Prayer to reassure an aggressive person and important advice

The prayer to reassure an aggressive person is a powerful tool to calm these people who are tied to this type of behavior. Therefore, it is better to go directly to God instead of fighting them humanly, since in general, they do not listen to advice and are troubled at that moment.

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Do not fall into conflict and put that person in the hands of God to free them from those feelings that hurt them emotionally, and that many times can cause physical and emotional damage to the people around them.

In this sense, aggressiveness is a very harmful attitude for all people. For this reason, it is important to intercede for them to avoid collateral damage to regret. This type of situation affects both the mind and the spirit, causing an alteration that considerably harms the physical and mental health of the person who acts in this way.

So every believer who sees his neighbor have this type of negative and violent behavior, should help him spiritually and not judge him, since that does not solve the problem.

Prayer calm down an aggressive person

Life goes by so quickly that we don’t have time to think about the really important things, since routine, eagerness and stress trap us. When we realize it, we notice the things that we have neglected, and one of them is generally the family, which we must take care of as our greatest gift because they are the divine inheritance that God gave us to increase his offspring.

However, many times we do not dedicate time to them, and in an oversight, the children can reveal themselves against the parents and show aggressive attitudes.

It may not be our case, but we must be vigilant and maintain communion with God, who is the only one who can help us in this type of adverse situation, where things can get out of control and the consequences can be irreversible.

For this reason it is important to know how to pray, how to discern the evil spirits that seek to destroy God’s work on earth, in order to cast them out and protect ourselves with the blood of the lamb that freed us from all the bonds of sin.

In this sense, the attitudes of ourselves and of other people can be very changeable and will depend on the circumstances, the context, the culture, among others. The truth is that anyone can experience cases of aggression, whether in their work environment, at home, with family, or with friends.

But as Christians we must focus on the fact that the fight is not against the aggressive person who is having a moment of anger, the fight is purely spiritual and for this we must be prepared with the armor of Christ in order to appease the waters instead of aggravating the situation. .

Many Christians have a tendency to confront this type of aggressive people, which increases the levels of violence and upsets the person more. We must be prudent and act wisely, since by our own strength we will achieve absolutely nothing. So you can make the following sentences:

1.- Prayer to reassure an aggressive person

Before making a prayer to reassure an aggressive person, we must recognize the power of God, asking for forgiveness for our sins in order to help the one who is suffering.

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We cannot help anyone if we are not serene and strengthened in the Lord. Therefore, it is important to first thank the Lord for everything and glorify his name in the following way:

Lord my God, Heavenly Father, Jehovah of hosts, receive all the glory and praise on this day. Thank you for your presence in this place, thank you for your blessings and for all the things you teach us every day. I want to ask you to forgive this person and to clean up even her hidden sins and to free her from any situation that involves aggression.

I put this person in your hands so that you can take control of his heart, so that you calm him down, just as you calm the storm and calm the sea, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

2.- Prayer to cast out violent spirits

When it comes to an aggressive person, we are talking about violent spirits that have taken over her, and this prevents her from having peace and happiness in her life, because she has allowed herself to be carried away by them. But the following prayer for deliverance can be made:

Almighty God, I praise and glorify you. I thank you for your blessings and ask you to forgive that person’s sins. This day I present her before you so that you can take control of her life and free her from the violent and evil spirits that want to harm her and do not allow her to have peace.

In the name of Jesus Christ I cast out every principality, host and spirit of aggressiveness to desert places, with no return. Send your protective angels to protect the soul of this person. Help her control his anger, help her calm down so that she can feel your presence, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!!!

3.- Prayer to restore the home

When there is an aggressive person in the home, that interferes with peace and serenity. Therefore, it directly affects the people who live with this type of situation, and creates a hostile environment, where resentment prevails. Therefore it is important to pray the following prayer:

Lord my God, I honor and venerate you, and I long for your presence in the life of this person, who has gone through difficult times and has not known how to control his emotions, causing harm to his loved ones. That’s why I ask you to forgive her, from the heart and that she can find the peace that only you can give her. Help her to reconcile with her relatives so that harmony reigns and arguments and contentions cease, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Serenity and peace must prevail

An aggressive attitude does not lead to anything good and, on the contrary, distances us from God and our loved ones, since this state generates conflicts, contentions and misunderstandings that divide people and do not allow them to maintain pleasant relationships with others.

But we must understand that the aggressive person is in need of God, he requires help and spiritual intercession. If we judge, label and turn our backs on it, we are not doing God’s will, which is to pray for one another, feel mercy for others and help them in difficult times.

These types of aggressive people need help, a helping hand that understands them and that can help them get out of that situation in the best way.

But first we must ask for a special cover from God to give us the strength to face the enemy, since the fight is spiritual, where the demons lurk and want to harm us.

As Christians we must be prudent and handle the situation in the best possible way, since many times we make value judgments, make assumptions and let ourselves be carried away by our own thoughts. This really doesn’t help at all because what we want is to make this person calm down and achieve serenity.

We cannot help anyone if we are not calm, we cannot intercede if we are not strengthened in the Lord. So we must protect ourselves through prayer and seek spiritual help from relatives and the church, because if two or more agree to pray, God will do his work. As his word says:

“Furthermore, I tell you, if two of you agree about anything they ask for here on earth, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven. 20For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19)

It is very important to intercede to calm down the aggressive person, but we must be protected by the word of God and his message of salvation, since true repentance is the only thing that can free that person from his aggressive state.

In the same way, love can calm down, appease the most violent person because love comes from God, and he is love. Just as the Lord shows mercy to us, we must also feel mercy for our neighbor, love her and make known the wonders of the Heavenly Father who has the power to get her out of that hole where she is.

important tips

Detecting a toxic person can be somewhat difficult, since we do not give importance to them and we think that they act that way because it is part of their personality. Which is a mistake. Therefore, it is important to consider the following tips:

  • You should avoid having contact with aggressive people, as they can cause you harm
  • Do not try to make her change by your own strength, seek God’s help
  • Use prayer as a powerful weapon
  • don’t judge her
  • Do not light the flame, doing things that you know that bother him
  • Seek family support if it is within your reach
  • Seek the intercession of the church
  • Speak to him with meek words that can calm anger

In this sense, the prayer to calm down an aggressive person helps us to bless someone who needs a word of encouragement, a sincere prayer, an opportunity that allows them to get out of the situation in which they find themselves. Many times that aggressive person has experienced difficult moments, feels depressed, sad, devastated, and that is why they hide behind these attitudes.

So the Christian must apply empathy, tolerance, kindness and pray for that person, exhort them with the word of God but do it with love and wisdom, since these people are defensive about their situation. Show them that you are not her enemy and that you are here to help her.

Being a Christian is a responsibility not only with God but with the people who are lost, since God will ask us to account for each one of them. So our mission is to rescue souls, to preach the gospel, to give a good witness, to love our neighbor, to forgive one another. In this way we can be called Children of God.

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