What does it mean to dream of a black, white, brave bull and more

Dreaming of animals is something that has happened to practically all people. But what is the meaning of this kind of dreams?

In this article you will learn, specifically, what it means to dream of a bull in various situations; that he is chasing you, that he is calm, that he is angry, etc.

What is the meaning of the bull

The interpretation of dreams is a practice that has been carried out during ancient times, in almost all cultures of humanity and that, in general, It has always been taken as a way of predicting the future.

In certain cultures, dreams could be divine messages from the gods or messages that predicted good or bad harvests. In the 20th century, Sigmund Freud discovers the subconscious and begins to analyze dreams from another perspective.

Find out below how this type of animal dreams are interpreted for psychology and esotericism.

Dreams with animals in psychology

For psychology, in dreams with animals you have to delve into the characteristics of the animal and the actions it carries out.

Particular dreams with each animal are not defined, but yes, their characteristics can speak a lot about the feelings and emotions of the dreamer.

Dreams with animals for esotericism

The ancient way of interpreting dreams as an oracle is also used today by clairvoyants, tarot readers and esotericists.

Although the characteristics and actions of the animal are also important for the interpretation itself, there is a wide classification of dreams with different animals that have important symbols for different cultures.

Meanings of dreaming of a bull

Learn below what it means to dream of a bull in many different situations and know the various meanings of each case.

black bull

What does it mean to dream of a black bull? Most of the bulls are black, therefore dreaming of a black bull does not change the meaning because of the color.

The bull is related to tenacity, strength, persistence and is also associated with love issues but especially sexuality.

If the dream with a black bull does not cause you fear and anxiety, it is possibly a good sign. It is possible that you are going through a situation in which you are putting great effort and tenacity to achieve a specific goal.

Dream of a brave bull

On the other hand, dreaming of a brave bull may be talking about various tensions that you are accumulating inside yourself and that you cannot “tame”.

If you have this dream, some questions you can ask yourself are: what is it that I want to control and cannot? What are my desires and what prevents them from being fulfilled?

bull chasing you

Dreaming of a bull chasing you inevitably speaks of an imminent situation that you are avoiding. Apparently it is a situation that you dislike, that generates fear or insecurity.

Not knowing how to solve this situation can lead you to dream that a bull is chasing you, as a symbolic escape

White bull

Dreaming of a white bull has a symbology very similar to that of the black bull, but the white color speaks of more clarity regarding the matter in which the dreamer is involved, contributing perseverance, strength and tenacity.

meek bull

Dreaming of a meek bull is a dream associated with peace and tranquility. In general, in the imaginary, bulls are represented as serious beings and very jealous of their personal space.

Dreams with meek bulls speak of times of calm and joy that the dreamer is possibly going through. Dreaming of a meek bull is a common dream, for example, when you are in love.

More dreams with animals

Now that you know the meaning of the bull in dreams, I share with you the interpretation of dreams of other animals that are very different in terms of their characteristics from each other:

  • Dreaming of cats: cats have been animals with a great symbolic load since ancient times. Know here different meanings of dreaming about cats.
  • Dream of fish: dreaming of fish has very different meanings than dreaming of land animals since their medium is water. Discover all the meanings of dreaming about fish and learn what messages these dreams have for you.
  • Dream of insects: If you have had a dream with insects and want to know what it means, here you will find all the details of the most important meanings.

Have you dreamed of bulls?

Yes, on more than one occasion.


No. I have never dreamed of bulls


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