The Keys Of The Kingdom Open The Doors To A Victorious Christian Life

understand what they are the keys of the kingdom of God to achieve a victorious Christian life, is fundamental in the gospel. In this article I will talk about three keys that will be a blessing for his Christian life. The first key: giving, fasting and prayer. These keys are necessary for the body of Christ, it is unfortunate but, although they are extremely important, few Christians practice them. You must have a high understanding of the meaning of each one of them, since they will be of great help to you to achieve success in your spiritual journey.

What are the keys of the kingdom?

the keys of the kingdom that open the gates of heavenhave remained closed to all God’s children on numerous occasions in the midst of our life in the gospel of Christ. the keys of the kingdom giving, praying and fasting. These important keys and deep foundation in walking with Christ, allow us individually that each one of the children of God can receive a new vision of revelation, totally deeper truths, these truths form a vision of the power that promoted Jesus while he was on earth.

The keys to the kingdom unlock truths

To start flowing in the gospel we must know our purpose. There is nothing more confusing than walking in a direction without even first knowing where we are going, or without being aware of the path we are currently on, and whether it will take us in the desired direction.

Certainly Jesus Christ: he did know where he was walking and what the exact direction was, he perceived something that very few of us discern, and what Jesus knew, was the power that induced him to give his life as the immense reconciliation to provide the way to the father. The sole purpose of our walk is to find the mystery of that power and unlock those truths through the keys of the kingdom which are treasured intrinsically in the scriptures.

The keys to the kingdom that will lead you to success

1.) The Key of Giving

Let’s start in Matthew chapter 6, it is necessary to interpret this chapter wisely, the purpose is to be able to understand this chapter in a simple but in-depth way in terms of the revelation that it entails. For the holy spirit to confer a new degree of discernment in the body of Christ.

Opening the scriptures in the first verse of the chapter six of matthewwe agree that Jesus is expressing to his disciples and to all who were listening at that moment, including the Pharisees, the following:

Be careful not to practice your righteousness before men to be seen by them; otherwise you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Therefore, when you give alms, do not blow the trumpet in front of yourself, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, to be praised by men.

Truly I tell you, they have already received their reward. But you, when you give alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in 10 secrets, will reward you. -Matthew 6:1-4.

It is through this verse that Jesus begins to talk about giving as alms, he leads us to specify certain terms. It is necessary to start by understanding what alms symbolizes. In the Bible dictionary it is defined this way:

“Money given out of mercy to the poor.” (This dictionary extends by pointing), “In the time of Jesus, the word ‘Justice’ corresponded tremendously closely with the word “alms.” Therefore, we get to paraphrase the first verse we can say that; we give, so that our gift is taken into account, and the right thing to do is to please God and not man.

Jesus objects that the fact of giving, It shows what is expected of the person, but the reason behind the gift is what really matters. Jesus is training on this in order to reveal an extremely deeper truth. Jesus is expressing that the first phase when we begin our progress as disciples, is determined by the way we give and by the motivations that make us give.

It is important to specify what to give, It implies giving something not for the simple fact that this is a large amount, it is what comes from your heart that determines, if you necessarily gave in, at first glance perhaps everyone saw that you delivered well, it is an offering, a blessing to a brother, or any other person who crossed your path, what is taken into account by God was the delivery of your heart, the true intention for what? and because? That is what will cause the key to have the effect of open heaven and blessing.

2.) The key of prayer

This prayer key it is very important for growth, which can only be realized in the hands of those who have managed to seize the key of giving. Prayer produces in our mind what giving has formed in our heart. The heart that for a long time has been corrupted through selfishness, should be on the altar of God before the mind manages to be replaced through the thoughts of the Father.

The mind needs to be freed from those thoughts that occupy the center of God and everything we produce for God. This is the “position” that the Lord wants to begin to show in order to pray. The sentence of which I speak is not considered at all to what we have experienced, or worse, it is not considered in what we have imagined. Authentic prayer is having the power to enter into the mind and heart of the Father to transform us into his consummated desires on earth, just as they are carried out in heaven.

