is, by reading the word our faith increases because the power of God is revealed to us, his exploits, prodigies, miracles, liberations, among other events of great importance.

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4.- There are not many servers

Another reason why we must be willing to serve the Lord is because there are not many workers who are willing to fulfill that mandate. So you and I as children of God have that call to build through our service to the congregation.

In the same way, it is important to emphasize that the main purpose of our service is to rescue lost souls, since God does not want anyone to be lost:

“The Lord does not tarry his promise, as some have tardiness; but he is patient with us, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

For this reason, we must focus on proclaiming the message of the kingdom of heaven, speaking about the good news, preaching the gospel of salvation and also revealing the prophecies of the second coming of Christ, since it is important to be prepared for the final battle, for the rapture.

This is what our service to God is about, and that is why we must make use of our spiritual gifts and manifest them according to his work and purpose to manifest wonders in all nations.

At present, we must be permanent workers, because the enemy does not rest, he does not have vacations nor does he pretend to have them, since he knows what his destiny is and before that happens, he wants to destroy people’s lives to win their souls.

So as believers we must be servants, warriors, workers of the Lord, using the means that currently exist such as social networks, since these are being taken over by Satan for the destruction of young people and adolescents, who are the most vulnerable. .

As children of God we must strive and be courageous and preach the gospel to every creature, to all nations where information is scarce. Because the truth must be made known, and this is our mission in this world.

5.- Through service to God we give good testimony

When Jesus Christ chose his apostles, he did so because he knew they could be “like him.” So service is more closely associated with the principle of example, of testimony, which is why Jesus is our greatest example of what service, humility, mercy and love are.

The question that we can ask ourselves is if we are willing to let ourselves be guided by Jesus and follow his example of service, or if we are only Christians to sit in a church? We must reflect on these questions because it is what will define our ministry in our congregation.

On the other hand, we as children of God must try to be like Jesus and give a good testimony not only in the church, but in our daily lives, in our home, at work, in the house of study.

In any place we must be at the service of our God because what we do in secret will be rewarded in public, as the word indicates:

“Beware of doing your righteousness before men, to be seen by them; otherwise you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:1)

So when we put our works into practice we should not expect the approval of others, but we should do it for the glory and honor of our Father.

6.- When we serve we achieve…

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