What Activities Can I Do to Work the Sacraments? – Faithful to God

Activities: are all those tasks or tasks that each individual performs daily; and derive many activities from our daily lives. Precisely for this reason we will talk about What activities can I do to work on the sacraments?

The activities can be carried out, starting with a theoretical activity or a physical activity; complementing so that it is not always monotonous, the activities that are put into practice. Through this article we will teach you to work the sacraments what activities can be done.

Activities to work the sacraments

The sacraments are the visible form in which God, gives us grace that or makes saints; and more friends of his, helping us to live imitating his love.

The word Sacramento is of Latin origin, Christians used it from the earliest years; to signify what refers to liturgical signs, celebrations and sacred acts; that is, to acts of worship.

The sacraments are saving acts of Christ, which the church communicates to the believer through sensitive signs; they strengthen, nurture, and express faith in words and actions; that is why they are called sacraments of faith. The sacraments give us or increase divine grace.

The Sacraments are seven: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. Through these activities that we are going to present, we will show you the easiest ways to work with the sacraments; with the general objective of providing catechists with a principle for them to know, the main contents and the guide of this itinerary; so that they appropriate the message and assume in a responsible and efficient way the preparation for the Christian life in the faith that awaits them.

sacrament of baptism

To announce the baptism, a study guide will be made; in which we will show you the content and its structure, through theory formats emphasizing the basic principles of baptism and why it begins with it.

sacrament of confirmation

this sacrament It is the fundamental basis of learning.; because our Lord Jesus teaches us and gives us his Holy Spirit, who confirms us as firmer and more secure Christians in our faith.

Later we will teach the children with theory the meaning with a detailed explanation; but we will choose basic crossword games as practice, with special features of confirmation; as ways to change the routine of teaching.

Sacrament of the Eucharist

the liturgy of the Eucharist, takes place in three successive moments; just as our Lord Jesus Christ did at the last supper.

That is why we will carry out this activity to teach the children or catechists, in a theoretical way to promote their knowledge of the process, and practice with a play; bringing teaching into play so that they can socialize with each other; losing fear and gaining confidence in everyone.

Sacrament of Penance

It is celebrated between the Christian who has sinned, and the Priest who represents Christ or the church. For this sacrament: we will use in the form of teaching, a basic guide incomplete with details suggested to fill in based on what has already been studied; and can the children complete the assignment guide for understanding the process of the acquittal of the sentence.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

This sacrament is usually administered together with that of reconciliation and the Eucharist. This activity can be done by explaining to the children the importance, and the courage to repent and convert; and especially if you are sick. It is done in detail in the form of debates and questions so that they can opt for the knowledge of God, which goes beyond the earthly and transcends the spiritual.

Sacrament of Order

This sacrament in which God calls some Christians to fulfill the mission of teaching, guide and sanctify in the church. With this sacrament children can be instructed by carrying out theoretical activities, to make known the source of the importance of the priestly order and by making word search puzzles in which they can search for the precise words that cover the entire subject.

sacrament of marriage

With this sacrament, and last furthers our lives by uniting with another to form a family; Christ sanctifies the spouses granting his grace and blessing their lives in only love and rapport.

This way you can teach children the importance and social value of marriage, instructing them that the family is the basis of society; and to finish, written exams are carried out to evaluate all the knowledge they acquired.

Capacity obtained based on the Sacraments

At the end of all the teaching, the knowledge of each child is evaluated, to know if he is qualified to receive the sacred sacraments; Y if they are prepared for the life that awaits them in the future.

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