Christian Reflections – End of Year Self-Assessment – Sermons, Outlines and Bible Studies

One more year that ends, perhaps for some an unforgettable year, perhaps for others a year to be forgotten, but in one way or another it is a year that we will never repeat. Good or bad experiences, they all had to have served for something.

Now, let’s evaluate for a moment this year that is about to end through some questions that I invite you to answer honestly before God, only you and Him:

Was there an area of ​​your life that affected you spiritually?

What did you do to get over it?

How was your fellowship with the Lord?

How much time in the day did you dedicate to the Lord?

Did you enjoy praising the Lord at any time of the year?

Did you tell anyone about Christ during this year?

Did you read an entire book of the Bible and build yourself up this year?

Do you think you pleased God with the way you lived this year?

Did you take God into account in your decisions during this year?

Did you serve God as he deserved?

Did you meet the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of this year?
These and many more questions are the ones you have to answer honestly before God.

Maybe in some of them we fail and in others we are halfway, but we have to understand something, I cannot follow God halfway, I cannot lead a Christian life halfway, spiritual laziness does not help our lives at all.

This year that serves as reflection, to try to improve many things in us. It is strange what happens to us, because we all know what we failed and what we have to improve, but unfortunately not EVERYONE has the willingness to do it and do you know why?, because the enemy has wanted to lead the people of God to such a passivity, that you don’t even worry about improving yourself before God.

My friend, it is time to understand that my personal relationship with God has to be the most important thing in my life, that other things are secondary, that our first love remains in Christ and that leads us to yearn every day with all our being perfect our walk before his eyes.

God longs to see people who call themselves Christians, but who really value their name, follow Jesus as an example, and learn each day to be pleasing to their Heavenly Father.

I know that this year I will never live it again, but may the things I did this year fill me with satisfaction before God and not with shame before Him. God wants to renew you and at this end of the year since he has great plans for you.

With this self-assessment I do not want to lead you to the sadness of realizing that you failed a lot, on the contrary I want to make you see that there is much to work on in our lives and even more so with our personal relationship with God, that this self-assessment challenged us so that the next year to this date we can do it again and I can leave with a great “10”, because I decided to give my life to the Lord and live for Him as if it were the last year of my life. MS

“Examine the path of your feet, And all your ways be straight.” Proverbs 4:26

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