The Ten Virgins – Sermons, Outlines and Bible Studies

Christian sermons | christian sermons

Matthew 25

There are so many truths that we have learned from the Bible that perhaps if someone asked us to enumerate it, it would be something very difficult to do, however you know that many of them have been engraved in our minds and others in our hearts which have produced a resounding change in our lives. Other lives, however, have been erased, we have forgotten them or the best, what is worse, are in our minds so implicitly that when we speak of God it comes to mind as something natural, however we do not live according to them. We have it there as something so familiar, but we ignored it and it is one of those truths that I would like to share with you today.

Read Matthew 25 (Parable of the ten virgins)

Perhaps some of you who are here are hearing this passage for the first time, or perhaps they have heard it other times but have not paid much attention to it. Others, however, have heard it many times and in different approaches, so there is very little new that can be learned from it. But today God not only wants us to understand the message but also to live according to it.

Says the word in (Romans 12:2), “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” To the extent that you learn, to the extent that you understand the word of God, renew yourself, change, act, feel. I remember in my first steps with the Lord, a pastor taught me and told me, if you want to be wise you must read the Bible, truly because of the culture that the Bible had for me it was always a Book worthy of respect and reverence, however I could read it and read it but it had very little effect on my life, maybe my thoughts did and my understanding, my knowledge grew but not towards what Paul said, “Do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your understanding.” , so that you can prove what the pleasing and perfect Will of God is.” So with that primary education that I had they told me, you know that in the Bible there is a book called proverbs which is full of advice for your life, and I remember in those days my wife had bought a book precisely a book of proverbs, it had only content of proverbs but spoken in a more natural language, more pleasant, and I began to read it, one per day, every day, and I began to mark the ones that I could put into practice the most and I began to follow the advice of my God and my life began to change according to the word of God.

So let’s analyze this passage with that objective, what can we get out of this word today that I can put into practice? Let’s pray.

First of all I want to highlight the verse that says (read it). “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” (EQUALITY) – Apparently All of them were virgins, all of them took their lamps, people saw in them very similar people even if you want with the same principles, pure women, in the flesh, with a certain light in their lives, what they seemed in front of the world it was that, All the same, perhaps when people saw them in the streets they said for them, there go the puritans, the excellent ones, the best, they were people who shone because they had lights that illuminate very well, they were respected people, very admired, people whom perhaps no one could point a finger at, yet between them there was a great difference, a difference that was not tangible, that could not be seen, a difference that perhaps only they and of course God knew, a difference VERY but VERY important difference. Read (Vers. 3-4) The ten had the lights in their hands, the lamps, and the word of God says (Ps 119:105) “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my paths,” all of them had received the word, all of them had lights on their paths, they had the tools to reach the groom, however the difference was inside, that which no one saw, that which is not seen in the darkness of man. The Oil, which is the symbol of the Seal of the Holy Spirit, that Seal that makes the difference between the true and the false, that Seal that the servant who had received 5 had and also the one who had received 2 talents, that was the seal that allowed him hear the words of God, GOOD SERVANT AND FAITHFUL in what little you have been faithful in much I will give you.

That seal that was in Abel’s heart when he delivered his offering to God and was not in Cain’s when he did the same thing whose offering was not pleasing to him. Brothers, how are we today? Our external clothes look white, people can see that we carry a lamp in our hands, they look at us and say that it is excellent, what an example, how good! Man looks at what is before his eyes, but Jehovah looks at the heart. The important thing is how the Bridegroom sees us, how God sees us, that is the important thing God wants to see us clean inside, He wants to take over our thoughts, our will of our life all He wants to seal us this morning, He wants to put in our lives the Seal that will make us different, that seal that when we are in His presence will be the entrance password with Him. Blessed be the name of God, blessed be the Father, for your love, Hallelujah!!

