How We Should Pray and Praise God The Right Way! – Faithful to God

The life of Christian people takes place in very harsh, arid environments and sometimes without spiritual incentives, however, we should pray and praise Godto recognize him and obtain from him the strength to follow his path.

When we pray and praise God, we are ready to listen to him, to speak to him and, above all, to follow his directions, since it is the human heart and soul that make a pact with the Holy Father.

So, let’s learn to pray and, so that it is a strengthened bond in the good and bad experiences that we have to live. Let us also learn to take the necessary time to Enjoy your warm company.

How we should pray and praise God The right way!

To pray we need to be willing to give ourselves to deep reflection on the reason why we ask for God’s company. On the other hand, to praise means to praise, honor, exalt and other concepts that magnify God.

Both go together when we want to show our thanks to heavenly father for the life that we had to go through. Let’s see in detail what each one means and how to do it.

How we should pray and praise God How to pray?

Prayer is a very particular way of having a conversation with God.; because in it unimaginable feelings will emerge that make us experience feelings of recollection, consolation, joy and others.

What we are going to present to you is not a line, but yes, there are some imperative actions that should not be missing when you pray alone or accompanied:

  1. You must be willing to pray, it is about the internal call that God makes you to spend some time in prayer.
  2. When you pray, you need to recognize God as the Supreme Being who directs our lives and has the power to give us what we ask for with our hearts, if so willing.
  3. Present the requests with humility, explaining why you think they need to be met; Although God knows them, it is not irrelevant that he is the sincere heart the one who speaks for us.
  4. Ask for forgiveness of our own sins and of our brothers, because just as we forgive others for their offenses, we will be forgiven by God. This leads to repentance for the evil committed, to redeem our guilt, which generates a deep change to overcome evil.
  5. We give thanks for allowing us to express the feelings of the heart, and hope for the fulfillment of the request, we must also make wishes for new Christian purposes.

Why should we pray?

Because this is what Jesus commands, who prayed to his Father and left us the mandate of prayer for ever and ever. In this sense, it is good to remember that prayer was vital for Jesus, as the gospels of the apostles Mark, Matthew, Luke and Saint John.

Let’s relive some moments of the prayer in the life of Jesus.

  • Mark 1,21: Jesus participates in the prayer in the synagogue on Saturdays.
  • Mark 1, 35-46: Jesus prayed many times alone at dawn and in secluded and quiet places like the hills.
  • Mark 15, 34: In his moments of agony on the cross, Jesus prayed to his Father before he died.
  • Matthew 6, 5-8: Jesus teaches about prayer in few words and sincerely.
  • Luke 3,21: Jesus at his baptism prayed to his Father.
  • Luke 11, 1-2: Jesus teaches his disciples to pray. He teaches them the Our Father prayer.
  • John 11, 41-42: Before raising Lazarus, Jesus prays to the Father to thank him.

As you can see, the oportion in the life of Jesus He was present at all times, places and circumstances.

How to praise God?

When we pray we also praise, and when we praise, we are filled with joy and gladness for the presence of the holy father in our lives.

To praise God we can be guided by what Psalms 150 tell us, which explains the why of the praise, the place to praise and the with which to praise.

Why praise there are many reasons and circumstances. From the place, it can be wherever you want and it is required without delay and with joy. Finally, of the what with, refers to the songs, dances and the sound of instruments.

Why praise God?

We praise God because he too recognizes us as his children, because it keeps its promises and, above all, because it protects us from evil.

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