What does it mean to dream of wild animals, dead, small and more

If you want to know what it means to dream of animals according to popular tradition and psychology, keep reading this note and you will find a large number of meanings that will help you understand more about yourself.

Meaning of dreaming with animals

In general, since ancient times and for various cultures, the appearance of animals in dreams has a protective role. Dreams with animals speak of the dreamer’s need to connect with the most instinctive and natural.

The type of animal you dream of, and its particular characteristics, will determine a specific meaning. The meaning of each animal will also depend on the situation in which it is in the dream.

Learn the meaning of dreaming about animals below and discover what messages these dreams bring to you.

Dead animals

Dreaming of dead animals is usually a very unpleasant dream. Here I share some interpretations for you to learn what it means to dream of dead animals:

  • yesdreaming of a dead dog (or pet): It is usually related to some issue from the past that has caused a lot of fear and that still persists in the subconscious.
  • dream of dead puppies: dreams with puppies refers to childhood. Dreaming of dead baby animals is a sign of maturation, of abandonment of childhood. It is a dream that is usually had in transition stages.

Wild animals

Dreaming of wild animals is undoubtedly related to the need for independence and freedom. Know some interpretations to learn what it means to dream of wild animals:

  • Dreaming of wild animals attacking may be telling you that you are afraid of taking risks or responsibilities.
  • Dreaming of wild but tame animals means that you are comfortable with your need for independence.

rare animals

Dreaming of rare animals is possibly a dream related to the personality of the dreamer. What strange conditions does the animal you dream of have? What attitude does that animal generate in you? These questions can help you understand if the animal’s traits can also be your own traits.

Small animals

To know what it means to dream of small animals, it is necessary to analyze the context of the dream. Small animals are usually related to family life and the domestic environment. To understand the message of this dream you must analyze the situation in which you see the small animal, surely it indicates some particular situation in your family life to which you should pay attention.

Big animals

Large animals relate to outside life. These animals do not usually appear in dreams as threatening but rather in open environments and in nature. Dreaming of large animals speaks of your interest and how you relate to your peers.

The interpretation of dreaming about strange animals is similar to the one we wrote earlier with strange animals. When you have these dreams, and if you keep a dream journal, it is important to write down any special characteristics that you had in the dream in order to understand your own personality traits.

What does it mean to dream of many animals

People who usually dream of many animals are usually very empathic and supportive. Not all people usually tolerate living with animals. There are many people who have a phobia for tame animals such as cats and dogs. Dreaming of many animals is a positive dream.

Meaning of animals in psychology

Sigmund Freud was a German neuropsychiatrist, whose studies on the human psyche laid the foundations for Psychoanalysis. Within his works he dedicated a long study to the meaning of dreams, debunking the old belief that dreams were related to omens of the future.

According to Freud, dreams are closely related to the experiences, fears, guilt and conflicts of the dreamer. All these contents are stored in the unconscious and appear symbolically when dreaming.

The interpretation of dreams depends on the experiences of each person. To discover the meanings of dreams, start from associations made by the dreamer. The analysis helps to discover and weave a network of content and lived situations to understand the true value and meaning of dreams.

Therefore, it is not the same for psychology, dreaming of cats or scorpions and cockroaches. It also depends on the relationship that the dreamer has with these animals. It will not have the same meaning if the dreamer loves cats or, on the contrary, has a phobia of them.

animal dream interpretations

If you liked this article about the meaning of dreaming about animals, here are some more specific interpretations:

  • dream of cats: discover different meanings of dreaming about cats according to different cultures and according to psychology. Find out more about dreaming with animals.
  • Dream of fish: the dream with the fish has a symbology related to the emotional world. Find out here what it means to dream of fish in different situations.
  • Dream of ants: Here you will learn what it means to dream of ants and other various insects. Learn more about your personality through dreams.

Do you usually dream of animals?

Yes. I always dream of animals.


I have dreamed on occasion


No. I don’t dream about animals


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