The Trumpet of God Sounds – 4 Outstanding Facts

The trumpet of God sounds is one of the themes that most attracts our attention in the Scriptures because it is related to the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. However, it is not something that we think about on a daily basis, since we are submerged in routine and daily life and we forget or put aside the spiritual aspect of our lives.

I invite you to read:

Which as believers we must not neglect because the enemy does not rest and can use that neglect to hinder the work of Christ here on earth, which is to spread the message of salvation and announce the second coming of Jesus Christ, the establishment of the kingdom of the Lord and the relentless defeat of Satan.

Therefore, it is a subject that must be essential in the churches and in the entire nations. Jesus Christ in the gospels of him demands us precisely to preach to every creature so that his soul is not lost and has eternal. As stated in the word:

“And he said to them: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized, he will be saved; but he who does not believe, he will be condemned “ (Mark 16:15-18)

The trumpet of God sounds – What does it mean?

The sound of God’s trumpet announces the second coming of Christ to earth and it is as important a fact as when he was born in Bethlehem. The difference is that at the first coming almost no one knew about her, on the other hand, at the second coming, “every eye will see him” as seen in the word:

“Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the lineages of the earth will mourn over him. So be it. Amen” (Revelation 1:7)

On the other hand, at the first coming a multitude of angels sang at his birth, and at the second coming a voice like an archangel and with a trumpet of God will announce his arrival. And this important announcement has to do with the “rapture” of the Lord’s church.

4 Facts presented in the second coming of Christ

The sound of God’s trumpet will be to wake up those who sleep and proclaim to his Children that their savior has come to snatch them up to heaven.

So when this rapture of the church is spoken of, the end of this world will be announcing through the sound of the trumpet.

In the Bible, the sound of trumpets is related to proclaim victory and summon the final battle. For this reason, the sounding of the “Trumpet of God” will be so that his church will know that the day of his freedom has arrived. In this way, the main purpose is to awaken and transform the saints.

But what facts or events will happen when the trumpet of God sounds? So what will happen when the trumpet sounds? These are questions that can be answered based on the word of God, where the different events are indicated:

1.- The Lord will descend from heaven

When the trumpet of the Lord sounds, the final day of the world will be affirmed and the second coming of Christ will manifest to fulfill his promise.

In this sense, in the eyes of humanity something impossible and unusual arises, which is to break with the “law of universal gravitation” through rapture, as announced by the word:

“For the Lord himself with the voice of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, will descend from heaven; and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

In this sense, when Jesus Christ comes, the trumpet of the Lord will sound, which will announce his presence, to verify the faithful fulfillment of his promise and the souls that descend together with him, will take a new body according to this promise of the word.

This descent will be with the commanding voice of Christ, but it will also come with the voice of the archangel, which represents the highest angelic hierarchy. The combination of his voice of command and the voice of the archangel make this coming unique.

So no earthly government will be able to face the power of this prodigy. For the church, this will be its hour. Nothing will be more glorious than hearing that voice with the majestic power of it.

2.- The Rapture of His Saints

Jesus Christ came only in his first coming, since the world needed to show a savior born as one of us, as a man. So those who will go down with him are worthy of him and his glory.

You can read:

In this way, Jesus will come a second time just as he promised, but he will be accompanied by all his saints, who will come as “living souls” to take their glorified and resurrected and glorified bodies.

Therefore, the first purpose of the coming of Christ will be to bring all the exempted to be adorned with their eternal clothing. We can see this in the following biblical passage:

“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.” (Matthew 13:43)

On the other hand, it should be noted that when the trumpet of God sounds, the sleeping saints are the first to rise, which refers to those who are physically dead, as indicated by the word:

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: Not all of us will sleep; but we will all be transformed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

When reference is made in this quote to the “incorruptible resurrected” it has to do with the fact that we will have a new glorified body. Jesus Christ gave us the first fruits, so that in the resurrection of the dead, our bodies will not be subjected or delivered to corruption, but will have the immortal nature.

In this way, when the trumpet of the Lord sounds, the rapture of all believers will take place, and this will happen in the blink of an eye. So according to what Paul affirms, the church will be caught up with that speed, and this explains why the rapture is a different or separate event from the second coming of Christ.

The term “snatch” used in the word refers to the act of snatching as a way of seizing by force and claiming something that belongs to you. This means that there will be no prior notice.

Therefore, the different media such as television, radio or the newspaper will not have time to announce this event. But if it will be commented later that the children of the Lord disappeared from their jobs, from their places of study, from planes, boats and cars.

Certainly when these disappearances occur, chaos will appear in the world, and will generate general uproar. To the world this may seem crazy or unreal but for those of us who truly believe in God, we must hold on to this truth and prepare for that day.

3.- There will be a meeting in the clouds

The meeting in the clouds is only possible with a glorified body, and this fact raises something wonderful indeed, because there we will meet those who descend with the Lord to take their resurrected bodies.

In addition, we will see in that meeting in the clouds Our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come in person to look for his church. This can be seen in the following passage:

“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

When we read this passage we can realize that the events present there are unreal for those who do not believe in the Lord. But for his faithful children it will be a glorious day to be able to meet with the Lord and all his children.

We will be able to count on the presence of all the biblical characters who fully obeyed the will of the Lord and were worthy of entering his kingdom, such as Moses, Abraham, David, Jacob, among others.

4.- The great celebration with the Lord

When that meeting in the clouds takes place, the majestic celebration will begin, the victory of the Lord, where all his children will participate. Then the great journey towards the heavenly Homeland will begin.

This will be the crucial moment in which, all the saints together with the angels, will fly through the universe guarding our great God and savior Jesus Christ, in the midst of the greatest praise ever seen. There will begin the feast with the Lord, the wedding of the lamb.

On the other hand, for those who stayed on earth, they have to go through the great tribulation, in which catastrophic events will begin to happen, while the children of the Lord will be enjoying the presence of the Lord.

In this sense, the fact of rising with the Lord and reuniting with his children in the clouds is something truly wonderful and reaffirms the purpose of Jesus’ death on the cross of Calvary, which was to have a glorified church. , without wrinkles, or stains that will live for eternity. As we can see in the word:

“That he might present her to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27)

This quote tells us that it is very different to be with the Lord forever or something else to remain without him. So as believers, we must be aware of these prophecies and certainly know what we must do in this world if we want to reach the glory of the Lord and avoid going through the great tribulation.

In this way, the trumpet will sound so that the church of Christ awakens and is changed into a glorified, white, fine linen garment, in order to receive Jesus Christ and be in the heavenly homeland.

This act will be the most glorious that someone can experience and is the most awaited by their children because complete redemption will take place there.

This second coming is to take what belongs to the Lord, since it was for this church that he shed his precious blood on the cross of Calvary and for it he had to go through so much suffering. He bought it with that blessed blood and now it is raised to his glory and honor. This can be seen in the word:

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may also be” (John 14:3).

In this sense, we will have a double privilege when Jesus Christ comes to this world for the second time, since first we will be transformed with glorified bodies and in total holiness. Then we will enter the kingdom of heaven and celebrate the wedding of the lamb

In this way that when the trumpet sounds, it will be announcing the descent of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of those who died with Christ, the rapture of the church and the fact of being with the Lord for eternity.

But the great tribulation will also be announced, where the seven seals will be opened, where the Lord will allow many tragic and supernatural events, where humanity will have to go through many calamities never seen before.

The antichrist will appear and with him all his army, whose goal is the total destruction of humanity. Therefore, those who did not believe in the Lord and…

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