Spiritual Warfare Prayer

The Spiritual Warfare Prayer is the one carried out by all believers, with the aim of casting out demons and destroying the enemy’s plans against his life.

When speaking of Spiritual Warfare, he is referring to a confrontation of spiritual powers, where God manifests his power, sovereignty and strength in the face of the plans that Satan wants to make against his children.

Spiritual war

The Spiritual War is a battle that takes place between good and evil, that is, God and satan, where the spiritual realm is manifested in the life of the believerwho must be prepared to fight the evil forces that want to harm him, and continue in victory as God wants them to be.

Given this, it is important to know that God manifests his power, sovereignty, strength through his children those who are prepared to demolish the opposing forces, for this the following points must be taken into consideration:

Know who the adversary is

It must be known that satan is real, and the Bible teaches that God sent his son to defeat satan.

«He who practices sin is of the devil; because the devil sins from the beginning. For this the Son of God appeared, to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

In this way, the believer is attacked as proof that he is a believer in God, so that if the more he seeks the Lord, the more the devil attacks him, it becomes more intense.

«Be sober, and watch; because your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, walks around looking for someone to devour; whom resist firm in faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being fulfilled in your brothers throughout the world “(1st. Peter 5:8-9)

Knowing God-given authority

When scrutinizing the Holy Scriptures, several biblical quotes are obtained that speak about the authority given by God to believers, so that this revelation of authority must have it all.

“Behold, I give you power to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you” (Luke 10:19)

Many times it happens that the majority of believers do not understand about that authority, which has been delegated by Jesus, in order to defeat the devil, and even when he ascended to heaven he manifested it to all his disciples.

Jesus then approached them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:18-19).

Put on the Armor of God

It is important to put on the armor that God has arranged for all his children, this armor that Paul described was taken from the Roman soldier, who was appropriately dressed for battle, in the same way they should be dressed for battle.

“For the rest, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can stand firm against the wiles of the devil.

Because we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this century, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly regions.

Therefore, take the whole armor of God, so that you can resist on the bad day, and having finished everything, stand firm. Stand therefore, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness,

and feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and being vigilant thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Have your weapons at hand

On the battlefield, to be in spiritual warfare, you must know that your main weapon is your faith, and destroy everything in your mind that wants to make you doubt the power of God.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for the destruction of strongholds, tearing down arguments and all haughtiness that is set up against the knowledge of God, and leading captive every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

There are those weapons that God has given to destroy the arguments that come to divert the focus of believers, and those weapons are faith, truth, humility, adoration and praise, to take captive all thoughts to obedience in Christ.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

For all believers the prayer of Spiritual war It must be a constant, in order to overcome the works of satan that want to rise up against your life, and even those around you.

For this reason, several examples will be given below. sentence of Spiritual Warfare.

Prayer of Spiritual Warfare against vices

When a person faces vices, this arises from the visit of evil spirits, who come to change the healthy lifestyle, for pleasures that cause the destruction of the soul. For this he can perform the following prayer:

«Dear Heavenly Father, on this day I stand before your presence, to adore you, exalt you and praise your holy name, because you are the only one worthy of worship.

On this day I get right with you, Lord, asking your forgiveness for everything I have done and that has hurt your heart, because today I want to enter before the most holy place clean of stains, and engage in spiritual warfare without anything that offends you.

Today I stand before you and present (Name of person in vice), so that you may be the Holy Spirit at this moment taking his body completely, because today we bind every strong man, every spirit of vice that is taking him, taking him to the doom.

I declare by the power of your word that all vice comes out of that body, I declare the liberation of that soul that was captive, a product of narcotics, cigarettes, alcoholism, today we throw him out of his life, and we bind and paralyze every infernal hour that rose in his life.

Your word teaches me that you have put us to destroy the works of satan, that is why today I stand in the gap to declare liberation of (Name of person in vice), and that his life changes completely, abandoning all these vices that had him. taken.

I establish by the power of your word that your Holy Spirit reproves him every day, and he will bear witness to the spiritual healing that he is receiving at this moment, paralyzing every plan of the enemy that wants to come to stop this prayer that we establish today on earth and it is sealed in heaven.

Giving you thanks Lord because in your presence there is power, there is freedom and healing, that is why we believe that he is free from all vice as a result of that cross where Jesus went to bring us liberation as the book of Colossians says.

That is why I raise my hands in thanksgiving, because we already have the victory of this battle won because your word tells me that you have shamed all those demons who wanted to come to rule our lives, and today he has been freed by the power of your word, declaring it in the mighty name of Jesus» Amen.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer against sexual aberrations

When there are sexual aberrations, an evil spirit of lust is moving that seeks for the person to satisfy their sexual needs in an improper way and respecting the values ​​established in the word of God.

To do this you can perform the following prayer:

«Eternal and wonderful Father on this day I stand before your presence washing you and giving you glory, because I know that when one stands before your presence we will see fulfilled each of the requests that we bring before your altar.

On this day I stand in the gap before you, Father, so that it may be you acting in a supernatural way on the life of (Name of the Person in Sexual Aberration), believing that today will be free of all sexual aberrations (Mention which one). aberration)

Believing that through that cross, as Colossians 2:15 says, Jesus dispossessed principalities and powers, he publicly exhibited them, triumphing over them on the cross, bringing freedom to all people.

Declaring and establishing that every chain of oppression that led him to commit lustful impure acts, breaking God’s commandments today are broken by the power of the word, establishing liberation for that soul.

I believe in the supernatural power of God that comes to bring cleansing and purification of all impurities that were committed daily, that is why today we declare that there is a before and after in the life of (Name of the Person in Sexual Aberration) that has been today taken out of the spiritual prison where he was.

Today it has been established that the chain that oppressed him and tied him to these impure practices has been broken and he will live a new life where holiness and self-control will be tangible in everything he does, to act correctly in his sexual aspect.

Today we declare that all thoughts are aligned with the will of the Heavenly Father, and all enemy darts today are completely extinguished, declaring and establishing the helmet of salvation on his head to overcome all temptation in faith.

For this I thank you, Father, because you are the one who gives us the weapons to defeat the works of satan, and today he has been defeated by declaring and establishing that this body, which was previously the cradle of lust and aberrations, will be the temple of the Holy Spirit of God. .

For this I thank you Lord because this prayer has been sealed here on earth and in heaven, raising the flag of victory before this battle that we have had, and today it has been achieved in the mighty name of Jesus» Amen.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer against Infidelity

When there is infidelity in a couple, this happens because they have allowed a door to open where a spirit of lasciviousness has entered that couple, producing this sin against their spouse.

To do this you can perform the following prayer:

“Dear Heavenly Father, at this hour I stand before your presence, first of all, to give you praise and glory because it is you who moves in the midst of the praise of your people, who seek you in spirit and in truth.

Today I stand before you Heavenly Father so that it may be you working in a supernatural way on the life of (Name of the unfaithful person), so that it may be you bringing liberation to his soul.

Today we bind every strong man who moves his life, every spirit of lasciviousness that has taken him and made him act in an unseemly way, sinning before God and before his partner, whom he has offended by this infidelity.

I declare by the power of your word that his thoughts are aligned with your word, and that it is you working in a supernatural way in his heart, breaking every chain that led him to infidelity as a result of the lasciviousness and lust that dominated him.

Your word teaches me, Lord, that you are working in the lives of people and that through the prayer of the just you will bring liberation to what is tied up, that is why today I stand before you so that it is you bringing that liberation to this soul, and walk according to your divine purpose.

Declaring and establishing that by means of this sentence…

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