Jesus Christ at the wedding in Cana… place where Jesus turns water into wine, reflection

Text: John 2:1-12. Text to memorize John 2:4 “Jesus said to her: What do you have with me, woman? My hour has not yet come”

The wine at the wedding at Cana is turned into water, introduction

This event, when Jesus turns the water into wine at the wedding in Cana reaffirms that this miracle testifies to the divinity of Jesus; Furthermore, it emphasizes that in Jesus there is a transforming power. Jesus is with his disciples at the wedding in Cana in Galilee, precisely the town where Nathanael originated, and he performs this powerful event that serves to illustrate in a practical way that Jesus is God.
Dear (as), I hope that meditating on this passage of scripture will be a great blessing in our lives, since only Christ can change our hearts.


Jesus turns water into wine, the first miracle at the wedding at Cana

The word Cana means “cane” this place is the scene of this great first miracle performed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Cana de Galilee is the hometown of Nathanael, located about thirteen kilometers from Nazareth, “Cana de Galilee” is specified to distinguish it from another “Cana” located southwest of Tyre.

This account of the wedding at Cana and when Jesus turns water into wine is unique to John the evangelist, it is not found in the other gospels, it is possible that the reason the teacher went to “Cana” had to do with the invitation that had been made for him to attend with his disciples, his mother and his brothers.

We can appreciate that Jesus did not refuse the invitation that was made to the wedding at Cana, this indicates that he was related to the people, also with his presence he honored the couple, thus confirming that marriage is honorable before God.

The biblical writer reflects that in this place of “Cana” a wedding party was being celebrated in which Mary, mother of Jesus, was. In Palestine, celebrating an activity like this was a very special occasion, Jewish law specified that the wedding of a virgin should be celebrated on Wednesday, this celebration lasted more than one day and took place in the afternoon, according to the sacred text The names of the bride and groom at the wedding at Cana are not mentioned, but it is reaffirmed that the teacher was present at this act.


When the wine ran out, Jesus turns the water into wine at the wedding at Cana

At a Jewish festival, wine was special “without wine, the rabbis said there can be no joy” it’s not that people got drunk, drunkenness looked bad and it wasn’t frequent, because two parts of wine were mixed with three parts of water .

For the bride and groom, the lack of wine at their wedding was a humiliating act, it could be considered an insult to the guests and the hosts would have been socially ruined, which explains why the mother of Jesus tells him they have no wine and he replies: ” What do you have with me, woman? My hour has not yet come”, but we know that in the end Jesus turns water into wine.

The above, some critics consider that this expression was very discourteous, but let us remember that it is the same word that is used in John 19:26 when he is on the cross addressing Mary by entrusting it to the beloved disciple, it was an expression of respect, let’s observe the Her attitude, addressing those who served at the wedding in Cana, told them: “Do everything I tell you.”

Maria was aware that the Lord Jesus Christ could make up for the lack of wine in some way. It is true that there is no reason to suppose that Jesus had performed any miracle before; but on the other hand we must keep in mind that the mother of Jesus could not have forgotten his miraculous birth and the words that the angel Gabriel had manifested about him.

In verse 6 the sacred writer refers, that there were six stone jars for water in the place where the wedding of Cana was celebrated, prepared for the rite of purification of the Jews; in each of them fit between 50 and 60 liters of water. Jesus gives the order “Fill these jars with water and fill them to the top”.

The jars were used in the rites of external purification, it is evident that these jars were old, very used and probably they had been kept apart somewhere, it is possible that when the guests at the wedding in Cana arrived, no one noticed them, according to the story of the text it leads us that it was a poor family.


Jars of water turned into wine, Jesus turns water into wine, as it is missing at the wedding at Cana

John is writing this gospel for the Greeks, it is for this reason that he explains that the wedding jars at Cana were only used to store the water that was used in the purification rites of the Jews, he expresses this detail so that it is known that Jesus had ordered that the jars be filled to the brim with water and that no other element be used.

Later he gives the order that they take him to the steward, and when he tasted the water he was amazed that the water had turned into wine. The steward immediately calls the groom to tell him that he had done the opposite of what was normally done, since the inferior wine was given first and the best one was given later, since it was practice that the best wine was given first, so the miracle is performed when the Lord turned water into wine.


Jesus turns water into wine, practical application

The bridegroom of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ, it is for this reason that you and I must be prepared, remembering that he comes to bring a bride (Church) according to Ephesians 5:27 “In order to present her to himself a glorious church, which had no spots or wrinkles or anything like that, but was holy and without blemish.”

The first miracle shows one of the reasons why Jesus came to offer us abundant life, this abundance refers to the grace of God, what the law could not achieve, Jesus does. Through Jesus Christ, grace is copious, sacrificing his life so that we reach eternal life and thus have joy, joy and forgiveness.

Jesu s’ intervention in difficulties always has the purpose of revealing his glory and fullness of God’s grace, thinking of the teacher as the solution to a difficulty and looking at that situation as an end in itself, is having a very poor concept who Jesus Christ is, in this text the divinity and majesty of the great king is revealed to us and we must never lose sight of his greatness and glory.

The six stone jars represent incomplete and imperfect Jewish law. Jesus came to put an end to the imperfections of the law and to put in their place the new wine of the gospel of grace from him that we have been reached by him, remembering that he is the source of the joy of joy.

Only those who serve him know where the wine came from, and only those of us who serve him will see his miracles with our own eyes. The wedding wine at Cana is the joy of the Spirit within his church.

When Jesus turns water into wine, the following can be said:

1) Israel lacked spiritual wine, there was a spiritual decline in God’s people, and when they found themselves in this situation Jesus turns water into wine that represents the joy of God’s Holy Spirit.

2) Mary’s words when she said “do everything I tell you” indicate that if we want to see the wonders of God we must obey his word and we will see the glory of God, the miracles of God in our lives, just like when Jesus turns water into wine.

3) The empty jars need to be filled for the miracle to occur, many are empty and need to be filled with the word of God and the joy of the Spirit will flow within them. Jesus turned water into wine, but he can also turn your emptiness or sadness into joy in the Holy Spirit.

4) The room master tasted the wine, after Jesus turned the water into wine, without knowing where it came from, that is, only those who serve Jesus Christ realize where the miracles come from, since they are witnesses of the wonders of the Lord.

5) The good wine reserved for the end was the best of the weddings at Cana, God will always do the best, no matter the moment, God makes things perfect. Jesus turned water into wine, the best wine, Jesus can also do the best for you.

Jesus turns water into wine, conclusion

In conclusion, dear brothers and sisters, how important it is to reflect and understand that when Jesus is in the life of the believer there are changes. For those at the wedding at Cana, the presence of the teacher was exceptional and for us it must be greater. In these texts that we studied, John reflects how the first miracle performed by the teacher was, for Jesus turns water into wine, and in this way This way shows that Jesus is God.

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