Transparent quartz or rock crystal: 4 infallible magical properties

Clear quartz, also known by its rock crystal name, is one of the most abundant minerals on the entire planet and is made up of silicon dioxide.

We can find this quartz stone in various natural forms: as more or less fractured hexagonal crystals, in the form of druses (grouped crystals) or in the form of geodes – crystal nests with a base of various colors.

Since ancient times, supernatural properties have been lavished on these gems. For shamans from different and distant civilizations, the meaning of the rock crystal was that it served as an instrument of communication with the transcendent world.

Magical properties of rock crystal quartz

Today, we are going to tell you what the properties of transparent quartz are, which -from now on we anticipate you- are a source of physical and spiritual healing that nature gives us and that we should not miss out on.

  • Clear quartz is one of the most widely used crystals today by gem therapists. The properties of healer, cleaner and amplifier of subtle energies are attributed to it.
  • It promotes the opening of the chakras and prevents the stagnation of the vital energy of the body.
  • Crystal quartz has the property of balancing the energy of the physical, psychic and emotional body.

Below I will share three ways for you to put into practice all the powers of rock crystal.

Quartz to heal and increase your creativity

Here are some ways you can use this geode to harmonize your energy:

Protects from bad energies

Crystal quartz works as an energy protector is very effective. The quartz stone is so powerful that you can use it as an amulet to prevent bad vibrations from affecting you:

  • Do not separate yourself from your quartz crystal, it will protect you from hostile environments by neutralizing negative energies.
  • Clean your glass regularly. The rock crystal is a great “storehouse” of positive energies, so it is capable of neutralizing the negative forces that surround you without major inconvenience, but it is also necessary to discharge everything that it accumulates.

improve luck

Quartz to attract good luck will be very effective if you want to attract prosperity into your life. There are some things you can do with rock crystal that will attract abundance:

  • Carry a small piece of quartz inside your wallet. That will attract the money and will never allow the wallet to be empty.
  • If you have a business, place a medium-sized crystal near the cash register.
  • Always carry a small transparent quartz in your pocket to attract fortune.

Heals the body and mind

You can use clear quartz to meditate. In addition to the magical properties of rock crystal, it also has other energetic properties.

The clear quartz crystal will help you unblock the energy flow of your body. In the subtle energy range, the quartz stone will align your chakras, removing all kinds of blockages and allowing ki to flow freely throughout your body.

To do this you must place quartz stones at the height of the chakra you want to open or unblock. This energetic unblocking will facilitate in your time of meditation, the communication between the spiritual world and the material.

Clear quartz cleaning

If you feel that your rock crystal is not acting with the same intensity as always, it may need a cleaning. Here we will tell you what to do, step by step:

  • Prepare an infusion with the following herbs: sage (Salvia officinalis) and scented herb (Hierochloe ornata).
  • Pour two tablespoons of these herbs (one from each plant) into a cup of boiling water.
  • Let stand until cool.
  • Place the crystals in the bowl and let them sit for 24 hours.
  • At the end of that period, dry them carefully and they will be ready to continue offering you all their more than positive properties.

Other crystals and magical geodes

If you are entering the world of gem therapy, you should know that there are a large number of gems with energetic and magical properties. Discover some and use them for your personal benefit:

  • Black tourmaline for protection: black tourmaline is well known for its ability to transmute negative energy into positive. If you always carry a black tourmaline with you, you will find yourself protected against any curse.
  • Citrine to energize: For its part, citrine is considered an energizing stone that you can use when you feel very tired or always carry it with you to avoid fatigue.
  • Rose quartz for the mood:rose quartz is very effective if you are feeling down or want to lift someone’s spirits. It is only enough to place the stone inside the closed fist for a few minutes so that the bad vibes are cut.

Have you ever used gem therapy?

Yes. I currently use it.


This is the first time I’ve read about it.


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