What was the political context in which Jesus lived?

What was the political context that Jesus lived?

Jesus of Nazareth was born and lived in the area of ​​the Middle East still called Palestine (country of the Philistines). From the year 64 a. C., this region was part of the Roman Empire. Historically it has received different names: Judea, Canaan, Israel, Holy Land, etc.

What was the social context like at the time of Jesus?

It was a relatively prosperous region, but under enormous economic and social pressure. Jesus was a Jew, and as such had a special relationship with Jerusalem, the holy city, where the Temple was located, to which the Jews went on pilgrimage to worship God.

What was the political organization like at the time of Jesus?

-The elders (senators or priests) were almost all members of the aristocracy and businessmen. -The high priests were mostly Saduseans. -The lawyers or teachers of the Law, Pharisees for the most part. The president of the Sanhedrin was the high priest, a kind of president of the government.

What was the economy like in Jesus’ time?

Palestinian economy at the time of Jesus: The main elements of the Palestinian economy during the first century are: a) Agriculture and livestock: The main crops were: wheat, barley, figs, olives and vines.

What is impure in the time of Jesus?

The woman who menstruates, who is pregnant, who gives birth or has just become a mother acquires, for these reasons, the religious label of “impure”, both in the Hebrew laws (Leviticus 12 and 15) and in numerous Greek Sacred Laws, related to different gods, temples or cities.

Who ruled Galilee at the time of Jesus?

Herod Antipas ruled Galilee with the title of tetrarch at the time of Jesus. He had John the Baptist beheaded and is shown questioning Jesus during the passion.

What were the social classes at the time of Jesus and their importance?

At the time of Jesus, there were two extreme social strata in Palestine: the rich and the poor. … Among these mighty rich men were Herod II Antipas, the priestly heads of families, the high priests, and other great landowners and merchants.

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