What is the wisdom that comes from God according to the Bible

The wisdom that comes from God It is not equal to human wisdom. Human wisdom generally focuses on accumulating knowledge. Someone wise is someone who knows a lot. However, the wisdom that God gives us is one that enables us to speak or act, reflecting his character in the midst of any circumstance. True wisdom has its origin in God and the closer we get to him, the wiser we will be.

The book of James in the New Testament says some very interesting things about wisdom. In chapter 1 verses 2-6, we see that our reaction to the trials of life is a sign of the level of wisdom we have. During difficult times it is clear if we move driven by our emotions and frustrations or if we do it guided by the wisdom that comes from God.

Trials can result in growth and blessing. It will be so, if we allow God to guide us in everything and give us the necessary wisdom to act correctly. However, if we want to be guided by the wisdom that comes from God, we must ask for it. It is a humble step. We must open our hearts to feel what the Father feels in the midst of that situation and for him to see things from his perspective.

The wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God

James 3:13-18 expresses quite clearly the difference between the wisdom that comes from the world and that which God gives us. Let us see the difference and let us resolve to reflect with our words and actions the wisdom that comes from our Lord.

1. Wisdom shows

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him demonstrate it with his good behavior, through works done with the humility that his wisdom gives him.
(James 3:13)

Santiago goes straight to the point. He asks who is wise and understanding. Time to honestly evaluate yourself! His answer: Wisdom is shown by good conduct. The truly wise person shows it through his behavior and his deeds and does so with humility.

There is no need for demands: wisdom is reflected through actions. When the wise person does or says something it is because he knows that it is the right thing to do at that moment. She goes before God in prayer until she is certain that she will speak or act guided by him and that she will be of help and blessing to other people.

2. How to recognize earthly wisdom

But, if you have bitter envy and rivalry in your heart, stop showing off and being untruthful. That is not the wisdom that descends from heaven, but is earthly, purely human and diabolical. Because where there is envy and rivalry, there is also confusion and all kinds of evil deeds.
(James 3:14-16)

What motivates our words and actions gives us a very clear indication. If we move driven by envy, jealousy or the desire to excel, we are acting under earthly, human and diabolical wisdom. No matter how hard we try to deny it, sooner or later what lies behind our actions will be seen. The result will be one that will bring confusion and evil.

Let’s watch our hearts! Let us not allow envy, jealousy and rivalry to reign in us. Let us ask God for wisdom to be able to distinguish what is the origin of our motivations and desires.

3. The fruits of God’s wisdom

On the other hand, the wisdom that descends from heaven is first of all pure, and also peaceful, kind, docile, full of compassion and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
(James 3:17)

Here we learn to recognize the wisdom that comes from God. First of all, it is pure, not tainted with damaged emotions, demands, or desires for power. Its goal is to make peace, kindness, meekness and understanding shine in relationships. She acts motivated by compassion and her actions bear good fruit.

The wisdom that comes from the Lord does not create divisions. Persevere until an understanding is reached. He does everything with sincerity, without pretense, because it comes from the depths of a heart transformed by the Holy Spirit of God. And that is the kind of heart that manifests the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.

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4. If you sow wisely, you receive a good harvest

Finally, the fruit of justice is sown in peace for those who make peace.
(James 3:18)

What is sown is reaped. Therefore, the sage who acts justly, always contributing to an environment of peace, will receive the fruit of his acts of justice and will receive it in peace.

Jesus: growing in wisdom

In the Gospels we read that Jesus, God incarnate, went through all the stages of growth that any human being goes through. One of the areas in which Jesus had to grow was the area of ​​wisdom. If Jesus in becoming human had to actively seek to grow in wisdom, how much more should we seek it?

None of us are born wise. We are acquiring the wisdom of the Lord through the study of the Word, spending time with God and by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us.

What results can we expect if we grow in wisdom? First, the grace of God will be with us. So it was with Jesus.

The child grew and grew stronger; he progressed in wisdom, and the grace of God was with him.
(Luke 2:40)

We don’t know much about Jesus’ childhood, but we do know that as he acquired more of God’s wisdom, the more evident was God’s grace and favor upon him. We can hope that our wisdom, by making decisions that glorify God and treating others fairly, will open the door for God’s grace and favor to be more present to us. The others will see it.

Another result that we can expect is that, as it happened with Jesus in his childhood, we also enjoy the favor of people (Luke 2:52). The wisdom that comes from God makes us more likeable people, people with whom most people feel comfortable. People perceive the honesty, justice and kindness that God has placed in us. This makes them treat us with more consideration and favor.

Jesus continued to grow in wisdom and stature, and more and more he enjoyed the favor of God and all people.
(Luke 2:52)

What is wisdom according to the Bible

1. God grants it

Because the Lord gives wisdom; knowledge and science spring from his lips.
(Proverbs 2:6)

2. Start with the fear of the Lord

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; to know the Saint is to have discernment.
(Proverbs 9:10)

3. It gives us life

You can put yourself in the shadow of wisdom or in the shadow of money, but wisdom has the advantage of giving life to those who possess it.
(Ecclesiastes 7:12)

4. It helps us to bless others

The charlatan strikes with his tongue as with a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings relief.
(Proverbs 12:18)

5. It protects us

Never abandon wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will take care of you.
Wisdom comes first. Gain wisdom! Above all things, gain discernment.
(Proverbs 4:6-7)

6. It is very valuable

It is better to acquire wisdom than gold; It is better to acquire intelligence than silver.
(Proverbs 16:16)

7. Acquired with the right attitude

Listen to advice and accept correction, and you will become wise.
(Proverbs 19:20)

8. It helps us to give a good testimony

Behave wisely with those who do not believe in Christ, making the most of every opportune moment. May your conversation always be pleasant and in good taste. That way you will know how to respond to each one.
(Colossians 4:5-6)

9. It guides us to act with good judgment

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; Good judgment is shown by those who fulfill its precepts. Your praise of him remains forever!
(Psalm 111:10)

10. Bring joy and peace to our lives

Blessed is he who finds wisdom, he who acquires understanding. Because she is more profitable than silver and she yields more profit than gold. She is more valuable than precious stones: not even the most desirable can compare to her! With her right hand she offers long life; with the left, honor and riches. Her ways are pleasant and in her paths there is peace. She is a tree of life for those who embrace her; blessed are those who retain it!
(Proverbs 3:13-18)

Let us seek the wisdom that comes from God!

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