Prayer to Santa Eduviges for Economic Problems – Very Powerful – Faithful to God

Financial problems you may be experiencing It can be consistent, with your level of responsibility and perhaps if you don’t know it, your lack of faith. This prayer for financial problems will guarantee that you have the ability to level up and improve yourself on a personal level.

Money plays an elementary role in the life of every human being, therefore, it is relevant that you give it the importance it deserves. By virtue of this, you will know that every decision you make or activity you perform will be consistent with the level of income you will earn.

Prayer to Santa Eduviges to be able to overcome economic problems

At all times this is a pothole that you may be going through, you are not the only one. Many people suffer from this, for your sake I guarantee that If you entrust yourself to this Divine Saint, your luck will change for the need to pray with faith and confidence so that your request is granted:

patron saint,

since you take care of all

people with financial problems.

I implore with devotion your interception,

because I’m going through a delicate moment,

where the life and economy of

my home can go from peak to low.

I’m the only one who has a job, besides,

I am responsible for my whole family.

I know I can’t go on like this, since

my partner has already started helping me little by little

but i lost my job and i need

Pay next month’s bills.

I had no savings plan guaranteeing

and I know that’s my biggest flaw,

for that, forgive me,

since I did not manage my finances

in the best possible way.

I let myself be carried away by the tranquility,

normality and for that confidence that

gives you a job.


there was a massive vote

and I was one of the candidates.

Now I have several days searching

employment and nothing I get,

for this reason, I’m already


As good as the economy

In addition to this galloping inflation,

It’s going to give me a check sooner or later.

You are my defender and also

protective power handle

like get over this

such a delicate situation.

God the Father, as a result

let this wonderful Santa,

through this prayer to Santa Eduviges

for financial problems

Can you guide me how to handle this?

best possible way and decision.

I leave all my good faith and heart,

in support of this pleasing decision.

Let everyone’s way

the forsaken be lights and shine,

Also, never allow

the motivation runs out

that would be the end of a dreamer.

If my path is to undertake

new business please

give me the patience to

to build your own empire.

Currently I do not risk because I lost

my stability, but also

I trust that sooner or later

I can get over this.

On the other hand, keep all witchcraft away from me

or toxic person who wants to see me unhappy.

Only you know what I deserve

in my beautiful life

Therefore, I put at your mercy

my decision and this pleasant change.

From today,

I will be the one who puts all

the energies with your support to take

the right decisions.

Cover me with your Holy Mantle

today, tomorrow and always.

Leave me the glory of aspiring to more

and that greed does not overshadow me,

I only want what is necessary and basic,

I really don’t want anything else.

God, you know that this pact

What am I doing with this

prayer is true

I had never prayed with such magnitude and energy.

always forgive me

and keep me from evil.

Venerable Santa, from today you will be my confidant,

I promise you.


How to solve financial problems?

As you are preparing yourself on a spiritual level and I congratulate you, you should also mix a plan to help you make the right decisions. Prepare how you are going to advance from now on, what are your fixed expenses and the amount of money you currently have, perhaps starting a small business at home.

At least to start that small change and receive moneywhen you make this decision, the rains of blessings will come to your life at a pleasant level, this is because you already have the custody of this Divine Saint and she will be at the forefront of defending you from all the .

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