What Is Sin Biblically And What Is The Origin

God in his word makes a difference between what what is sin and iniquity. The church in some aspects deals with the issue of sin, however sin is only the fruit of iniquity. It is important to know what is sin? Since many believe that it is from this point that they should attack the problem, omitting the root. In this article you will see in a different way what it is and how? address sin.

What is sin according to the bible?

sin is operationconscience or inclination that goes against God’s standards (1 John 3:4; 5:17). The bible says that everything that is sin in the eyes of God is bad or unfair. (James 4:17). In the original language of the Bible, the word “sin” symbolizes failing, or not reaching the goal. To sin is not to achieve the adequate fulfillment of the norms demanded by God. It is important to understand that God, as the creator of all things, has all the authority to set standards for humanity (Revelation 4:11).

And we must give an account to him for our actions (Romans 14:12).

Is it possible to never sin?

We all sin, because we were conceived under iniquity, and iniquity gives birth to sin. Therefore, we all already come with that sinful nature, and a lot of structures that have been growing with each one of us, if we have iniquity in our spiritual DNA, we will inevitably sin.

At the beginning of creation, as everyone knows, Adam and Eve did not sin, because they were created perfect, in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). However, they disobeyed the creator (Genesis 3:5, 6, 17-19). Then satan planted iniquity in them, and in this way the eggs of sin will sprout, at the moment of having their offspring they transmitted iniquity to them, which bears fruit to all that is the sin of evil.

As King David said: “In error I was brought forth” (Psalm 51:5).

Are some sins worse than others?

The Bible points out that the men of ancient Sodom “were sinners exceedingly and were wicked,” and that the sin was “grave.” (Genesis 13:13; 18:20). however for God there is no distinction about sin, for him they have the same degree. Example: One who practices gossip, and one who is a murderer are of equal magnitude, the difference is made, in the consequences they are different. It may seem crazy to you, but it’s real. A gossip can cause even a murder, it destroys homes, families. See what I mean, I would dare to say that it is even worse, than someone who has committed a murder once, and never did it again, instead the sin of gossip comes from the spirit, it is difficult for someone who practices it I can constantly stop making it so easy.

Factors that establish the responsibility of sin.

1.- Gravity.

The Bible explains; that idolatry, sexual immorality, murder, extortion, drunkenness, theft, and spiritualism are considered serious sins that we must not commit (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Revelation 21:8). In the scriptures we see a differentiation between these sins and others that turn out to be indeliberate or have been consummated without thinking, however it is important not to practice any, because for God they have the same degree of seriousness, the difference is that the consequences of each sin They are different.

2.- Frequency.

In the scriptures we can see a clear distinction between sinning once and committing the same sin repeatedly, (1 John 3:4-8). God brings condemnation to those who make the decision to continue sinning, because in this way you are showing that you have lost the fear of God, even after having an understanding of what is correct. (Hebrews 10:26, 27).

You can have victory over sin

Sin still lives on, hard and tempting, but the power and authority it held over each of us no longer remains.

“Now therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

Another aspect that continues after our salvation is the flesh. We live subject to patterns of behavior and thoughts that remain rooted in our brain and when we try, we interpose them for our opportune interest. More however, we no longer remain in the flesh, as our former being, now we are in Christ.

We have the opportunity to choose to walk according to the flesh (Romans 8:12,13), committing those old impulses that lived determined to respond independently of God. In Romans 6:1,11 Paul points out that the truth of the Lord Jesus is our truth, since we abide “in him”.

God the Father “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” ​​(2 Corinthians 5:21).

When Jesus died on the cross, all our sins were suffered and borne by him, but by the time he came out of the grave, he had already won the victory over sin. We also die to sin since we accept to live in Christ and be seated in heavenly places.

It is a promise in the Bible, which we must claim and once God gives us an order, we must obey it. So when the Bible tells us the truth about who we really are through Christ, there is only one thing we can do, which is believe. I mention this, because the passage of Romans 6:1,10, is not an order that we have to obey, they are truths that we have to believe.

