Prayer to Saint Elizabeth of Portugal to avoid fights

Learn below the story of Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, and learn two powerful prayers to ask for her blessing and protection.

History of Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Santa Isabel was born in Zaragoza in 1271 and died in Estremoz (Portugal) in 1336. She was the daughter of King Pedro III of Aragon and was married very young to King Dionysus. When her husband died, she consecrated herself to religious life.

She founded the monastery of nuns of the Third Order of the Poor Clares of Estremoz in Portugal and dedicated her life to helping the poor and the sick.

Saint Elizabeth dedicated her life to great works. He built shelters for the homeless, strangers, and pilgrims. She founded a hospital for the poor and a free school for girls. She also founded a hospice for abandoned children and a home for repentant women.

Because she interceded in family and territorial disputes between her husband and her son, she is known as the patron saint of warring territories and the intercessor in confrontations.

She was canonized in 1625 by Pope Urban VIII and her feast day is celebrated on July 4.

Prayers to Saint Elizabeth

Now that you know the story of Saint Elizabeth, discover powerful prayers that will help you make your requests and ask for divine intervention in the face of your needs.

Pray these prayers with faith and receive the blessings of Saint Elizabeth.

Prayer to Saint Elizabeth to ask for a grace

If you want to ask for a blessing to be lucky in a specific matter, here I share a powerful prayer from Saint Elizabeth of Portugal that you must pray for 3 nights in a row, lighting a candle in her name

At the end of this prayer, pray three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys:

Dear Saint Elizabeth,
who I have chosen as my special patron,
pray for me so that I, too, can one day glorify
the Blessed Trinity in Heaven.

Obtain for me your living faith,
so that I can consider all people, things and events
under the light of Almighty God.

Pray that I will be generous in offering my sacrifices
of temporal things to promote my eternal interests,
as you so wisely did.

Ignite in me a burning love for Jesus,
so that I can yearn for His Sacraments and
burn with a zeal for the spread of His Kingdom.

By your powerful intercession,
help me in my execution of my duties to God,
both for myself and for everyone.

Obtain for me the prize of virtue of purity and a
great trust in the Holy Virgin Mary.
Protect me this day and every day of my life.
Keep me from mortal sin. get for me
the grace of a happy death. Amen

Prayer of Saint Elizabeth to ward off fights

If you have arguments with your family, friends or acquaintances and you want to appease the energies, pray this prayer to Saint Elizabeth to ward off conflicts and restore harmony in your relationships.

Pray this prayer for 3 nights in a row and at the end, pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary:

Lord, you who gave Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
a generous spirit that led her
to leave everything for love of you,
we ask you how she did
we can give ourselves body and soul
to preach the word
and practice works of mercy.

O God, who creates peace and loves charity,
You who granted Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
the grace to reconcile opposing men,

give us peace and harmony in our families,
in our friendships and in our surroundings,
give us love, fidelity and union between the couple,
understanding and benevolence with our children;
keep away the discussions, the fights, the grudges,
quarrels, disagreements, betrayals and infidelities
make disputes, violence and altercations
be replaced by harmony and calm,
May there always be understanding between us,
so that we live in peace and tranquility,
and above all give us your help to solve:

(make the request).

Lord, move us, through the intercession of Saint Elizabeth,

to put our efforts
in correcting our mistakes
and in forgiving those of others,
that with eagerness we dedicate ourselves to the service of peace,
so that we deserve to be called your children.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


More prayers of catholic saints

If you liked the prayers to Saint Elizabeth, here I share the story and prayers of three other Catholic saints that will interest you and you will like to pray:

  • Prayer to Santa Clara: If you want to ask for a miracle in a situation that you cannot resolve and it seems impossible, here you will find a prayer that will bring you peace and clarity to move away and end what is weighing you down.
  • Prayer to Saint Catherine: If your problems are related to love, here you will find powerful prayers that will help you improve your relationship with your partner, recover or get over an ex.
  • Prayer to Santa Ana: know the story of Santa Ana, mother of the Virgin Mary, and know powerful prayers to ask for abundance and protection.

Do you usually pray to Santa Isabel?

Yes, I pray to him regularly


No. I do not usually pray to Santa Isabel


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