Parable of the Barren Fig Tree: God’s Mercy

Among the great teachings that Jesus gave stands out the parable of the barren fig treewhich comes to illustrate the mercies of God, and how his patience comes to show his children.

In this Jesus comes to represent himself as the great intermediary between God and his creation, who walk wrongly, but who have a helper (Jesus) to be able to achieve the fruits that the Father desires, avoiding knowing his judgment.

Contextualizing the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

Jesus being wise par excellence, each teaching that he narrated sought that the minds of his listeners could be transformed, and he took them from the same daily life.

The parable of the barren fig tree is narrated after Jesus is questioned by the crowd about some murders committed by Pontius Pilate, to which he responds with another event involving the death of 18 people, as a result of the fall of a tower, showing so the fragility of life, and how death comes without warning.

The story was this:

“At this very time, some were there telling him of certain Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with the blood of their sacrifices. Responding Jesus, he said to them: Do you think that these Galileans, because they suffered these things, will have been more sinners than all the Galileans? I tell them no; rather, if you do not repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they will have been more guilty than all the men who live in Jerusalem? I tell them no; rather, if you do not repent, you will all perish in the same way” (Luke 13: 1-5).

As you can see, Jesus thought it pertinent to respond by taking another example that will address death, and that would make them reconsider the popular belief they had. Well, they considered just death as a product of the sins committed; that is, according to your sin the punishment of death would come.

More however, He clarifies that neither the murdered Galileans were more sinners than those who died in the fall of the tower.

Jesus wanted to demonstrate the fragility of life, and how human beings could have weaknesses and strengths, but at the time of death, repentance was what would change their eternal destiny. Therefore, they should seek God’s forgiveness for their sins, because they would not know when their end would come on earth.

Continuing to tell the parable:

“He also told this parable: A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came to look for fruit on it, and did not find it. And he said to the vinedresser: Behold, three years ago I came looking for fruit on this fig tree, and he did not find it; cut it off; for what useless also the earth? He then, answering, said to him: Lord, leave it still this year, until I dig around it, and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, fine; and if not, he will cut it down afterwards» (Luke 13: 6-9).

The growth process of the fig tree

Again, Jesus takes up a daily activity in Israel, and it is the agricultural work that came to be very popular in those lands. This type of plant to which he refers in the parable took a growing time, which ranges from 3 years for its branches to grow approximately 5 meters, and bear fruit.

That is why the owner considers cutting it down, since it had not produced fruit in the stipulated time, demonstrating its sterility. It is understandable the annoyance of the owner of the land, who had waited a long time, patiently, to see the plant full of fruits, and got it empty, occupying a space that should have been productive.

▷You can also read: Parable of the House on the Rock: Two Types of Believers▷

The order given to cut it was the correct decision, for the listeners, according to the tradition of the time. However, the land worker requests more time to fertilize it, prepare its place better, give it more nutrients and wait for its fruits. And if it does not bear fruit, cut it down, as the owner ordered.

There, the merciful attitude of the land worker stands out, and the importance he gave to each fruit, preventing them from being cut, and he proposes spending more time taking care of it and giving it more attention, so that it flourishes correctly.

Spiritual Representation of the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

Like all the parables of Jesus, in it are symbolism, which Jesus wanted to leave both to his listeners of the time, and to all believers at this time. Here are the present analogies:

“A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it, and did not find it”

The man

The man to whom Jesus refers, is the same god who is the one who took the earth, to turn it into his vineyard.

The vineyard

The vineyard represents the land of israel, which was created by God to bear fruit of worship to his name, in the context that Jesus tells it. But, taking it to the current plane, she refers to the earth that God created, the peoples and countries that exist in the world.

The FIG tree

In this respect, it is the illustration of the Jewswho were listening to his teaching, and which today refers to all people in the world.

The fruits

The fruit referred to in this case is to the change of attitude of bad steps, of the Jews at that time, and of all people, today. is to reflect repentance from their sins, change their actions and motivations.

found no fruit

The Jews had the belief that because they were a physical descendant of Abraham they did not have to repent of their sins, since the fact of coming from Abraham was a guarantee of going to heaven. It is because of this belief that God does not find these fruits, since they were indoctrinated by the habit acquired over the years.