Our old man was crucified with him, so that the body of sin might be destroyed, so that we no longer serve sin” (verse 6);

“For he who has died has been justified from sin” (verse 7); “And if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him” (verse 8).

The verbs in these fragments are in the past tense, saying that our only obligation is to believe this truth in ourselves now, in the present tense.

Verse 11 exhorts us to believe the truth about our correspondence with sin and our condition in Christ: “In the same way you also reckon yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Paul uses the verbs in the present tense, because we have to believe this truth continuously. Believing it does not transform it into a truth, it is real even if we do not believe it. We may not feel that we are dead to sin, but we are.

Since the old man was crucified with Christ and for that reason, he is already dead. Even if we try, we cannot implant a truth through our own experience. The duty is to choose to believe what God says, walk according to faith and thus the truth will work for our experience. It is not what we do that determines who we are.

The origin of sin

“You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created, until wickedness was found in you.” And then he says: with the multitude of your iniquities and with the iniquity of your contracts you have defiled your sanctuary…” Ezekiel 28: 15 and 18.

Evil is the evil seed that gives rise to all evil. It is transmitted to the human being from conception, it is impregnated in the heart with twisted thoughts, and misaligned with divine justice. Everything opposite to truth, love and all the pure essence of God is transferred

“The sin of Judah is written with an iron chisel and with a diamond point, it is carved on the tablet of his heart…” Jeremiah 17:1

Iniquity is what the scriptures describe as the body of sin, which was injected into Adam and Eve when they ate from the forbidden tree for disobedience, this iniquity was housed in satan and he cunningly convinced them through the snake and in this way they They received from this spiritual poison that lodges to lay like species of eggs, and in this way gives fruit to all kinds of sins. Since iniquity is linked to the world of darkness, and from that level the devil links all kinds of curses that come from our ancestors.

What is sin originally, is a body that originates in the spirit, invading the soul and the body, as if it were a mud that damages and dirty everything.

You can learn more about the subject here: Iniquity The Body Of Sin In The Life Ofhe Believer And The Unconverted

Difference Between Sin and Iniquity

We have to be clear that the fruit is not the same as the root, much less the origin and what is given birth. God not only came to defeat sin in the life of each one of us, he also came to undo all the devilish works of Satan.

It is important to have a high understanding of the treatment that God has regarding this issue, since he does not deal with evil in a generic way, he is very specific and that is how we should respond against sin and all the kingdom of darkness that has arisen in the world.

That is, at the time of confess sins You must take into account what was previously explained to you, you must name one by one the sins that you committed, and that you are still committing so that you can see the liberation, and be able to uproot the root that is iniquity, in order to stop sinning.

For example, you cannot claim to be free if you confess in the following way:-Lord forgive all my sins. You should be more specific: Ask forgiveness for each of the sins: from robbery, adultery, fornication, homicide, gossip, criticism, etc. And so on.

God is making a call to search the hearts, to have discernment of the magnitude of the consequences that sin generates. God wants us to understand in the same frequency that he understands them, in order to definitely perceive the pain that God in his essence and nature feels for humanity, since his mercy is so great that he hates sin, but love the sinner That is why it is important that we seek liberation from all that is sin in its maximum manifestation. So that we can live in Christ, to have a firm will and stop committing sins.

What does God demand about reciprocating sin?

about our correspondence with sin and our condition in Christ: “In the same way, consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”. Paul uses the verbs in the present tense, because we have to believe this truth continuously. Believing it does not transform it into a truth, it is real even if we do not believe it. We may not feel that we are dead to sin, but we are.

Since the old man was crucified with Christ and for that reason, he is already dead. Even if we try, we cannot implant a truth through our own experience. The duty is to choose to believe what God says, walk according to faith and thus the truth will work for our experience. It is not what we do that determines who we are.

You may also like: What Is Spiritual Liberation And How It Starts According To The Bible

If you have made the decision to turn away from sin, and you do not know Jesus, I invite you to do: The Salvation Prayer

You will notice the change, and the fights will be lighter because God will give you all the support you need. Many times we want to fight with attitudes and we can’t. “Jesus has the answers to all questions…”

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