Methuselah – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Genesis 5:21-27.

Methuselah (Heb. Methûshâlaj or Methûshelaj, perhaps “man who is sent”; Gr. Mathousála, perhaps “man with the javelin”). Antediluvian patriarch of the line of Set. He was the son of Enoch and was the father of Lamech. His age of 969 years is the oldest recorded for any other man (Gen 5:21-27; Luk 3:37).

Source: Evangelical Bible Dictionary

descendant of Seth, son of Enoch and father of Lamech, whom he fathered when he was one hundred and eighty-seven years old. He is the oldest man in the OT, he lived nine hundred and twelve years, Gn 5, 21-27.

Digital Bible Dictionary, Grupo C Service & Design Ltda., Colombia, 2003

Source: Digital Bible Dictionary

(Heb., methushelah, man with the javelin). A descendant of Set before the flood. He died at 969 years of age, in the same year as the flood (Gen 5:22-27). He was the son of Enoch and the father of Lamech (Gen 5:21, Gen 5:25).

Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary


Son of Enoch and father of Lamech. He lived 969 years, Gen 5:21-27.

Christian Bible Dictionary
Dr. J. Dominguez

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

(man with the javelin). Son of †¢Enoch. Being one hundred and eighty-seven years old he fathered †¢ Lamech and then lived another seven hundred and eighty-two years (Gen 5: 21-27). A total of nine hundred and sixty-nine years. The oldest man on record. He appears in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 3:37).

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary


vet, (prob. sig.: “man with the javelin”). Son of Enoch and father of Lamech, descendant of Seth (Gen. 5:21-27). This patriarch, grandfather of Noah, was the oldest of all the people mentioned in the Bible.

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Antediluvian Patriarch to whom the Bible attributes the longest age of the Patriarchs (969 years) (Gen. 5.25), evidently in the symbolic key in which the genealogy of the first successors of Adam is written.

Pedro Chico González, Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy, Editorial Bruño, Lima, Peru 2006

Source: Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy

(possibly: Projectile Man).
Son of the faithful prophet Enoch, father of Lamech and grandfather of Noah. (Ge 5: 21-29; 1Ch 1: 1-4; Jud 14, 15.) he Descended from Adam through the line of Seth and belonged to the eighth human generation. (Lu 3:37, 38) He enjoyed a life span of 969 years, the longest in the Bible record, and for this reason has become proverbial. He died in 2370 BC. CE, the year the Flood began. But the Scriptures say that Methuselah “died,” not that he perished in the Flood as a result of divine execution. (Ge 5:27; see LENGTH OF LIFE.)

Source: Dictionary of the Bible

(heb. meṯûšelaḥ, apparently meaning “man of Lach”). The eighth patriarch included in the genealogy of Gn. 5. He was the son of Enoch and grandfather of Noah. He lived to the ripe old age of 969 years according to the Hebrew and the LXX (The Samaritan records 720 years). Although both appear in the LXX What Mathousalathere is no reason to suppose that meṯûšelaḥ Y meṯûšā˒ēl (Methusael, Gn. 4.18) be the same person.


Douglas, J. (2000). New Biblical Dictionary: First Edition. Miami: United Bible Societies.

Source: New Bible Dictionary

One of the Hebrew patriarchs, mentioned in Genesis 5. The word appears variously as Mathusale (1 Chron. 1,3; Lk 3,37) and Mathusala. Etymologists differ regarding the meaning of the name; Holzinger gives “javelin man” as the most likely. Hommel and many others think it means “man of Selah”, Selah being a derivative of the Babylonian word given as the title of the God Sin; while Professor Sayee attributes the name to an unintelligible Babylonian word.

The author of Genesis traces the ancestry of the patriarch through his father Enoch to Seth, a son of Adam and Eve. When his son Enoch was born, he was sixty-five years old. When Methuselah reached the great age of one hundred and eighty-seven years he became the father of Lamech. After this he lived the remarkable term of seven hundred and eighty-two years, which makes a total of nine hundred and sixty-nine years. It follows that his death occurred in the year of the Flood. There is no record of any human being who has lived as long as that, for this reason his name, Methuselah, has become synonymous with longevity.

The tendency of advanced rationalists and critics of different faiths is to completely deny the extraordinary details of the ages of the patriarchs. Catholic commentators, however, find no difficulty in accepting the words of Genesis. Certain exegetes resolve the difficulty to their own satisfaction by declaring that the year denoted by the sacred author is not equivalent to our year. In the Samaritan text, Methuselah was sixty-seven years old when Lamech was born and seven hundred and twenty when he died.

Source: Molloy, Joseph. “Methuselah.” The Catholic Encyclopaedia. Vol. 10. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911.

Translated by Luz María Hernández Medina.

Source: Catholic Encyclopedia

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