In the current case, God is searching for that fruit (repentance) in all people, in the world. However, the pleasures of the world and its comfort it still keeps people in a spiritual blindness, which does not make them produce the fruit expected by God.

Continuing with the narrative, Jesus shows God’s times to fulfill his judgments, and at the same time the compassion of Jesus, when asking for mercy for men.

“And he said to the vinedresser: Behold, three years ago I came looking for fruit on this fig tree, and he did not find it; cut it off; for what useless also the earth? He then answering him, said to him: Lord, leave it still this year, until I dig around it, and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, fine; and if not, it will cut it later»

the three years

Here when the vinedresser speaks of the 3 years, it is the time that God gave the Jewish people to repent of their evil deedsand they turned to Him. What is short, which is not, literally, the time indicated in the parable, but which refers to sufficient time, dedicated to bearing the expected fruits.

Currently, that is the time that God can give to anyone on earthbecause there are many who walk on the earth, but they seem living dead, without bearing good fruit, in the eyes of God.

decides to cut it

The vinedresser, convinced at the time of his harvest, decides to cut down the fig tree. God is not that he has unlimited patience, it is that he fulfills the established times, and if he needs something at an opportune time, he will look for it. And in this case the Jews did not bear fruit due to bad behavior.

Many times people experience difficult situations, and it is not that God takes their life, but that they suffer a rebuke for their bad deeds, when God’s times are fulfilled.

the vinedresser

That compassionate vinedresser represents Jesus: “Lord, leave it still this year, until I dig around it, and compost it.” Jesus is the one who, seeing the earth with love, came to ask for the postponement of the wrath of GodWhat would the Jewish people suffer if they did not repent of their sins?

Therefore, Jesus took it upon himself to fertilize that land, to provide them with teachings, signs, miracles, wonders, so that they could repent, and bear those fruits longed for by God.

But in keeping with his word he is unstoppable: “And if it bears fruit, fine; and if not, he will cut it down later”

The Jews received what they deserved, because they did not produce the requested fruit, and after the death of Jesus, 40 years passed and they destroyed Jerusalem, in addition to a great mortality, product of the lash received by the Romans, dispersing the survivors, among the other nations.

In today’s world, Jesus dying on the cross is evidence of the extended time to train and fertilize all people on earth, and together with the Holy Spirit, he is looking for each believer and non-believer to come to genuine repentance.

«Christ is the one who died; even more, he who also rose, he who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us “(Romans 8: 34)

The history of the Jewish people is evidence of this parable, which It shows a patient God full of love, but also a God who is just in his words. Here Jesus warns that there will be a final judgment, and repentance is the best option before it.

Own decision: to be a barren fig tree or full of fruit

The parable of the barren fig tree He comes to reveal the beautiful patience of God to his creation, in giving them an opportunity to repent and that his love is tangible by forgiving them. But he, in turn, shows seriousness in fulfilling his Word, and that by not getting what he longs for from his creation, once the time is up, they will receive his reward.

evidencing how vulnerable human beings are, having no control over the events that may come to them. And for this reason, Jesus gives notice of how convenient it is to be on the right side: to repent, while you have the opportunity.

It is to make people understand that they cannot abuse God’s patience and goodness, while waiting for its fruits. Well, it is He who has the times in his hands, and not man, so he cannot schedule his repentance date, if he has been given the opportunity to do so.

This message it is also for believerswho attend church, who read the Bible, who pray, but who may not be bearing the fruit expected by God: repentance, which refers to changing their actions, their mentality, doing things that are leading them to evil way, forgetting the correct teaching.

Finally, it can be said that Being a fig tree in the vineyard of God will receive the help of Jesuswhich with its nutrients will cause the growth of the fruits of the Spirit that it needs: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Galatians 5:22-23)

But it is the decision of the people, to take advantage of the preparation time in the vineyard, because nobody knows their time on earth. And it is God who gives time, so that everyone can bear fruit:

“…but is patient with us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2nd Peter 3: 9) evidencing that his desire is that no one be lost, and do not be that barren fig tree.

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