Top 10 Verses of Strength, Faith and Hope

When we find ourselves in difficult times, we often look for help in the wrong hands. For this reason, we very often end up in worse situations than we were in at the beginning. As the old proverb says: “the remedy ends up being worse than the disease”.

We can go through many tribulations in our lives, but God has left us in his word, strength verses and hope that they can change the whole perspective we have of what is happening to us.

No matter what problem you are going through, God has a solution for you in this word. It is not by chance that you have come across this article among millions that exist on the Web; God wants to talk to you right now, your heavenly father wants to let you out.

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Verses of strength and hope

Here we show you some biblical quotes that speak of strength that comes from God:

1. Psalm 31:3

Since you are my rock and my fortress, by name, you will guide me and direct me.

One of the verses of strength and faith What touches our hearts the most is Psalm 31: 3. With this passage we can say to our God: “Lord, you are my strength and you are the one I trust”. It is very common for us to put our trust in money, a friend, a relative or a psychologist, but we put God aside.

This is a very common occurrence among people, even among those who are Christians. Generally we seek the Lord when there are no alternatives left, when He is precisely the only one we need, and if we seek Him first, as another biblical verse says “All things will be added”. In Him we will find the best guide for our path.

2. Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

In the bible there are many verses of strength in difficult times, but Romans 8:28 is a passage that should fill us with incomparable strength. This biblical quote makes a beautiful statement; it tells us that if we love God, everything that is happening to us (whether good or bad) will help us for the better.

We tend to abandon God when things go wrong. We are used to blaming him for difficult times and assuming that he has abandoned us. But we don’t realize that God doesn’t take something from us out of evil, he does it because in the future, that something will do us irreparable damage.

There are writers who say that “Life is like chess”, and it is certainly so. But we must know that God is the player, and that perhaps we are losing pieces in order to save others that are invaluable and win the game of life. By loving God, we can be sure that, indeed, “after the storm will come the calm“and we’ll be fine,

3. Psalms 46:1

God is our refuge and our strength, our sure help in times of distress.

The verses of strength and trust in God, like Psalm 46:1, comfort us and fill us with vitality in difficult times. In moments when everything seems to go wrong, there is a magical way out of everything; seek from God I know it is very difficult to understand this when we find ourselves going through situations that seem to be eternal, but it really is.

God is omnipresent and omnipotent; you can be everywhere at once and achieve all the things that no one else can. What better shelter can we find?! This quote does not tell us that it may be our help, it affirms that it is our SURE HELP, so, brothers, let us stop looking in other things and people for what God can give us more than anything.

4. Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and brave. Do not fear or be afraid of these nations, for the LORD your God will always be with you; he will never leave or forsake you.

the bible shows us verses of strength in God so that we do not divert our gaze and understand that we should not fight with our strength, but with God’s. loneliness is a word that does not fit in the life of those who love God.

We should not be afraid of circumstances, because the Lord will always be with us, taking care of us and fighting our battle. Although many times we feel alone, this is just a false feeling; our God is always by our side, even though we cannot see him.

5. 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-control.

East bible verse of strength and power, makes us fall into the reality of what we are; Children of God. From the moment we accept Jesus as our savior, we are given a spirit of power that surpasses all borders, but this is not a power that comes from ourselves, but a power that comes from above.

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Here, God calls us to be strong, because He has given us all the tools to do so. Love and self-control must always go hand in hand with our decisions. so that we do not fall into the temptations that the evil one places on us. Let us remember that God will not allow more to happen to us than we can bear.

6. Deuteronomy 20:4

For the LORD your God is with you; he will fight on your behalf and give you victory over your enemies.

This is, to a certain extent, the most significant of the verses for strength in battle. This biblical quote tells us that our Lord will be with us at the time of the fight. We know that the enemy is constantly seeking to destroy us, at all costs. But we must be calm because we are not alone; our God is always with us.

But this is not all; our heavenly father, in addition to accompanying us, fights for us. What a beautiful statement! We shouldn’t even worry about fighting, because He does it for us and gives us victory. We just have to trust him and deliver our burdens to him.

7. Psalms 29:11

The Lord strengthens his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.

Verses of strength and peace like Psalm 29:11, they should fill us with peace of mind. God’s blessings are incomparable and infinite, and as long as we seek his presence, we will always be invaded by peace.

We must be aware that it is about spiritual peace, that is, this does not mean that we will not go through difficult times, but that we can be fine despite them. God gives strength and peace to his people; to all who love him and follow him in obedience.

8. Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Every time I read this passage I am filled with joy. I think of the strength verses, it is the pillar. This quote does not say that we can do some things with the strength that God gives us, it affirms that we can achieve “Everything”, absolutely everything.

Once again the bible is telling us that strength does not come from human beings, nor of any magical entity, but of God. Our Lord gives us the strength to overcome everything that stands in the way of truth.

Eye, this does not mean that we can go around facing our brothers. We are given this strength to overcome temptation and emerge unscathed from the difficult moments that the enemy puts us through.

9. Isaiah 40:29

He strengthens the weary and increases the strength of the weak.

God knows that at some very close moment, we will be tired of the road and the inclemencies of this earthly world. It is for this reason that he gives us strength through prayer and his word. No matter how far we have walked, the Lord will be there to give us rest.

This passage about strength tells us that weakness is not a problem if we are in the company of God. If we are with him and follow him, he will send us strength from above so that we can continue on our way.

10. Ephesians 6:10

Lastly, be strengthened by the mighty power of the Lord.

Here, the sacred word reiterates to us that we must find power and strength in God. It is not necessary that we look for magical formulas to face our problems and; God gives us all the strength we need.

Ephesians 6:10 invites us to seek God and accept all he has to give us. His power is immeasurable and wonderful, and his main purpose is to protect us and keep us for salvation. Let’s not miss out on this great opportunity.

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final thoughts

My dear reader, something has touched my heart when reviewing these verses of strength and faith. Certainly “the word of God is a double-edged sword.” I hope this also touches your life, and you can find in the Lord the strength that I have found at this moment.

Do not forget that your heavenly father is omnipotent, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you cannot achieve with the help of Him. Do not look in other people or things for what your protector can give you. Seek him in prayer and you will know his greatness.

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