Second outstanding point (Read See 5) (ALL FELL ASLEEP) Even the prudent ones fell asleep, the husband could have come at that moment and neither would it serve those who had their oil in their hands. And this tells us about one important thing. Salvation is something that we must maintain until the end, from today but until the end. It is not enough to receive the Holy Spirit in our lives and say I am fine, I am saved for life, I will never fall again, I will never sin again, NO trials will come, we will fall asleep along the way, we will stumble, and we will still hurt each other, but when your strength is gone, but when you see that there is no way out, when things don’t go as you expected, when everything seems to go against you, when it seems that the enemy has definitely defeated you, you will remember something, a voice will shout inside you, THE HUSBAND IS COMING!!!!!!, HE IS COMING!!!!!, and the OIL of your INTERIOR that one day you decided to TAKE IT that one day YOU WERE brave enough to grab it THAT WILL SAVE YOU, that will make your LIGHT not go out, that will give you new strength, and will lift you up like the eagles and you will be able to reach the very presence of GOD, and you will be able to hug them and you will say Blessed GOD!!!!! .

Third outstanding point (Read See 6-7-8-9) (FIRMNESS) (PERSONAL SALVATION) Firmness because The real ones did not give in to the enemy, although they fell asleep for a moment, at the key moment THEY DID NOT GIVE IN, they were FIRM, Noooo, I do not accept that!, how many times the enemy tempts us and tests us and plays to kill us, let’s be wise and not foolish let’s keep what God gave us, Salvation is personal, what God gave me my experience with the Holy Spirit is I can’t transfer it to you personally, I won’t be able to say but Lord here I have enough spirituality to give my son to my daughter, or my mother has a lot of Holiness Lord, she can give me a little bit and save me too Lord, please, NOOO, it can’t be. It is something for which each one of us will have to give an account to God face to face, each one will have to have the Oil and the Seal of the Holy Spirit that day. There will be no excuses, there will be no way to avoid God’s judgment. Back how are we today?

And finally the saddest. (Read See 6-13) At midnight her husband arrives, we could represent midnight as an hour of rest where no one expects visitors, where everyone is resting sleeping. However, at that time the husband arrived, when no one expected him, like a thief in the night, the prepared ones took out their grace tickets and showed him and the Lord told them, come in, enter my house, the dwellings are already prepared for you, and pass these, He closed the door, but what happened there, the foolish ones arrived, they went to buy oil, they got the oil, a half-trucho oil and they said Lord, Lord, we will, here we are, outside, and the Lord, answering, told them, I don’t know them. I don’t know who you are, I came to you and you didn’t have the entrance ticket, what happened? Because you didn’t listen to me at the time, but Lord, it’s that… Lord, you know… come on Lord… please!! Open us!! But the Lord answered them with the same words with which he always spoke to those he loved, when he wanted to highlight something, like putting something firm. TRULY I SAY UNTO YOU, I DO NOT KNOW YOU. I’m not kidding, I’m serious, I DON’T KNOW YOU. Dear brother, dear sister, let this story not be yours or mine, today the Lord is giving us the possibility of taking oil for our lives, today He speaks to us and tells us, here I have the ticket, do you accept it, do you want enter my house? Do you want it? If you really feel that way this morning, I want to invite you to come here in front of me to fill your life with its Oil, to put the Seal on your forehead, the Seal that will open the door, that Oil that when you no longer have strength, will lift you up and take you to the Glory of God. Hallelujah!!

Did you know that a minor can have an abortion without the knowledge and approval of her parents? If you heard me correctly, according to the laws of the state of Florida, a young minor can easily obtain what is called a “Judicial Diversion”, and this legal document authorizes the clinic to proceed with the abortion without approval or notification. parental. How can this happen? The reason is easy, life is not valued. Why is life not valued? The reason is because people have been indoctrinated to focus on the “Right to Choose”, instead of giving it the value that a beautiful and innocent creation has. And that is why we can see how some choose to end the pregnancy, for the simple fact that they do not want to have a family at this time. While the rest say out loud: the law cannot tell me what to do with my body; I have the right to choose.

Did you know? If you think like that, you are absolutely right in the world, the government and the laws of men have no right to tell you what to do with your body. God gave you the right to choose, and you have always had it from the beginning of creation. God has given us free will; you have the right to choose between being a correct and moral person, or being an incorrect and immoral person. You have the right to choose between leading a life of fornication, or a life that pleases God. You have the right to choose what to do with your body, but not the right to indiscriminately erase a life. You have the right to choose between an eternity in heaven, or an eternity in hell. You have the right to choose! God has granted you this right!

Continuing we find that we are told: “…they deny God the only sovereign, and our Lord Jesus Christ…” And this is the reason why things are in the conditions they are today. It seems that no one wants to hear about God. People don’t want to submit to God, they all want…

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