God is a God of order and design, and he demands true Christians. exercised to unite with him in prayers that unleash the destinies of people and entire countries. Praying in this way in the spirit demands an extremely high level of obedience and constancy, that without the key of giving, there is no room to enter and believe what the holy spirit is going to reveal. This not only requires praying in the spirit, but requires a faith that is on your level. That faith appears through hearing, and hearing appears through the word of God.

This verse comes true in this place of prayer. Why? Because you are going to hear the voice of the spirit of God, and what you hear, you are going to believe, and you are going to start declaring it. (Romans 10:9-10). This creates the faith of God in you, through the Rhema (revealed) word that you have heard and repeated aloud. This is what makes the righteous man’s prayer effective, as James chapter 4 mentions.

Prayer should be an exchange of what is happening in heaven with what is happening on earth.. If this is not done in this way, true prayer has not been experienced. Everything that happens in the heavenly realm is looking for an avenue, through which it can manifest itself in the natural realm. When Jesus said, “I only do what my father does”, that was not only said to fill the pages of the Bible. This was a teaching that shows us how to pray. Everything that we need and everything that the father wants to manifest has already been done. Prayer does not represent just communicating words, but it is demonstrating. For this reason Jesus, responding, said to them:

Truly, truly, I tell you that the Son can do nothing on his own, except what he sees the Father doing; because whatever the Father does, that also the Son does in the same way. For the Father loves the Son, and shows him everything that he himself does; and greater works than he will show you these, so that you may admire. For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son also gives life to those whom he wants. -John 5:19-21

This statement was made to show us that as we unite with the holy spirit, we completely lose our own identity and become one voice. This voice has no fears, no disbelief, no doubts. This voice calls things from heaven to manifest on earth and can see the end from the beginning.

This is the voice that says, “Let there be light,” and it was done, and it was good. Prayer has become the language of heaven. Let this sink deep into your spirit. We are dealing with powers so great that our earthly bodies and minds They are unable to comprehend this magnitude. This is why the training that Jesus is describing throughout Matthew 6 is required.

“Becoming the sentence”, The previous sentence is an example in which Jesus did only what he saw the Father do, and it is an extraordinary revelation of the level of prayer that transforms things in the natural realm. But you might say that that was Jesus, and therefore how can we see the Father? Jesus was trained by the holy spirit to enter into such intimacy with the Father that seeing the spiritual realm and being able to observe his father was his habit.

That reproduced on earth what Jesus saw in heaven. And it was as natural to him as breathing. Praying on this level is not something that can be understood without first becoming the gift. This is achieved by going through the “fire” with which Jesus surrounds his people.

John answered, saying to all: I baptize you with water; but he who is more powerful than me is coming; whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. -Luke 3:16 We talked earlier about praying in the “Spirit,” but “becoming the prayer” is a level far beyond that.

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3.) The key to fasting

Most of us who are believers today try to fast at some time in the period of our Christian life. Commonly, these have turned into frustrated practices. We generally spend much more time thinking about food than anything else. And what we want to sacrifice ends up becoming our obsession.

The church has become a group where most of its members suffer from obesity and poor health as a result of eating too much, or as a result of eating the wrong foods. In fact, if any group of people should be fasting, it should be the church. It seems that most events that are sponsored by churches go hand in hand with lunches, dinners and breakfasts.

This is not bad or wrong in any way, but it does send very clear signals, saying that gluttony is a sin minor in relation to the other sins. “Fast” seems to be one of those words that is not mentioned often in church so as not to offend the whole crowd of obese people. Or if it is mentioned at all, it is usually very flippantly spoken, followed by a few nervous laughs.

In the days of Jesus, the Pharisees were the champions of fasting, and they made the whole world aware of it, so much so that they gave, prayed, and fasted even more than most Christians do today. So, understandably, the act of giving, of

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