Meaning of the Armor of God. How To Use And Apply It

Here we show you the meaning of the armor of god that the warriors of the kingdom of heaven are called to use, which is made up of the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Justice, the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of Spirit. The armor that Christians must wear is a metaphor in the Bible (Ephesians 6: 10-18) that recalls the reality of spiritual battle and describes the protection available to the warriors of the Most High.

Meaning of the armor of God

Put on the armor of God, so that you can resist the plans of the devil. All Christians must know that our fight is not against the flesh, but against principalities and powers, against the authorities of darkness. So it is important that we are vigilant and protected.

Daily clothing in the armor of God can feel abstract. But with knowledge and practice, Christians can better understand and implement the habits of put on the full armor of God.

1. Belt of Truth

Some translations use a phrase like: “having girded up your loins with truth.” Loins is an uncommon word in the modern vernacular. Refers to the lower back but includes the crotch area. In ancient times, men wore long robes that made it difficult to work or fight, so they wrapped the long, draped material.

The Lord knew that our loins needed to be wrapped up in the truth. Regardless of the culture or time we live in, God has seen all the paths we have taken and how they have hurt and derailed us.

Our identity is more than our sexuality, but this is one facet of our lives that we often view as defining. The first area of ​​life that the enemy often tries to shake up is our sense of identity.

And things related to sex are easy choices for him. We need freedom regarding sexuality. We need the truth about who we are. And only our Lord Jesus knew that the Truth is what sets us free.

Truth, by its very definition, is exclusive. It means that something is true and other things are lies. The evil one is the father of lies (John 8:44). Every lie finds its origin in him.

“Every other piece of God’s armor is attached to the belt of truth. If you don’t start with the truth, you will never defeat the enemy. And Jesus said that the Word of God is true (John 17:17).”

How to apply it:

Search for the truth on a specific subject, but don’t forget to hold on to all of Scripture. Don’t just study the parts that are easy for devotional reading. Press on all the advice of the word of God. Use the word of truth as a template to guide your sentences.

2. Breastplate of Justice

Continuing with the explanation of the meaning of the armor of God we find the Breastplate of justice. Justice means being right. Sometimes the Scriptures refer to the righteousness that Christ gives us (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Sometimes the Scriptures refer to the justice that God carries out through us, as “the righteous acts of the saints” (Revelation 19:8). In the daily spiritual battle, both varieties of justice protect the heart. We need the full justice of Christ, but also the continuing justice that comes as a response to God’s gift.

The enemy tempts with all kinds of sinful entanglements, but justice protects our hearts. God’s instructions are often seen as burdens. But obedience to God is a protection for your heart from being hurt by sin.

How to apply it:

Dive in and obey the instructions of the Lord. If there is an area of ​​life that seems easily entangled in sin, ask a church leader to share some Biblical truths that might help you walk in the Lord’s plan more fully.

Ask someone you trust to pray for you if you are struggling with obedience. All Christians fight, but no one is destined to fight alone. We are easy targets for the enemy when we do not obey God.

3. Gospel of peace

Peace is an attribute of the person and character of the Lord (Galatians 5:22). In Greek, peace means unity or wholeness. The gospel, which means good news, is the forgiveness of sins and access to and unity with God through faith in Christ. This unity with the Lord produces peace.

Ephesians repeatedly reminds us to “stand firm.” One of the easiest ways for the enemy to succeed in shaking us off our feet is to tempt us with worry. When we carry anxiety and worry with us, they rob us of peace. But the gospel of peace keeps our feet anchored and firm.

How to apply it:

  • Ask the Lord daily to remind you of his gospel work on his behalf.
  • Establish your security and identity in his work and not in yours.
  • Surround yourself with Scriptures that speak about the truth of your place with Christ in your heart. And remove the information that robs you of your sense of safety in christ.

4. Shield of Faith

When Paul wrote this passage, Roman soldiers carried shields covered with heavy animal skin. Before a battle, they would submerge their shields in water so that when the fiery darts hit them, the wet skin would extinguish the darts.

Similarly, a Christian’s shield of faith must be regularly dipped into the water of God’s word to be replenished and fully functional, for “faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

How to apply it:

  • If your faith is poor, ask the Lord to increase your faith in prayer (Mark 9:24).
  • Find verses that feed your faith and fill your world with them.
  • Put your faith in God’s character, not in a circumstance.

5. Helmet of Salvation

Salvation comes the moment we trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus as the payment for our sin. The helmet of salvation (like the breastplate of righteousness) rests on Christ’s work to save us, but it also involves us as we journey with the Lord and allow Him to work that salvation into every part of our thoughts.

The battlefield of our mind is the main place where the spiritual battle is fought. The Lord works his liberating truth into our perspectives while the enemy fights for the strongholds that bind us (John 10:10).

How to apply it:

  • Surrender thoughts that do not align with Scripture.
  • Wash your mind with the renewal of the Word of God. As Romans 12:2 says: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

6. Sword of the Spirit

When speaking of the sword of the spirit, reference is made to the word of God. And it is the only armor that is both defensive and offensive. “When we are tempted, the most effective weapon that God has given us as believers is the sword of the Spirit, which is his word.

“Jesus modeled this so beautifully during his temptation in the desert. When the devil tested him, Jesus used the sword of the Spirit (Luke 4:1–13).” When the devil tempted him three times, Jesus responded with the truth of God’s word, each time.

I hope you have internalized What does the armor of God mean?It is a wonderful tool that we can use to protect ourselves and defend ourselves from the enemy. Our god is so merciful that he has left us the way to fight against the temptations and traps of the devil. He knows everything, and he knows that we will go through tests, for this reason, he has armed our spiritual defense.

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