Lidia a saleswoman who loved God

I am very excited to write to you today the story of Lydia, a saleswoman who loved God, who lived in the time of Paul in a city called Philippi, located in what is now the country of Greece.

She was originally from a city called Thyatira, from the region called Lidia (like the name of our protagonist). Today that territory belongs to Turkey.

This story is written in only 4 Bible verses, but it shows us a lot about the life of this valuable woman. This is the passage:

“One Saturday, we went to the riverbank, on the outskirts of the city. We thought that the Jews used to gather there to pray. Upon arrival we sat down and talked to the women who gathered in the place. One of those who listened to us was called Lidia, a woman who honored God. She was from the city of Thyatira and she sold very fine purple cloth. The Lord made Lydia pay close attention to Pablo, and when she and her entire family were baptized, she begged us, “If you think I am a faithful follower of the Lord, come stay at my house.” And she convinced us.

As soon as Paul and Silas got out of jail, they went to Lydia’s house. There they saw the members of the church and encouraged them to continue trusting in Jesus. Then Paul and Silas left the city.” Acts 16:13-15, 40 TLA

Let’s analyze Lidia a saleswoman who loved God

1.- Lydia was not Jewish.

In Thyatira, his hometown worshiped the sun. However, there was a Jewish community there and that was how she had her first contact with God.

2.- Lidia was a hard-working business woman.

His business was to sell very fine purple fabrics. Surely she learned to dye fabrics in Thyatira, a place where they dedicated themselves to working purple. It was a fabric dye made from the shell of a mollusk and later from the root of a plant.

Purple-dyed fabrics were very fine, therefore very expensive. It is understood that rich women, royalty or aristocracy, bought them. So, we thought that Lidia was financially prosperous.

3.- Lydia was a woman who worshiped God.

In Philippi there was no church to congregate, so they gathered by the river to pray with other women. That’s where Paul came to preach the gospel of Jesus.

4.- Lydia was chosen by God.

The version I quoted above says that “The Lord made Lydia pay close attention to Paul,” but other versions say that “the Lord opened her heart” to pay attention to the preaching.

God prepared everything so that Lydia would have an encounter with the risen Jesus and receive salvation. He sent Paul to that place, because he had already disposed of this woman’s heart.

5.- Lidia was a woman of influence.

Not only did she accept Christ into her heart and was baptized, but she spoke to her family and they also believed and were baptized. At that time, when we talk about family, we don’t just refer to blood relatives, but to all the employees who served in the business.

6.- Lidia was a hospitable woman.

He convinced Paul and Silas to stay at his house and stay there as long as necessary. She did not know them before, she knew that they were men of God when listening to her preaching. That was enough for her to be willing to serve them in her home.

7. Lydia put her resources at the service of God.

He opened the doors of his house so that believers could congregate there. His house became the first church in Philippi. (v. 40).

I would dare to think that Lidia was one of the first pastors of the church. Perhaps she was left in charge after Paul and Silas left town. Well, the latter is not in the Bible, I only imagine it, eh?

How is Lydia like us?

I find many similarities with the life of Lidia, a saleswoman who loved God, with that of any of the promise hunters:

– We are not Jewish.

— We worship God.

— We are workers. There are many hunters that sell something: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, food, accessories or any other product.

— God chose us because He touched our hearts to believe the gospel and be saved.

— We are also influential in our family. We all want our children, our parents, and everyone close to us to know Christ.

As for the last two points which are hospitality and service to God, it is a personal decision.

At that time, the world was made up of men and we see that Lidia, a saleswoman who loved God, was a successful business woman and a faithful servant of Jesus Christ.

You and I have everything in our favor to be successful in our work (whatever it may be) and to put ourselves at the service of God according to the gifts that He has given us.

I pray that the testimony of this precious kingdom woman inspires us to serve her with all our hearts.

Beautiful friend, if you liked this message, share it on your social networks with the pink buttons at the end of the post. If you leave your comment, I will be very happy to greet you.

May God keep you and support you in everything you do, your friend,

Lydia E. Cames

Follow us on twitter: @RainbowPromises

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